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Did Hillary Kill JFK Jr? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Roger Stone is writing a book based on his conspiracy theory that the Clintons murdered John F. Kennedy Jr. Stone is an longtime ally and friend of Donald Trump, who has previously used the discredited operative's research in attacks against the Clintons.

ROGER STONE: I have coming up next year a book which I make the case that John F. Kennedy Jr. was murdered. And he was murdered by the Clintons because he was in the way. Now I have extraordinary new evidence that nobody else has seen.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Writing Entire Book Alleging That The Clintons Secretly Murdered JFK Jr.
Of course not.

JFK Jr. was a poorly trained pilot, flying in bad conditions at night. That's what killed JFK Jr.
Roger Stone is also the guy who implicated Rafael Cruz in the JFK assassination and has called for Bernie Sanders to be shot for treason. He's a world-class kook, a world-class huckster, or both. He's basically Donald Trump's henchman. Not a word he says should be taken seriously.
Sure, sure. Cruz's dad killed JFK and the Clintons killed JKF Jr. Pretty sure Sanders shot Reagan and Kasich killed Prince.
Sure, sure. Cruz's dad killed JFK and the Clintons killed JKF Jr. Pretty sure Sanders shot Reagan and Kasich killed Prince.

I shot the sheriff.
I did not. Kinda a mistake in hindsight.

It would make sense to kill the right-hand man if you're going to take out the top dog. Typical liberal fail, Redress. You suck.
To be fair?

I clearly asked the other person to support a specific claim.
The claim was the following.

"Roger Stone is also the guy who implicated Rafael Cruz in the JFK assassination ... "

Your links do not support such a claim of [implicated in the assassination]. Do you really not know that?
Sure, sure. Cruz's dad killed JFK and the Clintons killed JKF Jr. Pretty sure Sanders shot Reagan and Kasich killed Prince.

Proving that in this primary cycle the candidates on both sides are very pro-2nd amendment. ;)
To be fair?

I clearly asked the other person to support a specific claim.
The claim was the following.

"Roger Stone is also the guy who implicated Rafael Cruz in the JFK assassination ... "

Your links do not support such a claim of [implicated in the assassination]. Do you really not know that?

Yes they do.

Noted “conspiracy analyst” and fervent Donald Trump supporter Roger Stone, who is basically a walking National Enquirer headline all his own, appeared on AM 970 The Answer Wednesday morning to discuss Trump’s dominant Indiana win with host Joe Piscopo. Stone is a regular guest on the program, and after accusations last month that he planted the Enquirer story about Ted Cruz‘s marital infidelities, the logical follow-up was to ask about yesterday’s bombshell: that Rafael Cruz, the father of the Texas Senator, was linked to Lee Harvey Oswald and complicit in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Hillary did not kill JFK Jr. That's just a preposterous notion that only moronic conspiracy clowns could come with.

It was obviously Obama who killed him.

Hillary Clinton is going to get pissed on for the next six months.

This is just the very, very beginning.

And to be fair, it couldn't happen to a dirtier, more felonious whore.

To fight a sleazy snake like Clinton you need a sleazy snake like Stone in your corner.
Yes they do.

Noted “conspiracy analyst” and fervent Donald Trump supporter Roger Stone, who is basically a walking National Enquirer headline all his own, appeared on AM 970 The Answer Wednesday morning to discuss Trump’s dominant Indiana win with host Joe Piscopo. Stone is a regular guest on the program, and after accusations last month that he planted the Enquirer story about Ted Cruz‘s marital infidelities, the logical follow-up was to ask about yesterday’s bombshell: that Rafael Cruz, the father of the Texas Senator, was linked to Lee Harvey Oswald and complicit in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

That does not support the claim. Again; Do you really not know that?
Nor is there claim of alleged complicity substantiated in the article they linked to. (Which is based on something Trump said, not anything Stone said.)

Nowhere in any of those articles does it say Stone said Cruz's father was involved in JFK's killing, only that he knew him because he worked with him in another endeavor.

Did you really not know this?
I see you really don't know what you are talking about. Figures.
Maybe you should have read the exchange that happened after I posted my comment to you, as that article in no way supports your lame claim that Stone implicated Rafael Cruz in the assassination of JFK.

All Stone has done is say that their was an association through working together on the same cause. Not any implication or or any involvement in JFK's assassination.
The only thing Clinton has murdered is my eardrums when I listen to her speeches.
(Which is based on something Trump said, not anything Stone said.)

You're going to try to legitimize Trump's insanity by saying he said something and not Roger? "No, no, no, no Trump said it, not Roger Stone, that makes it less crazy.) :lamo

I'm crying.

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