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W. Seattle teen beaten bloody in possible hate crime (1 Viewer)

Black Dog

King Of The Dog Pound
DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2008
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SEATTLE - A 15-year-old boy from West Seattle says he was held hostage and beaten for hours, all because of the color of his skin. - W. Seattle teen beaten bloody in possible hate crime | KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington | News

Some strange things about this story...

The incident happened as Shane McClellan was walking home from a friend's house Tuesday around 2 a.m.

Shane's father says two men called to Shane from the top of a staircase near the intersection of 14th Avenue SW and SW Holden Street. The men asked for a light, and when Shane walked over to oblige, they knocked him to the ground and started kicking him.

The boy was 15 and walking home at 2:00am???? From a friends house. What is a 15 year old doing out at 2:00am????

Two guys call from a staircase at 2:00am asking for a light, and he goes to give them one???

I don't know, something very fishy about this story.

If this is true, then it's a damn shame, but as I said something aint right.
By the looks of his face and body this wasn't self induced as the infamous case of the backward "B" on the McCain supporter who said a black man did it.

Good question as to why he was out at 2AM. If real then he learned a lesson that at 2AM and two guys asks if you got a lighter you best just keep on walking.
My heart goes out to the kid, but his decisions are very questionable. I mean if he feels comfortable enough walking around Seattle at 2 in the morning he should know the places where he shouldn't be. After reading the article and some of the comments it seems like West Seattle was one of those places. And I don't know he his brain stopped working for the minute he went to give them a lighter, but you NEVER do that by yourself just in case something like this happens. I hope the kid makes a full recovery soon and they find the guys that did this to him. Then, hopefully the story will make more sense, because I agree with you as of now it seems questionable.
If this was a Black kid who was beaten by whites because of the color of his skin would you have the same doubts? Racist come in all colors and its ugly. I hope they catch these guys. btw you are right, something does seem fishy.
SEATTLE - A 15-year-old boy from West Seattle says he was held hostage and beaten for hours, all because of the color of his skin. - W. Seattle teen beaten bloody in possible hate crime | KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington | News

Some strange things about this story...

The incident happened as Shane McClellan was walking home from a friend's house Tuesday around 2 a.m.

Shane's father says two men called to Shane from the top of a staircase near the intersection of 14th Avenue SW and SW Holden Street. The men asked for a light, and when Shane walked over to oblige, they knocked him to the ground and started kicking him.

The boy was 15 and walking home at 2:00am???? From a friends house. What is a 15 year old doing out at 2:00am????

Two guys call from a staircase at 2:00am asking for a light, and he goes to give them one???

I don't know, something very fishy about this story.

If this is true, then it's a damn shame, but as I said something aint right.

I dunno. I guess that was an expensive lesson.

I have a 14yo. At 2AM he'd better be in the bed. If he's at a friend's house he'd better be in bed. If he got his ass kicked while walking the street at 2AM, once I got over my initial reaction I'd be tempted to tell him he asked for it by doing something so darn stupid!

As for the racial aspect, I didn't click on the story yet so I have no idea whether the boy is white, black, native, asian, hispanic or Martian. If it was racially motivated that's bad... but it could just as easily have been motivated by opportunism (he was there), they didn't like his clothes, they mistook him for someone else, that's "their" neighborhood and he isn't a local, money, or whatever. Whatever the motive, getting beaten to a pulp is no fun. I hope they catch the perps, but I hope the kid learned a lesson from this: don't approach strangers after dark and don't be walking home at 2AM!

Edited to add: Okay, I read the story and see what he was saying about it being racially motivated. I don't know. If the boy has whip marks on his back, cigarette burns on the back of his neck... that sounds like it might have happened like he said. If those injuried were somehow self-inflicted I think it would be somewhat obvious from the angles of the marks and we'd be reading a very different story. :shrug: We'll see.
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If this was a Black kid who was beaten by whites because of the color of his skin would you have the same doubts?

What does a 15 year old walking around at 2:00am have to do with race? I did not mention race or anything even close. The circumstance of the attack, not anyones race struck me as fishy. :roll:

I think you are projecting as I made no mention of race in any reguard.

Racist come in all colors and its ugly. I hope they catch these guys. btw you are right, something does seem fishy.

So it was 2:00am on a school night. 15 year old on the streets. Two guys from a shady part of town call you over for a light. No way, something is wrong here.

Makes no sense to me.
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So it was 2:00am on a school night. 15 year old on the streets. Two guys from a shady part of town call you over for a light. No way, something is wrong here.

Makes no sense to me.

Why is a 15yo carrying a lighter around in the city? Not to start campfires.

What does he smoke, cigarettes weed or crack? :mrgreen:

Inquiring minds want to know.

Actually I'm suspicious that it was a drug-buy gone bad.
Actually I'm suspicious that it was a drug-buy gone bad.

Yep, my thoughts exactly.

It sucks to have been a cop. It makes me very suspicious of this kind of thing.
The boy was 15 and walking home at 2:00am???? From a friends house. What is a 15 year old doing out at 2:00am????
You didnt do much when you were a kid, didja?

2am was nothing when I was fifteen. A good night would end with me slipping back into my bedroom about the time I had to get up for school then making a face melter when I got to school to survive the day.

Ahhhh juvenile delinquency, those were the days :)
Why is a 15yo carrying a lighter around in the city? Not to start campfires.
What does he smoke, cigarettes weed or crack? :mrgreen:
Inquiring minds want to know.
Actually I'm suspicious that it was a drug-buy gone bad.

You didnt do much when you were a kid, didja?
2am was nothing when I was fifteen. A good night would end with me slipping back into my bedroom about the time I had to get up for school then making a face melter when I got to school to survive the day.
Ahhhh juvenile delinquency, those were the days :)

My initial response to the article was that it was probably as the kid said.
What the kid didn't say is what inquiring minds want to know.

I suspect there may be a bit of truth in both of the quoted posts.

If this was a Black kid who was beaten by whites because of the color of his skin would you have the same doubts? Racist come in all colors and its ugly. I hope they catch these guys. btw you are right, something does seem fishy.

I find it fishy that a 15 year old is wandering the streets at that time of day and is in possesion of a lighter!
I find it fishy that a 15 year old is wandering the streets at that time of day and is in possesion of a lighter!

I agree, a 15 year old shouldn't be out at two in the morning. However I do not find it unusual that he was in possesion of a lighter. I started smoking when I was 13 and I wasn't alone. Many of my peers were smoking before they turned 15.
I agree, a 15 year old shouldn't be out at two in the morning. However I do not find it unusual that he was in possesion of a lighter. I started smoking when I was 13 and I wasn't alone. Many of my peers were smoking before they turned 15.

It's harder these days; in my city, not only is it against the law for minors to purchase cigarettes, but the police will ticket teens observed smoking in public and they'll have to pay a fine and do community service (this happened to my son; he was stopped for walking down the street with an unlit cigarette he'd bummed off someone tucked behind his ear).
I can see where all the skepticism is coming from, but the only part I question is the area. I guess if it were close to his home, and he had gone that way before, then it might be understandable, but still may have been a bad drug deal.

It could also have been just as he said. I was a good, and sheltered, teenager. I would never have been out past 10p with friends, let alone by myself. My husband has told me stories of his own childhood though, and I could see it then. I don't think being out after 2a, by himself, even on a school night would have been a big deal to him. And he started smoking early in life, so he would've had a lighter.

Another possibility is that the kid was slightly, or even more than slightly, intoxicated. He was coming back from a birthday party for a friend. It would also be a good explaination for why he would be in that area so late, and do something as foolish as give strangers a light so late at night.

It easily could be a combination of any or all of the explanations, or something else entirely though.
FWIW, here's an update on it:

Shane McClellan, beating victim ID's attackers | West Seattle Herald / White Center News

Timothy said because his son had friends of all races he may have felt less threatened when the attackers first approached him.

"Shane got attacked while walking home from a birthday party where his best friend, Michael Jackson, lived. Michael is black. Shane was born here in this neighborhood and has a wide range of friends of different races. He didn't see warning signs, and wasn't scared when they asked him for a light."

And an excerpt from the police report that sort of blows my mind:

On arrival I contacted the Victim, (DOB ), and interviewed him as he was being treated by SFD. SFD believed that he had a broken nose and possibly other internal injuries. Was dazed, his face and hands and shirt were covered in blood and his face, ears, head and back were swollen and covered in welts and his teeth were chipped in several places. He stated that he had been walking home ( ), from a friends house ( ) at about 0200 hrs. He stated that as he approached the stars located at 14 AV SW and SW Holden ST he was confronted by a black male and a Phillipino male (both early 20's) standing at the top of the stairs. He stated that they asked him for a "light" and when he approached them on the stairs the two surrounded him and started taking items out of his pockets. stated that he tried to push them off and get away but they both began hitting him with their fists and dragging him up the stairs. He stated that as they beat him they also took his Memorex touch screen MP3 player, $27 and change, his black puffy coat, and his belt (black leather with red square shaped studs). stated that the two males took him to the area where 14 AV SW dead ends just south of SW Holden ST and continued to beat him until approximately 0615 hrs when they departed. He stated that during the approximately 4 hours that they held him they continued to beat him with their fists and feet. He stated that they whipped him with his own belt and burned him with lit cigarettes. He also stated that they were both drinking and that they poured energy beer on him (trying to make him drink it) and urinated on him. At several points, he said that one would take a smoke break while the other beat him and they would trade off. He stated that at several points when he started screaming or making noise the Phillipino male brandished a folding knife toward him and threatened to "slit his throat if he kept screaming". stated that both suspects aluded to having guns but he did not actually see any. He did state that at one point he thought he heard the sound of the slide being racked on an gun.

stated that throughout the assault both suspects kept saying things like "the white man has kept us down" and "how do you like it white boy" and "this is for enslaving our people". He stated that several times they threatened to kill him. He stated that when they finally left they pushed his head into an indent in the ground, kicked him, and then he felt something hard pressed against the back of his head and he was told not to look up or they would "cap" him in the head. After he knew they were gone he made his way down to the street and was spotted by a passer-by. injuries were photographed, I gathered contact info, and SFD had him transported to HMC in short order. At the time of the initial interview he was unable to provide a more detailed description of his two attackers.

I was able to locate the scene of the assault (at the dead end of the 7700 BLK of 14 AV SW), where I located blood smears on the guard rails and a fresh cigarette butt which I collected for DNA analysis. On the stairs directly to the northeast (leading from SW Holden ST) of the dead-end I located more fresh cigarette butts several coins (untarnished), and an empty can of "FOUR loko" energy beer (Fresh). The entire location and all located items were photographed. As I was returning to the precinct to begin paperwork on the Assault. I observed a black male and an (apparently) Phillipino male in their early 20's walking together eastbound in the 1600 BLK of SW Holden ST. The black
male had what appeared to be an open beer can in his coat pocket and he was attempting to conceal it as he passed by me. I circled around the block and contacted the two individuals sitting on a bench behind the bus stop on the south side of SW Holden ST and 16 AV SW. The black males beer was unopened but the Phillipino male had an open can of the same beer and attempted to conceal it under the bench as I approached. I immediately noticed that the energy beer that both suspects possessed was the same brand, size and flavor as the empty can I located at the scene of the assault. I asked them for identification and they each provided picture ID. The black male was
identified as (DOB 87) and the Phillipino male was identified as (DOB 89). As I spoke with them I observed that had dried blood on the side of his face and on closer inspection I also located dried blood on both sides of his hands, and the front of his shirt. I inspected hands and located dried blood on his right palm. Both suspects were frisked for weapons. I asked if they smoked and they both said yes. pulled out a half empty pack of Marlboro Reds (the same brand as the cigarette butts at the scene. I asked to look at them and he handed them to me. I observed an half smoked cigarette in the pack and collected it for DNA comparison. I screened the event with A/SGT D. Carlson and it was decided that due to lack of a full physical description at the time we would get good contact info for the two and release them. Before releasing them I swabbed the dried blood on both of their hands for DNA comparison.

1) What happened to this kid sounds absolutely ****ing awful.
2) Why on earth did the cop not arrest these two guys? He found two guys who matched the age/race of the perpetrators, were located near the scene, were drinking the same kind of energy beer that the kid identified, were smoking the same kind of cigarettes from the scene, AND HAD DRIED BLOOD ALL OVER THEM. Are you ****ing kidding me?
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