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Did Nancy Pelosi cross the line? (1 Viewer)

Did Nancy Pelosi cross the line?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • No

    Votes: 40 81.6%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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“I was trying to be the mom,” Pelosi added, but “it goes to show you: You get into a tinkle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you.”

And then, she went for the most sensitive part of Trump’s ego.

“It’s like a manhood thing with him — as if manhood can be associated with him,” Pelosi deadpanned. “This wall thing.”


Such a disgraceful comment from Nancy Pelosi. What kind of grandmother talks like that? So much for not going low. If this is the type of leadership we can expect from the Democrats, they are in trouble!
LOL ... complaining about Pelosi getting a little salty in Trump's America


Such a disgraceful comment from Nancy Pelosi. What kind of grandmother talks like that? So much for not going low. If this is the type of leadership we can expect from the Democrats, they are in trouble!

Wow, the use of the world tinkle and talking about how Trump's wall might be connected to his need to show his manhood. How disgraceful, well, it would be disgraceful if she had said this to Obama, Bush (W), Clinton, Bush (senior), Reagan or Carter or someone who is in good standing and has shown he is a civil person. However when it comes to Trump I do not think it is very low, because Trump has been showing this kind of a leadership since he announced is presidency and in his presidency.

So cry me a river with that sob-story about Trump, I could care less about what Pelosi said.
Wow, the use of the world tinkle and talking about how Trump's wall might be connected to his need to show his manhood. How disgraceful, well, it would be disgraceful if she had said this to Obama, Bush (W), Clinton, Bush (senior), Reagan or Carter or someone who is in good standing and has shown he is a civil person. However when it comes to Trump I do not think it is very low, because Trump has been showing this kind of a leadership since he announced is presidency and in his presidency.

So cry me a river with that sob-story about Trump, I could care less about what Pelosi said.

That's the kind of straight-shooting which Trump and his fans supposedly find refreshing.

Funny how they get their noses out of joint about it when Trump is the target.

Such a disgraceful comment from Nancy Pelosi. What kind of grandmother talks like that? So much for not going low. If this is the type of leadership we can expect from the Democrats, they are in trouble!

I actually thought she was being polite... the age-old political adage (which I can well imagine she learned when she was knee-high to a grasshopper from her father's Baltimore ballyhoos) is "don't get into a pissing match with a skunk".
Such behavior should be below our representatives.

Such a disgraceful comment from Nancy Pelosi. What kind of grandmother talks like that? So much for not going low. If this is the type of leadership we can expect from the Democrats, they are in trouble!

Nancy cannot help it. She has spent years wallowing in democrat ignorance and lying propaganda with no personal common sense or rational discernment to protect her from gross stupidity.
Nancy cannot help it. She has spent years wallowing in democrat ignorance and lying propaganda with no personal common sense or rational discernment to protect her from gross stupidity.


Such a disgraceful comment from Nancy Pelosi. What kind of grandmother talks like that? So much for not going low. If this is the type of leadership we can expect from the Democrats, they are in trouble!

And I thought he was uncouth. Goes to show you, Nancy was "trying to be a mom" and beat him to the Mic to show there is nothing like name-calling and gender ridicule to look maternal, let alone urbane.

And when it comes to discussing animals and gender insecurity, do you think an old shrew with the nickname "streach" Pelosi ought to risk going there?
What kind of father, husband or grandfather talks like 45?

Or calls in Howard Stern to say that he just had sex with his wife and coerces her to say it was the best sex she'd ever had?
Nancy's comment wasn't really my style, but Trump decided to deport Vietnamese refugees from the Vietnam War today, so you'll excuse me if I have a difficult time building up outrage over Pelosi's immature remark.
What, exactly, is "the line"? Without that critical information then no conclusion can be reached.
She has not yet gone far enough.

The Democrats were actually the one's that came out limp.

Cryin' Chuck couldn't make eye contact with the President. They had a chance to really corner the president about Mexico paying for the wall, and didn't. It was there chance to really stand up to the president and they looked meak.
The Democrats were actually the one's that came out limp.

Cryin' Chuck couldn't make eye contact with the President. They had a chance to really corner the president about Mexico paying for the wall, and didn't. It was there chance to really stand up to the president and they looked meak.

If you believe that they "came out limp," then that tells us the answer to your own question.
The Democrats were actually the one's that came out limp.

Cryin' Chuck couldn't make eye contact with the President. They had a chance to really corner the president about Mexico paying for the wall, and didn't. It was there chance to really stand up to the president and they looked meak.
That's because they've spent their entire political careers avoiding such, it doesn't come naturally to them.

I expect they're responding to some advisers who are telling them to be more confrontational or whatnot.
Such behavior should be below our representatives.

She said it in private. I'm pretty confident far worse has been said in private in the White House and roughly every minute of the day elsewhere in D.C.
If you believe that they "came out limp," then that tells us the answer to your own question.

You do realize Cardinal that nearly 70% of American voters don't think the wall is a high priority? Only a minority of the country want to see the wall built. Why weren't these FACTS brought to during the press conference?
Lady balls. Gotta love 'em.

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