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Transgender policy question (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 15, 2020
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Greater Boston Area
Political Leaning
It's been noted on Twitter today that my home state's DOE has a policy that allows a public school student to use the locker room of their choice, i.e. the gender-specific locker room that they (the student) believes best matches their gender identity. The MA DOE goes further to say if other students feel uncomfortable about that, their best resource is counseling to 'foster understanding gender identity;" i.e. go to reeducation camp.


The reality remains this: the trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with other students of the same biological gender. The non-trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with students of a different biological gender. So here's the question. Why are the trans-student's needs deemed to have the priority, always?
It's been noted on Twitter today that my home state's DOE has a policy that allows a public school student to use the locker room of their choice, i.e. the gender-specific locker room that they (the student) believes best matches their gender identity. The MA DOE goes further to say if other students feel uncomfortable about that, their best resource is counseling to 'foster understanding gender identity;" i.e. go to reeducation camp.

View attachment 67387965

The reality remains this: the trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with other students of the same biological gender. The non-trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with students of a different biological gender. So here's the question. Why are the trans-student's needs deemed to have the priority, always?
Pack your bags; you're going to concentration camp.
Another bigoted "just asking questions" OP. Bigotry is so often couched in ignorance.
To be fair, for once it's a question which might genuinely puzzle tolerant people.
To be fair, for once it's a question which might genuinely puzzle tolerant people.

Spare me the bs. It's bigotry presented as "just asking questions" and if someone if too ****ing stupid to see that then try the claims of brainwashing at the end.
It's been noted on Twitter today that my home state's DOE has a policy that allows a public school student to use the locker room of their choice, i.e. the gender-specific locker room that they (the student) believes best matches their gender identity. The MA DOE goes further to say if other students feel uncomfortable about that, their best resource is counseling to 'foster understanding gender identity;" i.e. go to reeducation camp.

View attachment 67387965

The reality remains this: the trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with other students of the same biological gender. The non-trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with students of a different biological gender. So here's the question. Why are the trans-student's needs deemed to have the priority, always?

Because anything and everything the LGBTQ want is good, mmkay? Boys in the girls locker room, biological boys competing in women's sports, it's all good mmkay?

And if you're not for everything they want, that's bad, mmkay? It means you're bad, mmkay?

It's been noted on Twitter today that my home state's DOE has a policy that allows a public school student to use the locker room of their choice, i.e. the gender-specific locker room that they (the student) believes best matches their gender identity. The MA DOE goes further to say if other students feel uncomfortable about that, their best resource is counseling to 'foster understanding gender identity;" i.e. go to reeducation camp.

View attachment 67387965

The reality remains this: the trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with other students of the same biological gender. The non-trans student feels uncomfortable using a locker room with students of a different biological gender. So here's the question. Why are the trans-student's needs deemed to have the priority, always?

Just label the rooms “US” and “THEM” and let the chips fall where they may. If someone feels “discomfort” then they should try using the other room, rinse and repeat... ;)
And yet, a question you cannot seem to answer. Why is that?

The answer to your question is in your OP and you call it brainwashing. Your title is dishonest bs. You're feigning ignorance to push bigotry.
Spare me the bs. It's bigotry presented as "just asking questions" and if someone if too ****ing stupid to see that then try the claims of brainwashing at the end.
Yes, we all know what @NatMorton is like. But pretending for a moment that it was a newcomer asking, how would you answer? Should one or two trans students feel uncomfortable using the bathroom of their biological sex, or should potentially dozens of cis students feel uncomfortable using the bathroom with someone of a different biological sex, and why?
Yes, we all know what @NatMorton is like. But pretending for a moment that it was a newcomer asking, how would you answer? Should one or two trans students feel uncomfortable using the bathroom of their biological sex, or should potentially dozens of cis students feel uncomfortable using the bathroom with someone of a different biological sex, and why?
You're wasting your time with that one.
Why are the trans-student's needs deemed to have the priority, always?

Unsure that is entirely a fair characterization of the issue, I highly doubt trans-students "always" have the higher priority.

But no matter, this is not really about priority but rather coerced accommodation.

Anyone saying anything in any regard as opposition is a bigot, which is what modern liberalism is all about... lazy branding.
With all of the outcry, you'd think that Transvestites are over running the whole country. I've met two in my life. I assume that there were many others that I didn't notice, but not exactly a majority of the population. This whole subject is way overblown.
Unsure that is entirely a fair characterization of the issue, I highly doubt trans-students "always" have the higher priority.

But no matter, this is not really about priority but rather coerced accommodation.

Anyone saying anything in any regard as opposition is a bigot, which is what modern liberalism is all about... lazy branding.

Why is it unclear? See above, it literally says "in all cases." No exceptions seem permissible.

And it absolutely is about priority. In this case the needs are in conflict and are irreconcilable, so a decision must be made. The MA DOE's regulation states clearly trans-students needs must be met. The non-trans student request is not only denied in all cases, they are told, in effect, "there's something wrong with you; seek counseling."

To your last point, I agree completely.
Unsure that is entirely a fair characterization of the issue, I highly doubt trans-students "always" have the higher priority.

But no matter, this is not really about priority but rather coerced accommodation.

Anyone saying anything in any regard as opposition is a bigot, which is what modern liberalism is all about... lazy branding.
Can you quote where the policies in question, or those who developed them, 'brand' any students as bigots? The only such hyperbolic, divisive language I've seen used or quoted in this thread are from NatMorton, Ecofarm, and of course you yourself.
With all of the outcry, you'd think that Transvestites are over running the whole country. I've met two in my life. I assume that there were many others that I didn't notice, but not exactly a majority of the population. This whole subject is way overblown.
You're going to get trans-scolded for that one. Trans people are not "transvestites." Don't be such a dinosaur.
Yes, we all know what @NatMorton is like. But pretending for a moment that it was a newcomer asking, how would you answer? Should one or two trans students feel uncomfortable using the bathroom of their biological sex, or should potentially dozens of cis students feel uncomfortable using the bathroom with someone of a different biological sex, and why?

The answer is in the OP. The answer to the question is cited in the OP. The thread title question is dishonest. It's meant to re-characterize the answer (already known) as brainwashing. Do you understand this.
Sea lions and seals—what’s the difference? Sea lions, seals, and walruses are in a scientific group of mammals called pinnipeds, which means "wing foot" or "feather foot." You could probably pick out a walrus if you saw one, but how do you tell sea lions and seals apart? Sea lions and seals are marine mammals, spending a good part of each day in the ocean to find their food. They all have flippers at the end of their limbs to help them swim. Like all marine mammals, they have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm in the chilly ocean. And they all like to eat fish—lots of fish!
So what do you look at to tell “who’s who?” Look at their ears. If you see a small earflap on each side of its head, you are looking at a sea lion. Seals just have a tiny opening for their ears. The sea lion’s earflaps are turned with the opening downward so water does not enter the ears. Sea lions are also able to rotate their hind flippers forward to help them scoot along beaches and rocky shorelines. Seals cannot do this and must wriggle, hunch, roll, or slide to get around out of the water. There are six different species of sea lions. Here’s a brief overview on each:

Between that, argument from ignorance, concern trolling, and straight bigotry we get threads like this. The follow up is called something that relates only in the most irrelevant sense to the creature described above.

Add an "ing" and find out!
Maybe it's cause trans students are the ones killing themselves cause they're depressed and/or bullied all the damn time, and cis students are not experiencing the same for being cis.

Jesus Christ it's like the mere thought of potential empathy for a marginalized group sents righties into a goddamn tizzy.

Also "biological gender" isn't a thing.
I am not a Nostradamus, but this policy of letting transgenders use the locker room of their choice will not stand.

In the coming decades, the majority of Americans will come from culturally (not politically) conservative cultures.

So they will reverse this woke policy.


I read that not too many years ago, the very liberal Swedish armed forces had a policy of having men and women soldiers shower together (I kid you not). Well, some women soldiers decided that they were not ready for such a woke policy. So the armed forces agreed to put a curtain to separate the women from the men. I do not know the current policy, but I bet you dollars to donuts that even liberal Sweden has returned to separate shower rooms for men and women.
Can you quote where the policies in question, or those who developed them, 'brand' any students as bigots? The only such hyperbolic, divisive language I've seen used or quoted in this thread are from NatMorton, Ecofarm, and of course you yourself.

That's what the recommended counseling is for, to develop an "understanding" toward a person of a particular group; in this case, trans folk.
The answer is in the OP. The answer to the question is cited in the OP. The thread title question is dishonest. It's meant to re-characterize the answer (already known) as brainwashing. Do you understand this.
It's a simple question. Why not just try to answer it?
Maybe it's cause trans students are the ones killing themselves cause they're depressed and/or bullied all the damn time, and cis students are not experiencing the same for being cis.

Jesus Christ it's like the mere thought of potential empathy for a marginalized group sents righties into a goddamn tizzy.

Also "biological gender" isn't a thing.

Yup. . .

"How dare you value yourselves! A mortal insult to my place in the world, how dare you!"

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