And to you as well, Winston - saw you viewing my thread, so thought I'd apologize to you too (what follows is the contents of a pm I sent to others - tried to send to you, but your inbox was full):
I would like to apologize for my OP in the Economics forum today (Reagan vs. Obama - Social Economics 101).... After viewing a certain person's response video, I now realize I acted too hastily by posting my original video... I was wrong - it was a stupid thing to do (should do more research before I post out of passion/emotion)....
Hope you have a great Holiday Season and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.
I would like to apologize for my OP in the Economics forum today (Reagan vs. Obama - Social Economics 101).... After viewing a certain person's response video, I now realize I acted too hastily by posting my original video... I was wrong - it was a stupid thing to do (should do more research before I post out of passion/emotion)....
Hope you have a great Holiday Season and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.