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  • Just wanted to say i like your responses in the Biden thread. Listening to other opinions and learning is always good. So many people here wont even listen to other opinions. I try and learn.
    Excon, IMO, personifies a contrarian, prone to post obstinately. I smiled while reading some of your recent exchanges with him.
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    Reactions: calamity
    It probably doesn't speak well of me, but sometimes I've just to throw turds at the village idiot.
    Howya holding up?
    I know when you lose someone, it's easy to get tired of people wishing you well and giving condolences - even when you know they mean well.... so I'm not going to be "that guy".... but I hope you're well doing okay the same....and hell, if beating up on Excon gives you a smile... I'll even take that bullet for you *L*
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