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Perception/Age (1 Viewer)


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
44th Least Free State
Political Leaning

Being new, I probably should not be starting yet another new thread; however, I have a question. Before joining, I read through several threads and comments.

Is my perception correct that I have registered on a forum with a larger majority of young adults? It is not a bad thing, just a question from my perception of my readings so far.

Being new, I probably should not be starting yet another new thread; however, I have a question. Before joining, I read through several threads and comments.

Is my perception correct that I have registered on a forum with a larger majority of young adults? It is not a bad thing, just a question from my perception of my readings so far.

There is a good mixture of ages represented at DP...
That all depends. If you're 95 then, yes, we have a bunch of young adults. If, however, you're 30ish then we have a lot of old farts.

Being new, I probably should not be starting yet another new thread; however, I have a question. Before joining, I read through several threads and comments.

Is my perception correct that I have registered on a forum with a larger majority of young adults? It is not a bad thing, just a question from my perception of my readings so far.

I prefer to think of it as my having a maturity level 40 years younger than my actual age.
:lol: We have a good mixture. Honestly, there are surprisingly a lot of older people here. I had no idea. I thought that I was in the minority. Apparently, I'm a spring chicken compared to some of our posters. :D I'll take it!

Edited to add: Welcome to the forum.
Children, children. I will be 70 August 5th. I don't look a day over 69 though.

Being new, I probably should not be starting yet another new thread; however, I have a question. Before joining, I read through several threads and comments.

Is my perception correct that I have registered on a forum with a larger majority of young adults? It is not a bad thing, just a question from my perception of my readings so far.

Hey, it's a good thing you didn't wait to start a thread. At our age, one never knows if there'll be a tomorrow!

But seriously, the population skews towards young adults (ie 20-35) but there's no shortage of older posters. We even have a couple of old cranks

Oh, and welcome to DP

Being new, I probably should not be starting yet another new thread; however, I have a question. Before joining, I read through several threads and comments.

Is my perception correct that I have registered on a forum with a larger majority of young adults? It is not a bad thing, just a question from my perception of my readings so far.

There hasn't been a thread about member ages in a long while. You should have made a poll! It would be fun to see how that statistic now stands.
That's speckle on a good day

You should see him after a night of partying

:lol: If he still parties, he's just fine! He'll probably live well into his 90s! :lamo:

Greetings, sangha! :2wave:
We've done polls on this before. There are a wide range of ages on DP... we have a modest number of teenagers, a lot of 20-something and 30-somethings, and probably nearly as many 40-60yo's as younger, along with more than a few 60+. I'm middle aged myself.

Being new, I probably should not be starting yet another new thread; however, I have a question. Before joining, I read through several threads and comments.

Is my perception correct that I have registered on a forum with a larger majority of young adults? It is not a bad thing, just a question from my perception of my readings so far.

It depends on your definition of younger. ;)
Depends on your definition of "middle".

We've done polls on this before. There are a wide range of ages on DP... we have a modest number of teenagers, a lot of 20-something and 30-somethings, and probably nearly as many 40-60yo's as younger, along with more than a few 60+. I'm middle aged myself.
I'm pretty sure there was a poll and people in the age group 30-40s were dominant. Then the 40-50s and then the 20-30s. But I may be wrong.

EDIT: What josie posted.
Often I wonder if posting age varies with the topic.
I actually have read a number of your comments and am placing you as "younger", not in an insulting manner. :)

I'm 44, but it depends on the topic being discussed as to the seriousness of my response. ;)
Sheesh. At 70, the only reason I bother staying alive is for the sake of the cats.

And I have fulfilled my dreams. I live very well. I have enough money and I have enough friends. I suppose that my health is good except for those aches and pains you can't get rid of. The irritation and incentive factors are out of balance.

Oh well, the youngest cats are only 6 so I suppose I'll put in another 16 years and then I'm out of here. It's all yours. Enjoy.

I have ambitions of living to be 900, so I hope to be "middle aged" for a very long time. :)

Being new, I probably should not be starting yet another new thread; however, I have a question. Before joining, I read through several threads and comments.

Is my perception correct that I have registered on a forum with a larger majority of young adults? It is not a bad thing, just a question from my perception of my readings so far.
They're all elderly paedophiles pretending to be kids. RUN!

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