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Why not post your political lean? (1 Viewer)


*probably reading smut*
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Mar 25, 2010
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
When people choose "undisclosed" as their political lean....why? Do they just not know? They don't want to be stereotyped by it?
In my case, I chose nothing. I didn't actually choose "undisclosed." That came up by itself. I assume that's the same for others.

I chose nothing because "Heinleinian" wasn't a choice. :)
When people choose "undisclosed" as their political lean....why? Do they just not know? They don't want to be stereotyped by it?

The reason is that it doesn't matter what your political lean is here. People will call you when they think you are, regardless of what you call yourself. If you are left of them, they will call you a liberal or leftist, even if you describe yourself as moderate; if you are right of them, they will call you a right winger or conservative, even if you describe yourself as centrist.

This site has a lot of political hackery on it and the leans are just part of the mudslinging contests.

I also chose to have no lean since I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with people all over the map, all the time. I'd rather just let my views take me where they will, instead of trying to conform to a label.
The reason is that it doesn't matter what your political lean is here. People will call you when they think you are, regardless of what you call yourself. If you are left of them, they will call you a liberal or leftist, even if you describe yourself as moderate; if you are right of them, they will call you a right winger or conservative, even if you describe yourself as centrist.

This site has a lot of political hackery on it and the leans are just part of the mudslinging contests.

I also chose to have no lean since I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with people all over the map, all the time. I'd rather just let my views take me where they will, instead of trying to conform to a label.

But, do you have a foundation at all?
In my case, I chose nothing. I didn't actually choose "undisclosed." That came up by itself. I assume that's the same for others.

I chose nothing because "Heinleinian" wasn't a choice. :)

As in, Konrad Henlein?
When people choose "undisclosed" as their political lean....why? Do they just not know? They don't want to be stereotyped by it?

From what I have observed, nearly all the "Undisclosed" people are liberals that are too embarrassed to admit it. If I were of the progressive persuasion, I probably wouldn't admit it either.
But, do you have a foundation at all?

I don't even know anymore, to be honest. Every year I think I know and then the next year I change my mind. I just fly by the seat of my pants these days.

I would just call myself independent at this point.
From what I have observed, nearly all the "Undisclosed" people are liberals that are too embarrassed to admit it. If I were of the progressive persuasion, I probably wouldn't admit it either.

A perfect example of what I was talking about earlier, Mellie. This type of thinking is epidemic on DP.
I don't even know anymore, to be honest. Every year I think I know and then the next year I change my mind. I just fly by the seat of my pants these days.

I would just call myself independent at this point.

Wow. A true man on the bandwagon.
When people choose "undisclosed" as their political lean....why? Do they just not know? They don't want to be stereotyped by it?

I think mine says undisclosed, I won't be sure 'til this posts. But I just figured that people would form their own conclusions. I consider myself to be conservative, though I fully support the new healthcare bill. So, go figure. I like to think that means I'm my own person, deciding issues strictly on their merits rather than what a label would indicate. (Maybe I also chose "nothing," I just don't remember.

But what difference should a label make? Liberals aren't all wrong. Neither are conservatives. If one continually sides with liberal or conservative ideology, I don't think they're using their noodle.
When people choose "undisclosed" as their political lean....why? Do they just not know? They don't want to be stereotyped by it?

I just don't find them useful.
In my case, I chose nothing. I didn't actually choose "undisclosed." That came up by itself. I assume that's the same for others.

I chose nothing because "Heinleinian" wasn't a choice. :)

I think I can grok what you are saying.
I didn't choose a lean because I believe the way the political ideology of Islamism is affecting our perceptions is resulting in almost a paradigm shift in the meaning of the terms. If a person is an actual liberal, they would denounce Islamism strenuously because in every way possible it is the most benightedly illiberal political philosophy on the planet, yet far too many who describe themselves as "liberal" these days are little more than useful idiots voicing opinions little different from the Arab street, defending anything associated with Islam and harboring the same hatreds for western society and Jews as the Islamists.

I decided to leave my lean blank accordingly.
Posting a political lean is just trying to force an amorphous shape into a neat and tidy package and serves no purpose other than to unnecessarily box my beliefs into a pigeon hole that does not really fit, and then have that that forced labeling potentially detract from the argument at hand. All too often around here time is spent with labels and attacking them instead of the arguments. I choose not to fuel the desire in some to revert to knuckle dragging mudslinging based on some preconceived labeling, and their expectations of that label.

We are not here to debate labels, we are here to debate topics, and my position on various topics varies and does not conform to any one label, why should I try to force a triangle into the star shaped hole when I am neither and would prefer to just pull the damn ball open at the seam.


edit for Heinlen homage: I do not grok why a forced categorization matters.
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When people choose "undisclosed" as their political lean....why? Do they just not know? They don't want to be stereotyped by it?

I don't choose one because I find there is more than one way to skin a cat.
I didn't choose a lean because I believe the way the political ideology of Islamism is affecting our perceptions is resulting in almost a paradigm shift in the meaning of the terms. If a person is an actual liberal, they would denounce Islamism strenuously because in every way possible it is the most benightedly illiberal political philosophy on the planet, yet far too many who describe themselves as "liberal" these days are little more than useful idiots voicing opinions little different from the Arab street, defending anything associated with Islam and harboring the same hatreds for western society and Jews as the Islamists.

I decided to leave my lean blank accordingly.


{Blink blink.} :eek:

Dude. :mrgreen:
Because it doesn't matter what you put people will call you whatever. I mean look at our libertarians. Many of them are called something by the left and something else by the right.

{Blink blink.} :eek:

Dude. :mrgreen:

Yeah I'm not really sure what's going on there. What's an "Islamist?" Are there "Christianists?"

While generally liberal, my "lean" depends greatly on the issue. Plus, simple liberal/conservative isn't a very good way to measure people's thinking in general, it's way too simplistic. I also don't want my posts to be pre-judged based on some label, so I left it blank.
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I think the lean gives people a starting point to post off of.

And people like Duece lean so far left that left doesn't cover his lean...
I can't figure out why anyone even cares. I never notice what anyone's "lean" is since it really doesn't matter. I read their posts and reply to them according to what's posted. The poster's "lean" is irrelevant.

As for why I didn't pick one, 1) I don't like boxes and I fail to see the point of them and 2) I don't fit into any of said boxes.
From what I have observed, nearly all the "Undisclosed" people are liberals that are too embarrassed to admit it. If I were of the progressive persuasion, I probably wouldn't admit it either.


You just called Harshaw and MaggieD liberals, just in this thread....

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