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Do black people scare you? (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
I was shopping today in my local Walmart, which rarely has any black people and it was different today. There were 50% more than usual and a few of the males I walked by were talking about the recent killings. They were also eyeballing me pretty hard but causing no trouble. I'm often asked if I'm a cop, I guess because I workout and have short hair, not sure.

The atmosphere was definitely tense and different, making me wonder are others feeling any changes? I'm pretty much color blind, until someone gives me a reason not to be.
I was shopping today in my local Walmart, which rarely has any black people and it was different today. There were 50% more than usual and a few of the males I walked by were talking about the recent killings. They were also eyeballing me pretty hard but causing no trouble. I'm often asked if I'm a cop, I guess because I workout and have short hair, not sure.

The atmosphere was definitely tense and different, making me wonder are others feeling any changes? I'm pretty much color blind, until someone gives me a reason not to be.

Nah, black people don't really scare me. And when they do, it's usually what they're doing instead of their skin color.
I was shopping today in my local Walmart, which rarely has any black people and it was different today. There were 50% more than usual and a few of the males I walked by were talking about the recent killings. They were also eyeballing me pretty hard but causing no trouble. I'm often asked if I'm a cop, I guess because I workout and have short hair, not sure.

The atmosphere was definitely tense and different, making me wonder are others feeling any changes? I'm pretty much color blind, until someone gives me a reason not to be.
Black people don't scare me. I'm a little distrustful of Jews though and they're harder to pick out of a crowd.... lol
Singles don't bother me, but a group, depending on how they are dressed makes me nervous.

I like to see conventionally dressed black people. They don't creep me out like the "gangsta clothing" does.

Yeah, I guess it's racist if I'm against the clothing styles commonly worn by blacks who prefer to intimidate whites when they can. Then again I'd probably pick up a hitchhiker if he was dressed like Tiger Woods.

"Clothing makes the man"
For me it depends on how they look.

If they're acting normal and dressed normal I just use normal caution as I would with any person.

If they look and act like that rapper hip hop scum I cross the street to keep a safe distance and go on high alert.

They say that clothes make the man and I don't know if that's true, but clothes sure do make it easy to tell the normal people from the people you may have to shoot.
I was shopping today in my local Walmart, which rarely has any black people and it was different today. There were 50% more than usual and a few of the males I walked by were talking about the recent killings. They were also eyeballing me pretty hard but causing no trouble. I'm often asked if I'm a cop, I guess because I workout and have short hair, not sure.

The atmosphere was definitely tense and different, making me wonder are others feeling any changes? I'm pretty much color blind, until someone gives me a reason not to be.

I'm not scared , I see them all over the area , for the most part they are pretty cool .
The last time a person actually scared me was an employee I had recently let go, a white guy. His head wasn't screwed on right to begin with and when he came back in the store a couple of days later all the employees headed to the back. When I walked up to him to shake his hand it wasn't because I was trying to say hello but more to see if he was going to pull something out of his pocket. He was obviously drunk and/or high. It took quite a bit for me to maintain a decent conversation but he left peacefully.
I don't trust people that wear suits and ties. Those are the type of people who rob me every day.


They're rarely black folk, though......and they don't stick a gun in your face in the street.
I was shopping today in my local Walmart, which rarely has any black people and it was different today. There were 50% more than usual and a few of the males I walked by were talking about the recent killings. They were also eyeballing me pretty hard but causing no trouble. I'm often asked if I'm a cop, I guess because I workout and have short hair, not sure.

The atmosphere was definitely tense and different, making me wonder are others feeling any changes? I'm pretty much color blind, until someone gives me a reason not to be.

Nope. I used to go to several black, asian, hispanic, etc conventions as part of my job, never had any problem being the one white guy.

But, I try to make more friends than enemies, and I don't judge by skin color.
After having a heated argument with a 6'5" burly black dude with gold teeth and wearing a do rag over how he was mistreating his dog....I'd have to say no...they don't scare me. lol
I'm not scared , I see them all over the area , for the most part they are pretty cool .

I had a work mate who was black and talked like an educated white man at work, but when I drove him downtown to his neighborhood he broke out in Ebonics. I asked him why the change and he said, "If I talk like a white man up in here they'll hand my ass to me". He said that's the ugly truth of it, we don't want to appear as sellouts to the white culture.
The last time a person actually scared me was an employee I had recently let go, a white guy. His head wasn't screwed on right to begin with and when he came back in the store a couple of days later all the employees headed to the back. When I walked up to him to shake his hand it wasn't because I was trying to say hello but more to see if he was going to pull something out of his pocket. He was obviously drunk and/or high. It took quite a bit for me to maintain a decent conversation but he left peacefully.

I used to have to fire lots of people. I had a few like that, they scared me. I had one guy that was a stalker and he was off his rocker, stalking another employee, messing with the locks, etc.
if there is a gang of young people smoking, swarming, checking me out as I walk past then it doesn't matter their colour, I feel wary

Or excited?
Nope. I used to go to several black, asian, hispanic, etc conventions as part of my job, never had any problem being the one white guy.

But, I try to make more friends than enemies, and I don't judge by skin color.

I hope that's obvious to everyone.
Singles don't bother me, but a group, depending on how they are dressed makes me nervous.

I like to see conventionally dressed black people. They don't creep me out like the "gangsta clothing" does.

Yeah, I guess it's racist if I'm against the clothing styles commonly worn by blacks who prefer to intimidate whites when they can. Then again I'd probably pick up a hitchhiker if he was dressed like Tiger Woods.

"Clothing makes the man"

Then it has nothing to do with them being black it has everything to do with how they are dressed. I am the exact same way.
I had plenty of Black friends in college, but in the slummier parts of the city the 'gang' culture prevailed. There were just as many (if not more) White people dressed up like gang-bangers than there were Black. It has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with culture.
The mainstream media, more than likely, glorifies gang-based inter-city violence to perpetuate civil unrest (to get more viewers and have more stories to cover, and thus, make more money).
I had a work mate who was black and talked like an educated white man at work, but when I drove him downtown to his neighborhood he broke out in Ebonics. I asked him why the change and he said, "If I talk like a white man up in here they'll hand my ass to me". He said that's the ugly truth of it, we don't want to appear as sellouts to the white culture.

I guess that depends on the person , but if you appear to be cool with them they will be cool with you .
Nah, black people don't really scare me. And when they do, it's usually what they're doing instead of their skin color.

exactly "I" personally have never been scared of a skin color in my life LMAO its what people are DOING.
Nah, black people don't really scare me. And when they do, it's usually what they're doing instead of their skin color.

What she said. :yt:

My county is over 20% black. One job and another, I've spent lots of time working in "the hood" in town. Perfectly comfortable around black people.

Now having said that, yeah there are certain specific housing projects where I watch my back carefully, and no I'm not keen on anyone dressed "thugsta style" (of any skin color) or hordes of teenagers (of any color).

But like she said, only if someone (and their color doesn't really matter) is ACTING like they're going to be a problem.

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