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Iran: We will never develop nuclear weapons (1 Viewer)


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Sep 18, 2011
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I'm liking this guy... at least via comparison to his predecessors.

Iran's president Rouhani: We will never develop nuclear weapons

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told NBC News on Wednesday that the country will never develop nuclear weapons and that he has the clout to make a deal with the West on the disputed atomic program.

“In its nuclear program, this government enters with full power and has complete authority,” Rouhani told Ann Curry, NBC News national and international correspondent and anchor at large, in his first interview with a U.S. news outlet since his election.

“The problem won't be from our side,” he said at the presidential compound in Tehran. “We have sufficient political latitude to solve this problem.”

“We consider war a weakness. Any government or administration that decides to wage a war, we consider a weakness. And any government that decides on peace, we look on it with respect to peace.”​
The Grand Poobah has always claimed this.
Deals will come in after US threats to bomb Syria, Iran etc. but meanwhile taxpayers money and economy goes downhill.
Because for thousands of years, we've gotten nothing but truth, integrity, and peace from this refined, sophisticated, and exemplary region of the earth.
Because for thousands of years, we've gotten nothing but truth, integrity, and peace from this refined, sophisticated, and exemplary region of the earth.

It's not like our region of the Earth has been a bastion of peace and understanding.
It's not like our region of the Earth has been a bastion of peace and understanding.

Oh, good gawd, here we go.

America is a cat fight compared to that abortion of cultural inferiority in the Middle East. They've evolved at the pace of the common cockroach.
Yea let's believe the pedophiles that marry 8 year olds and string up gays on the rack
I'm liking this guy... at least via comparison to his predecessors.

Iran's president Rouhani: We will never develop nuclear weapons

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told NBC News on Wednesday that the country will never develop nuclear weapons and that he has the clout to make a deal with the West on the disputed atomic program.

“In its nuclear program, this government enters with full power and has complete authority,” Rouhani told Ann Curry, NBC News national and international correspondent and anchor at large, in his first interview with a U.S. news outlet since his election.

“The problem won't be from our side,” he said at the presidential compound in Tehran. “We have sufficient political latitude to solve this problem.”

“We consider war a weakness. Any government or administration that decides to wage a war, we consider a weakness. And any government that decides on peace, we look on it with respect to peace.”​

I'm really hoping the guy is for real, and is representative of a good number of Iranians.
I don't actually believe for second that Iran wouldn't build nuclear weapons. But I do hope that this president's commitment to peaceful use of nuclear technology will keep anyone from actually firing nukes at anyone. We shouldn't be fooled, but we should be hopeful.
I'm really hoping the guy is for real, and is representative of a good number of Iranians.

I'm with you. Unfortunately, deception is a part of politics and even if this one man is sincere there is nothing to stop a subsequent leader from acting differently. :(
I'm with you. Unfortunately, deception is a part of politics and even if this one man is sincere there is nothing to stop a subsequent leader from acting differently. :(

EXCLUSIVE: Iran president blames Israel for 'instability,' calls for peace - World News

When asked if The Holocaust was real

"I'm not a historian. I'm a politician," he replied. "What is important for us is that the countries of the region and the people grow closer to each other, and that they are able to prevent aggression and injustice."

A simple yes would have sufficient

These people are Nazis. Not to be trusted.
Because for thousands of years, we've gotten nothing but truth, integrity, and peace from this refined, sophisticated, and exemplary region of the earth.

In ancient Persia one the greatest crimes that could be committed was to tell a lie. Also for a decent period of time you could say the Persians or Middle Easterns in general were a more "civilized" people than those of Europe.

So although they may not be the most exemplary people on Earth right now, let's not deny them their place in history.
Why develop them when you can just buy them with all the money you are making off Obama blocking the Keystone pipeline
In ancient Persia one the greatest crimes that could be committed was to tell a lie. Also for a decent period of time you could say the Persians or Middle Easterns in general were a more "civilized" people than those of Europe.

So although they may not be the most exemplary people on Earth right now, let's not deny them their place in history.

I have no issue with the general population of Iranians. It's just that the leaders and power structure really sucks, and since they rule with an iron fist, the people have little say or actual representation in the world at large.
I'm liking this guy... at least via comparison to his predecessors.

Iran's president Rouhani: We will never develop nuclear weapons

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told NBC News on Wednesday that the country will never develop nuclear weapons and that he has the clout to make a deal with the West on the disputed atomic program.

“In its nuclear program, this government enters with full power and has complete authority,” Rouhani told Ann Curry, NBC News national and international correspondent and anchor at large, in his first interview with a U.S. news outlet since his election.

“The problem won't be from our side,” he said at the presidential compound in Tehran. “We have sufficient political latitude to solve this problem.”

“We consider war a weakness. Any government or administration that decides to wage a war, we consider a weakness. And any government that decides on peace, we look on it with respect to peace.”​

I'm just curious, but has Iran ever said that they would develop nuclear weapons? Because from what I've been hearing, they've been denying their intentions all along.
I'm really hoping the guy is for real, and is representative of a good number of Iranians.

Fully agree they are the most westernized of that region. I'm hoping what happens is that he makes good social progress there that the people like,e which drives a huge control wedge between the pres and the mullahs, ultimately driving the mullahs out of power.
I'm liking this guy... at least via comparison to his predecessors.

Iran's president Rouhani: We will never develop nuclear weapons

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told NBC News on Wednesday that the country will never develop nuclear weapons and that he has the clout to make a deal with the West on the disputed atomic program.

“In its nuclear program, this government enters with full power and has complete authority,” Rouhani told Ann Curry, NBC News national and international correspondent and anchor at large, in his first interview with a U.S. news outlet since his election.

“The problem won't be from our side,” he said at the presidential compound in Tehran. “We have sufficient political latitude to solve this problem.”

“We consider war a weakness. Any government or administration that decides to wage a war, we consider a weakness. And any government that decides on peace, we look on it with respect to peace.”​

Although the rhetoric might be encouraging, Iran's actual position will become clear only through concrete proposals and policy actions. Moreover, Ayatollah Khamenei remains Iran's paramount leader. Former President Ahmadinejad engaged in bid to wrest some power from Iran's Supreme Leader but ultimately lost that battle when he overreached. It is not clear with President Rouhani has the degree of leverage Ahmadinejad had prior to his ill-fated power struggle.

For now, there is encouraging rhetoric. Rhetoric, itself, entails to big responsibilities. Policy actions, including negotiating positions, will determine whether Iran is shifting course or merely trying to soften the international community without making a meaningful and credible shift in policy. Maybe I'm overly skeptical, but I'll reserve judgment until there is a concrete Iranian proposal or response to the international community actually on the table. I'll also watch Iran's actions related to its nuclear activities.
I have no issue with the general population of Iranians. It's just that the leaders and power structure really sucks, and since they rule with an iron fist, the people have little say or actual representation in the world at large.

this is true, Rick Steves, world traveler went to Iran, and they loved americans, and american things, everyone was eager to talk with him and very friendly....general populations can get along, it is governments which causes most of the problems.
Oh, good gawd, here we go.

America is a cat fight compared to that abortion of cultural inferiority in the Middle East. They've evolved at the pace of the common cockroach.

ever hear of Arabic numerals? back in the middle ages Islamic empires were more advanced in terms of research and culture. Islamic doctors had knowledge of herbs and medical cures, and back then i would have been safer being treated by a Arabic doctor then a European one.
I'm really hoping the guy is for real, and is representative of a good number of Iranians.

Hitle promised he wouldn't invade Poland, too.
In ancient Persia one the greatest crimes that could be committed was to tell a lie. Also for a decent period of time you could say the Persians or Middle Easterns in general were a more "civilized" people than those of Europe.

So although they may not be the most exemplary people on Earth right now, let's not deny them their place in history.

Can you define the practice of Taq'qya (sp?) for us?
I'm liking this guy... at least via comparison to his predecessors.

Iran's president Rouhani: We will never develop nuclear weapons

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told NBC News on Wednesday that the country will never develop nuclear weapons and that he has the clout to make a deal with the West on the disputed atomic program.

“In its nuclear program, this government enters with full power and has complete authority,” Rouhani told Ann Curry, NBC News national and international correspondent and anchor at large, in his first interview with a U.S. news outlet since his election.

“The problem won't be from our side,” he said at the presidential compound in Tehran. “We have sufficient political latitude to solve this problem.”

“We consider war a weakness. Any government or administration that decides to wage a war, we consider a weakness. And any government that decides on peace, we look on it with respect to peace.”​

Well, he hasn't threatened to burn Israel off the face of the earth yet. That alone makes him better than Imadinnerjacket. I'm guardedly optimistic.
Well, he hasn't threatened to burn Israel off the face of the earth yet. That alone makes him better than Imadinnerjacket. I'm guardedly optimistic.

Omg! That's great! :lamo
I don't actually believe for second that Iran wouldn't build nuclear weapons. But I do hope that this president's commitment to peaceful use of nuclear technology will keep anyone from actually firing nukes at anyone. We shouldn't be fooled, but we should be hopeful.

You may be more hopeful than I - but I agree, I don't believe this for a second either. It's unfortunate that the President really is a figure head / mouth piece. The real power is with the Khomeini.
Well, he hasn't threatened to burn Israel off the face of the earth yet. That alone makes him better than Imadinnerjacket. I'm guardedly optimistic.

Of course he could flip out... but as of now, I'm very optimistic.

Hassan Rouhani sets out his vision for a new and free Iran
Outline of nuclear deal begins to emerge before UN debut as president says people should 'be completely free in private life'

"We want the people in their private life to be completely free," the newly elected president told NBC News, after a string of prisoner releases. He also pledged to create a citizens' rights commission "in the near future".

"In today's world, having access to information and the right of free dialogue and the right to think freely is the right of all people, including the people of Iran," Rouhani said.​

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