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  • I love your posts! And I love New York, grew up in Lehigh County PA, not far at all. Have a soft spot for everyone up north!
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    Reactions: SenorXm/Sirius
    I've been in NY all my life... Use to go to Hersey PA. many times when are kids were younger... I like your post too.. You're in Georgia now?
    Jessie C
    Jessie C
    Gwinnett county, 20 miles east of downtown Atlanta X 47 years. Was born in upstate PA and raised so close to NY and NJ.
    I haven't been to Atlanta in 20+ years..I liked it when I was there..
    Hey there, I see you're from New York state. Where do you live? I am from Rochester NY.
    Johnstown... Was born in Amsterdam NY though.. I got a job in my 30s downstate near Westchester.. Been down here for 30+ years... I still have family and friends upstate.. So we go upstate now and then.. Usually stay in Albany at the Desmond hotel.. We try to go to Saratoga race track in August.. But unfortunately last 2 years we haven't been there...

    Thx.. You're a good poster too...
    I worked at the Desmond in college. I often stay there when I get back to Albany. I have no more family in the area, but still have friends there. I also still have a deep love for the Adirondacks. My family had a place on Lake Pleasant for years, which I miss. I occasionally vacation in the Adirondacks renting a lake house. I particularly love Lake Placid.
    Oh yeah.. We've stayed on Lake George and Lake Placid many, many times. Placid Mostly at the Crown Plaza.. Great hotel.. Great view... We've camped in the Adirondacks many times, mostly Blue Mountain lake/ Durent Lake.. When I lived upstate I use to fish in Lake Pleasant many times..

    Great to talk to a fellow NYer...
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