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Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is dangerous (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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My main problem with Alex is that she represents a direct threat to the United States economy. When thinking of Alex I am always reminded of George McGovern, the Democrat nominee for president that got trounced by Richard Nixon.

McGovern left politics to start a Bed and Breakfast. This is a direct quote about his failed experience:

In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of such a business, especially during a recession of the kind that hit New England just as I was acquiring the inn’s 43-year leasehold. I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had had this firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. senator and a more understanding presidential contender.


IMO AOC is even more dangerous than McGovern and Bernie Sanders. Has she honestly even balanced her own bank account? It doesn't seem like it. She didn't even have enough money to rent an apartment in Washington D.C.

Someone that has never even come close to running a business yet spends frivolously on designer clothing... that's dangerous, especially someone that was raised in an affluent neighborhood and family. Even Bernie Sanders and McGovern had kids to raise. They at least have some idea what it takes to balance a budget.

Here is a recent tweet by her:

People are going to die if we don’t start addressing climate change ASAP.

It’s not enough to think it’s “important.” We must make it urgent


You heard it. People are going to die if we don't start addressing climate change!

Here is another one:

To this end, Alex will advocate for legislation such as the Equality Act, which would expand existing civil rights law to make discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity illegal. As we advocate for Universal Healthcare, we must also do more to provide affordable healthcare coverage that is gender-affirming and conscientious of the unique medical struggles faced by LGBTQIA+ patients. The issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community are not isolated from the issues facing many of us regarding race and class.


What is she talking about it? Civil Rights already apply to the LGBTQ. Why is she advocating create new civil rights?

Someone like Alex only has knowledge about the U.S economy and politics through the classroom. She is an academic with little life experience trying to promote broad political theories into law. In reality, her proposals are quite radical. They are disconnected from reality and only would benefit a minority of the population.
My main problem with Alex is that she represents a direct threat to the United States economy. When thinking of Alex I am always reminded of George McGovern, the Democrat nominee for president that got trounced by Richard Nixon.

McGovern left politics to start a Bed and Breakfast. This is a direct quote about his failed experience:


IMO AOC is even more dangerous than McGovern and Bernie Sanders. Has she honestly even balanced her own bank account? It doesn't seem like it. She didn't even have enough money to rent an apartment in Washington D.C.

Someone that has never even come close to running a business yet spends frivolously on designer clothing... that's dangerous, especially someone that was raised in an affluent neighborhood and family. Even Bernie Sanders and McGovern had kids to raise. They at least have some idea what it takes to balance a budget.

Here is a recent tweet by her:


You heard it. People are going to die if we don't start addressing climate change!

Here is another one:


What is she talking about it? Civil Rights already apply to the LGBTQ. Why is she advocating create new civil rights?

Someone like Alex only has knowledge about the U.S economy and politics through the classroom. She is an academic with little life experience trying to promote broad political theories into law. In reality, her proposals are quite radical. They are disconnected from reality and only would benefit a minority of the population.

What makes you think she hasn't balanced her own bank account? Or balanced a budget? Seems like you are assuming an awful lot about her.
I am really starting to love just how much of a distraction Ocasio-Cortez has become for the Far Right. :) She hasn't even taken office yet as one of 435 Representatives and already the Far Right is up in arms against her. :lol:
I am really starting to love just how much of a distraction Ocasio-Cortez has become for the Far Right. :) She hasn't even taken office yet as one of 435 Representatives and already the Far Right is up in arms against her. :lol:

It's a brown woman. For them, things don't get any worse.
What makes you think she hasn't balanced her own bank account? Or balanced a budget? Seems like you are assuming an awful lot about her.

She complains about not having enough money to rent an apartment. That's pathetic. Where is her emergency fund? Most people her age should have six months salary saved up.

And she lives in New York where rent is at the highest but is complaining about Dc?
I am really starting to love just how much of a distraction Ocasio-Cortez has become for the Far Right. :) She hasn't even taken office yet as one of 435 Representatives and already the Far Right is up in arms against her. :lol:

I know.

Somehow a 29 year old first term Congressperson is the epitome of all evil... and she hasn’t done anything yet.

The canniptions over her soundbite interviews are hilarious, too. Apparently saying they want to move to single payer health is not allowed unless you have a thousand page report at the ready to back it up.
What makes you think she hasn't balanced her own bank account? Or balanced a budget? Seems like you are assuming an awful lot about her.

Bartenders make 40-60k a year. That's good money with about 20-30 of that not counting towards her income.
She complains about not having enough money to rent an apartment. That's pathetic. Where is her emergency fund? Most people her age should have six months salary saved up.

And she lives in New York where rent is at the highest but is complaining about Dc?

I don't know anyone her age with six months salary saved. And I wonder how many other congressmen had that at her age.

Also, did you consider that maybe complaining about not having enough money to rent an apartment in Washington D.C. is a political move to ingratiate herself with the working class?
I am really starting to love just how much of a distraction Ocasio-Cortez has become for the Far Right. :) She hasn't even taken office yet as one of 435 Representatives and already the Far Right is up in arms against her. :lol:

Well if Pelosi retires from the speakership, they'll be needing a new candidate for the mantel of evil incarnate. The prudent nubjob looks for candidates to fill the vacancy, just in case.
I know.

Somehow a 29 year old first term Congressperson is the epitome of all evil... and she hasn’t done anything yet.

The canniptions over her soundbite interviews are hilarious, too. Apparently saying they want to move to single payer health is not allowed unless you have a thousand page report at the ready to back it up.

Transitioning to a national single-payer system would be a massive undertaking and would need a step-by-step plan for getting it up and running. But it's not as if the Far Right has any kind of credibility when it comes to demanding such a thing.
It's a brown woman. For them, things don't get any worse.
Stop race/color baiting.
This has not a damn thing to do with her race or the color of her skin.
My main problem with Alex is that she represents a direct threat to the United States economy. When thinking of Alex I am always reminded of George McGovern, the Democrat nominee for president that got trounced by Richard Nixon.

McGovern left politics to start a Bed and Breakfast. This is a direct quote about his failed experience:


IMO AOC is even more dangerous than McGovern and Bernie Sanders. Has she honestly even balanced her own bank account? It doesn't seem like it. She didn't even have enough money to rent an apartment in Washington D.C.

Someone that has never even come close to running a business yet spends frivolously on designer clothing... that's dangerous, especially someone that was raised in an affluent neighborhood and family. Even Bernie Sanders and McGovern had kids to raise. They at least have some idea what it takes to balance a budget.

Here is a recent tweet by her:


You heard it. People are going to die if we don't start addressing climate change!

Here is another one:


What is she talking about it? Civil Rights already apply to the LGBTQ. Why is she advocating create new civil rights?

Someone like Alex only has knowledge about the U.S economy and politics through the classroom. She is an academic with little life experience trying to promote broad political theories into law. In reality, her proposals are quite radical. They are disconnected from reality and only would benefit a minority of the population.

I have to agree with the bolded. If we don't address climate change and learn better ways to adapt there are going to be more deaths that possibly can be avoided. Or no?
Stop race/color baiting.
This has not a damn thing to do with her race or the color of her skin.

Stop being triggered and crying. It makes you look guilty.
My main problem with Alex is that she represents a direct threat to the United States economy. When thinking of Alex I am always reminded of George McGovern, the Democrat nominee for president that got trounced by Richard Nixon.

McGovern left politics to start a Bed and Breakfast. This is a direct quote about his failed experience:


IMO AOC is even more dangerous than McGovern and Bernie Sanders. Has she honestly even balanced her own bank account? It doesn't seem like it. She didn't even have enough money to rent an apartment in Washington D.C.

Someone that has never even come close to running a business yet spends frivolously on designer clothing... that's dangerous, especially someone that was raised in an affluent neighborhood and family. Even Bernie Sanders and McGovern had kids to raise. They at least have some idea what it takes to balance a budget.

Here is a recent tweet by her:


You heard it. People are going to die if we don't start addressing climate change!

Here is another one:


What is she talking about it? Civil Rights already apply to the LGBTQ. Why is she advocating create new civil rights?

Someone like Alex only has knowledge about the U.S economy and politics through the classroom. She is an academic with little life experience trying to promote broad political theories into law. In reality, her proposals are quite radical. They are disconnected from reality and only would benefit a minority of the population.

She peddles the idea of socialism in this country. I.E. she believes in a fantasy world.
She complains about not having enough money to rent an apartment. That's pathetic. Where is her emergency fund? Most people her age should have six months salary saved up.

And she lives in New York where rent is at the highest but is complaining about Dc?

LOL on what planet do you live?


And do you have enough income for TWO rents? That is what she is talking about here..
She peddles the idea of socialism in this country. I.E. she believes in a fantasy world.

Well, single payer/UHC which is a big issue for her only exists in every single industrialized country on the planet, which isn't much of a fantasy, more like common as dirt reality everywhere but in the U.S. If we want to see Medicare for all, we need only look to our northern neighbor, Canada, which isn't fantasy.
Well, single payer/UHC which is a big issue for her only exists in every single industrialized country on the planet, which isn't much of a fantasy, more like common as dirt reality everywhere but in the U.S. If we want to see Medicare for all, we need only look to our northern neighbor, Canada, which isn't fantasy.

Canada has only 35 million people. The U.S. has 330+ million people. Its not the same thing.
She just got a new salary of $174,000 a year and I think she has the right to splurge on some great clothes, why not? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not a threat to anyone and those that claim she is are people that have nothing else to use to defer attention away from the world shaking news of this week. The week isn't even over yet, and Germans have raided Deutsch Bank and seized all their records. Now we're talking real money, not 174k but billions upon billions of money laundering dark money.
She just got a new salary of $174,000 a year and I think she has the right to splurge on some great clothes, why not? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not a threat to anyone and those that claim she is are people that have nothing else to use to defer attention away from the world shaking news of this week. The week isn't even over yet, and Germans have raided Deutsch Bank and seized all their records. Now we're talking real money, not 174k but billions upon billions of money laundering dark money.

She's a Democrat, so she's supposed to wear rags and live in a cardboard box.

She could sleep in her office as a few Republicans did a few years back. According to the right, that's perfectly fine.
I really don't get why the right cares either. She's a little loopy and definitely out to make a name for herself, like most young freshman congress members.

The right puts a bullhorn in front of her as if they think her stuff is as bad as Trump and she can be made into a target. I honestly do get the impression that it is the Trump supporters and not the right that has issues with her, but they almost seem forced. Or maybe they are just trying to find someone they can attack like Trump brings on himself.

She speaks a little quicker than she thinks and gets all over social media, but I think we all see a big difference between when she goes off and when Trump does.

Seems like a bad plan to me if that is the idea. If she's gonna burn herself, wait till she gives good ammo and have at it. Mostly she's just been naive and she hasn't been sworn in yet or anything.
For some, sure, but I think it's her openness about her Socialist ideology that gets them most frantic.

A misinterpretation or misrepresentation of socialism and what that means in America is hardly impetus for the insanity she's stirred.

If people wanna get bunched about socialism, spare me the first term Rep. Sanders is over in the Senate with seniority. But no... we need five threads about her per day because of... socialism. I'm calling BS.
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... Most people her age should have six months salary saved up.


Although that has been a good goal through the generations, that is an extremely unrealistic statement in modern times. She's 29. Most educated 29 y/o's have debt (school loans, mortgage, children's education fund, etc.) that reduces personal emergency savings account capability.
Ocasio-Cortez hides under my bed at night to scare me. That's why I always have to clutch onto my Trump doll.

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