My policy is to avoid knocking other posters and I feel I go out of my way to be polite. There are a few of us - "Logical Party" members that view each event by itself instead of this 100% Conservative or Liberal absolutes. So, I get annoyed when I don't get a straight answer and their excuse for evasion is that they are full of poop and don't have an answer other than "you must be bad because you're a ....". I've had the same problem with both sides of the spectrum and I think it's because people come here to shout their party line and not engage in thoughtful discussion. I've learned a lot here from people who actually explain themselves and I have modified some of my points of view as a consequence. LowDown has done this to me before and he finally got on my nerves. Usually, when challenged, the super-partisans run and hide. Thanks for the supportive message.