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The sensation of overwhelming sensation. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
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Prospect park, PA
Political Leaning
A little over a year ago I tried Psilocybin mushrooms on a couple of occasions. The setting was a June summer night near Tampa Florida. Me and a few friends made "shroomade". What I experienced was a very pronounced sense of marvel at everything around me such as living things and processes I had never considered. An appreciation for ecosystems and life that I had always taken for granted. Basically I saw beauty in everything. These experiences changed my outlook significantly, but the greatest experience I had on shrooms was what I believe is either called an ego death, or depersonalization? I felt no sense of self. I knew who I was, but I felt outside of myself. When I self reflected I found that my views on my actions, outlooks, opinions, anything you think of when you self reflect having little to no personal bias. It was like seeing myself from the point of view of someone other than myself. At least, that's how I think of it. To this day that summer in June is one the most enlightening, meaningful experiences I've had. The point I'm trying to make is I think Psilocybin deserves to be in a different category than say marijuana, heroine, or cocaine.
A little over a year ago I tried Psilocybin mushrooms on a couple of occasions. The setting was a June summer night near Tampa Florida. Me and a few friends made "shroomade". What I experienced was a very pronounced sense of marvel at everything around me such as living things and processes I had never considered. An appreciation for ecosystems and life that I had always taken for granted. Basically I saw beauty in everything. These experiences changed my outlook significantly, but the greatest experience I had on shrooms was what I believe is either called an ego death, or depersonalization? I felt no sense of self. I knew who I was, but I felt outside of myself. When I self reflected I found that my views on my actions, outlooks, opinions, anything you think of when you self reflect having little to no personal bias. It was like seeing myself from the point of view of someone other than myself. At least, that's how I think of it. To this day that summer in June is one the most enlightening, meaningful experiences I've had. The point I'm trying to make is I think Psilocybin deserves to be in a different category than say marijuana, heroine, or cocaine.

A different category? Why? Because you had a good trip? How about LSD then? What category should that be in?
A little over a year ago I tried Psilocybin mushrooms on a couple of occasions. The setting was a June summer night near Tampa Florida. Me and a few friends made "shroomade". What I experienced was a very pronounced sense of marvel at everything around me such as living things and processes I had never considered. An appreciation for ecosystems and life that I had always taken for granted. Basically I saw beauty in everything. These experiences changed my outlook significantly, but the greatest experience I had on shrooms was what I believe is either called an ego death, or depersonalization? I felt no sense of self. I knew who I was, but I felt outside of myself. When I self reflected I found that my views on my actions, outlooks, opinions, anything you think of when you self reflect having little to no personal bias. It was like seeing myself from the point of view of someone other than myself. At least, that's how I think of it. To this day that summer in June is one the most enlightening, meaningful experiences I've had. The point I'm trying to make is I think Psilocybin deserves to be in a different category than say marijuana, heroine, or cocaine.

It *is* in a different category. MJ is a sedative, heroin and cocaine are opiates and psilocybin is a hallucinigenic
...and that's what happens when you bring up this topic with the well-educated folk.
A little over a year ago I tried Psilocybin mushrooms on a couple of occasions. The setting was a June summer night near Tampa Florida. Me and a few friends made "shroomade". What I experienced was a very pronounced sense of marvel at everything around me such as living things and processes I had never considered. An appreciation for ecosystems and life that I had always taken for granted. Basically I saw beauty in everything. These experiences changed my outlook significantly, but the greatest experience I had on shrooms was what I believe is either called an ego death, or depersonalization? I felt no sense of self. I knew who I was, but I felt outside of myself. When I self reflected I found that my views on my actions, outlooks, opinions, anything you think of when you self reflect having little to no personal bias. It was like seeing myself from the point of view of someone other than myself. At least, that's how I think of it. To this day that summer in June is one the most enlightening, meaningful experiences I've had. The point I'm trying to make is I think Psilocybin deserves to be in a different category than say marijuana, heroine, or cocaine.

Congratulations on the death of your ego, you are now free.:)
A different category? Why? Because you had a good trip? How about LSD then? What category should that be in?

The light-trails category perhaps?
A little over a year ago I tried Psilocybin mushrooms on a couple of occasions. The setting was a June summer night near Tampa Florida. Me and a few friends made "shroomade". What I experienced was a very pronounced sense of marvel at everything around me such as living things and processes I had never considered. An appreciation for ecosystems and life that I had always taken for granted. Basically I saw beauty in everything. These experiences changed my outlook significantly, but the greatest experience I had on shrooms was what I believe is either called an ego death, or depersonalization? I felt no sense of self. I knew who I was, but I felt outside of myself. When I self reflected I found that my views on my actions, outlooks, opinions, anything you think of when you self reflect having little to no personal bias. It was like seeing myself from the point of view of someone other than myself. At least, that's how I think of it. To this day that summer in June is one the most enlightening, meaningful experiences I've had. The point I'm trying to make is I think Psilocybin deserves to be in a different category than say marijuana, heroine, or cocaine.

A mesquite tree in my yard told me to tell you that it agrees with you.
Psychtropic drugs are in a different category than things like heroin and should be legal but I won't hold my breath.

So where does LSD fit in? Marijuana is a Euphoric and doesn't belong on the list either.

OTOH, too much 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthiophenethylamine can really **** up your day. Yup. Psychotropic.
A different category? Why? Because you had a good trip? How about LSD then? What category should that be in?

They're already in the category of tryptamines. My issue is a lot of society views them as the same as hard drugs. They also shouldn't be listed as schedule 1 drugs.
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They're already in the category of tryptamines. Why not just call them that or come up with a new word?
They also shouldn't be listed as schedule 1 drugs.

Yes LSD, pot, peyote etc etc all should be legal IMO.

Hey, I'm a drug-whore. They can't legalize them all too soon for me!

I'm just messin' with the OPs head. It's a junkie thing....
It *is* in a different category. MJ is a sedative, heroin and cocaine are opiates and psilocybin is a hallucinigenic
I'm not looking at this like a lawyer. I'm saying a lot of society views Psilocybin as the same as hard drugs. That's what I'm taking issue with.
I'm not looking at this like a lawyer. I'm saying a lot of society views Psilocybin as the same as hard drugs. That's what I'm taking issue with.

I know it's not the same thing, and it doesn't matter. It alters you too much for you to be safe from yourself, around others, or even safe from the uneven dip in the sidewalk.

When I consider legalization I ask myself, "Do I want several thousand people in my state to be under the influence of this substance?" I think we have our hands full with the legal drugs, no need to add more onto it.

If you counter with a marijuana argument or example I'll be very put out with you.
I know it's not the same thing, and it doesn't matter. It alters you too much for you to be safe from yourself, around others, or even safe from the uneven dip in the sidewalk.

When I consider legalization I ask myself, "Do I want several thousand people in my state to be under the influence of this substance?" I think we have our hands full with the legal drugs, no need to add more onto it.

If you counter with a marijuana argument or example I'll be very put out with you.
Thank you for telling me how not to argue. :]
Firstly, public intoxication is illegal. Driving under the influence is illegal. So you're premise of people walking the streets hallucinating is bunk. People walk the streets high on illegal substances already anyway. Also mushrooms are proven to have zero addictive properties. Secondly, and I may be wrong, but I couldn't find anything that actually says mushrooms inhibit or impair motor control in the brain so the dip in the sidewalk bit is simply inaccurate, but if you find something scientific that says mushrooms inhibit motor control please link it. Also, have you considered the effects of alcohol on several thousand people in your state? Because surely if you have and you are aware of how little damage mushrooms, do besides people who say jump into an empty pool because they see water, you would come the conclusion that alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana are more dangerous? Here's a neat graph comparing the effects many drugs have on the users and people around them. File:HarmCausedByDrugsTable.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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It *is* in a different category. MJ is a sedative, heroin and cocaine are opiates and psilocybin is a hallucinigenic

Coke is not made from opium. Last I checked, MJ was a euphoric and heroin (though an opiate) was a hallu.
You're right. It's made from the coca plant.

My bad

It's a stimulant. Iirc, there are 4 categories of recreational drugs: depressant (alcohol), stimulant (coke), euphoric (MJ) and hallu (opiates and shrooms).
I know it's not the same thing, and it doesn't matter. It alters you too much for you to be safe from yourself, around others, or even safe from the uneven dip in the sidewalk.

When I consider legalization I ask myself, "Do I want several thousand people in my state to be under the influence of this substance?" I think we have our hands full with the legal drugs, no need to add more onto it.

If you counter with a marijuana argument or example I'll be very put out with you.

Would you run out and buy some LSD if it was legal?
The point I'm trying to make is I think Psilocybin deserves to be in a different category than say marijuana, heroine, or cocaine.

Personally, I would put it in the same class with marijuana, but not heroin or coke. ( for safety reasons)
It's a stimulant. Iirc, there are 4 categories of recreational drugs: depressant (alcohol), stimulant (coke), euphoric (MJ) and hallu (opiates and shrooms).

are you sure about that? I thought that sedative and depressant were two different things

And then there are narcotics and pain killers. I'm not sure how they overlap, etc
A little over a year ago I tried Psilocybin mushrooms on a couple of occasions. The setting was a June summer night near Tampa Florida. Me and a few friends made "shroomade". What I experienced was a very pronounced sense of marvel at everything around me such as living things and processes I had never considered. An appreciation for ecosystems and life that I had always taken for granted. Basically I saw beauty in everything. These experiences changed my outlook significantly, but the greatest experience I had on shrooms was what I believe is either called an ego death, or depersonalization? I felt no sense of self. I knew who I was, but I felt outside of myself. When I self reflected I found that my views on my actions, outlooks, opinions, anything you think of when you self reflect having little to no personal bias. It was like seeing myself from the point of view of someone other than myself. At least, that's how I think of it. To this day that summer in June is one the most enlightening, meaningful experiences I've had. The point I'm trying to make is I think Psilocybin deserves to be in a different category than say marijuana, heroine, or cocaine.

Due to its influence, would you say the mushroom (even as a dead, dried inanimate object) has a spirit/soul?
are you sure about that? I thought that sedative and depressant were two different things

And then there are narcotics and pain killers. I'm not sure how they overlap, etc

I think there are many different classification groups. The 'depressant, stimulant, euphoric and hallu' classification group is something I heard some time ago.
Would you run out and buy some LSD if it was legal?

I'd run out and buy it now if I knew who was holding.

Actually, that's bull****. I've done acid maybe 10 times, had pretty good experiences but it's just too exhausting and you can't fall asleep.
And then there are narcotics and pain killers. I'm not sure how they overlap, etc

Some are legal, like the ones the doctors write you. Some are illegal. They're pretty much exactly the same thing.

...and the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all......

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