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Tanzania bans lube in crackdown on gays (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2008
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North Texas
Political Leaning
Tanzania bans lube in crackdown on gays | Daily Mail Online

The Tanzanian government has banned imports and sales of sexual lubricants in its latest move targeting the gay community, officials say.

Health Minister Ummy Mwalimu justified the move on the grounds that the product encourages homosexuality, which is banned in the east African nation.

"It is true that the government has banned the importation and use of the jelly to curb the spread of HIV," the minister told local media on Tuesday.

The new Apartheid. LOL
Isn't there more of a risk doing it dry?
Law that says Christians can't impose their values on the rest of society.


Law that actually targets gays of all religious affiliations:

Erod: Lol.
Just guessing. Wouldn't there be more tearing when dry, and that's how it's easily spread, open wounds.

I would say theres a significant risk of friction related injuries sans line.
The war/drug lords will make a killing in KY. The SSN is way too far. But the names and addresses seems like the same stuff groups do to gun owners and receive praise for.

This election cycle it seems the DNC has been extra sneaky in screwing over its supporters chasing the money.

There is a real health risk that other lubricants will be used that are harmful to humans. WD 40, motor oil, axle grease, lard all things that could easily be used as lubricants and would have long-term health effects.

What about straight couples needing lube.
Well that's stupid, but not suprising coming from a place like Tanzania.
No worries, People! There's always THE BLACK MARKET!
No. This is an Onion article. Surely this is not true.

It is true, minus the headline. Gay men in Tanzania have a roughly 25 % AIDS/HIV rate, so this is targeting unprotected anal sex.
Jesus.....what is wrong with these people?

:shrug: They probably just really dislike gay people. I don't even know why they care so much; a country like Tanzania has much more problems to be concerned about than da gays.
:shrug: They probably just really dislike gay people. I don't even know why they care so much; a country like Tanzania has much more problems to be concerned about than da gays.

Maybe the NBA will play their ALL-STAR GAME there.
So how about giving away condoms instead of banning lube? That's just crazy.

Generally with stuff like this that seems too outrageous to be true, little details like that are missing. Whether that is the case here or not is hard to say for sure, as it is a tiny country on another continent. Without the sensational part, no one cares. So there could very well be details missing, but Tanzania is pretty repressive towards gay men, so there may not be. I looked and found nothing more than what is in the OP article.
I would say theres a significant risk of friction related injuries sans line.

Indeed. Fissure rates will increase causing greater transmission rates.

But it's not like a decision like this was ever based on logic or reason to begin with.
It is true, minus the headline. Gay men in Tanzania have a roughly 25 % AIDS/HIV rate, so this is targeting unprotected anal sex.

Yeah but some things are so stupid that the brain is unwilling to accept them.
So how many businesses will stop doing business with tanzanian companies or in Tanzania?

How many Americans do business in Tanzania to begin with? If you can find a few names, I'm sure people will make a stink and get them to stop. That is, after all, how capitalism works.
Maybe the NBA will play their ALL-STAR GAME there.

Maybe you will make more stupid posts like that.

No, not maybe....it is a certainty.

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