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Would you feel "safe" using this bathroom? (1 Viewer)

Would you feel safe?

  • I'm a woman - no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a woman - truly depends on how badly I need to go

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast - USA
Political Leaning
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

(poll choices being created now)

As long as they had individual stalls, I'd be fine with it.
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:

would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

Does it have a toilet with a seat, and toilet paper? If so, that is all I ask, and more than I have gotten on occasion.
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

What's the inside of the bathroom look like? I've used unisex bathrooms before.
Is it clean or does it look like some greasy spoon truck stop toilet that needed to be flooded with Javel 20 years ago?
Yeah. I've never felt at risk using unisex bathrooms, or at events where the bathrooms are undifferentiated.
Signs like this really just highlight the issue, although I don't necessarily disagree with it.

Unisex bathrooms have been around a long time. Whats wrong with a sign that just says "Bathroom" or "Rest Room" without any gender symbolism or specifications (Assuming lockable single occupant/family bathroom)? It will no longer be an issue when everyone stops treating it like an issue. My personal opinion is that going out of the way to advertise trans friendly bathrooms does as much to fan the flames as put them out, even though I agree in principle.
I have no problem with unisex bathrooms.

I've encountered them frequently during the course of my life.
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

I'd feel safe, as long as there's individual stalls, and roach-free. Emphasis on the roach-free.
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What's the inside of the bathroom look like? I've used unisex bathrooms before.

So many jokes possible, so little time...
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

It's a bathroom. What's there to feel "safe" or "unsafe"?
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

MAybe a little nervouse about being run over, but otherwise? Who cares?
As long as no blind guy is pointing my directions I'm OK.
Yes, that is pretty much how all residential and unisex commercial restrooms are used - they simply lack that "scary" sign. ;)
I just don't want to watch all those embarrassed guys trying to hide their penises.

You know? You probably hit a nail on the head with that one.
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

I feel safe anywhere if I'm armed.
Does it have a toilet with a seat, and toilet paper? If so, that is all I ask, and more than I have gotten on occasion.

I would like what you would like, except I want a heated seat and one of those bide things with adjustable heat levels for the ultimate in clean. Oh and nice Muzak track playing.

As for the op I don't care. I have crapped in far worse places. If its clean it works for me.
If you had to use the bathroom in a public building/venue, and you came across this sign at the entrance:


would you feel "safe" entering and doing your business?

Of course I would, since I suspect any such facility would be a one-person lock-up toilet.
I would like what you would like, except I want a heated seat and one of those bide things with adjustable heat levels for the ultimate in clean. Oh and nice Muzak track playing.

As for the op I don't care. I have crapped in far worse places. If its clean it works for me.

The bidet thing I prefer to avoid. I tend towards using wrong buttons/levers.

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