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If it went to the jury today, would Zimmerman be convicted of Murder?
If it went to the jury today, would Zimmerman be convicted of Murder?
If it went to the jury today, would Zimmerman be convicted of Murder?
Admittedly I haven't followed this case very close at all, but I've always felt murder was a high bar to climb. So no, I don't think the state has made the case for a murder charge. I am open to a manslaughter though. I don't think Z life was in danger, his use of deadly force was not needed, IMO.
Admittedly I haven't followed this case very close at all, but I've always felt murder was a high bar to climb. So no, I don't think the state has made the case for a murder charge. I am open to a manslaughter though. I don't think Z life was in danger, his use of deadly force was not needed, IMO.
A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
The TM fan club will never concede that GZ is not guilty (of at least manslaughter). They will forever insist that under no circumstances is it "right" for an unarmed teenager to be killed, regardless of what forcible felony that they may choose to commit. They continue to view the use of deadly force, even in self defense, as a privilege reserved for the police and not a right of the average citizen.
You might not think it was, in retrospect it may NOT have been medically speaking, in fact in hindsight it would be logical for MANY people to believe it was not. NONE of that matters LEGALLY. What matters LEGALLY and SPECIFICALLY in this case is, did George. Case law also supports George.
We are all entitled to opinions, that's not the LAW.
I does not matter what you think. What matters is Florida law, which does not require that one's life be in danger in order to use deadly force in self defense.
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
Thank you folks for you information. If this is such a sure case as you seem to think it was, why didn't the judge end it yesterday?
Thank you folks for you information. If this is such a sure case as you seem to think it was, why didn't the judge end it yesterday?
Thank you folks for you information. If this is such a sure case as you seem to think it was, why didn't the judge end it yesterday?
Thank you folks for you information. If this is such a sure case as you seem to think it was, why didn't the judge end it yesterday?
Civilly liable, yes. He decided police dispatch recommendations not to pursue was a bad idea. He ignored neighborhood watch training material and followed Martin. He never identified himself as a neighborhood watch captain leading Martin to understandably presume Zimmerman was a criminal threat and he needed to defend himself. The Sanford PD allowed him too much behind the scenes access to police headquarters average citizens do not have, feeding his fantasy of a cop wannabe. But I don't see criminal guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in my casual following of the case, so far. Of course, I'm not on the jury so I've missed most of the trial proceedings so I cannot say what the jury is thinking based on better information but based on my limited observations, an acquittal would be just then sue the crap out of Zimmerman, the HOA and the Sanford PD. All everybody has to do is hold a fundraiser on a conservative media outlet spun to make it out to be an anti-Al Sharpton pledge drive.
The prosecution made it's biggest error in going for the M2 conviction and should've tried a case based on manslaughter. It would've been much more plausible and possible, now they appear to have overreached and missed big time.
How do you figure, with Manslaughter being a lesser included offense?
Fair enough appraisal.Because they based most of their evidence, proof and testimony on proving the worst of the offenses allowing the defense to easily rebuff their efforts and giving less credence to the lesser charges. If they had focused on proving the lesser of these crimes it would've made the evidence more believable and plausible, instead of a more heinous motive of M2. They lost credibility reaching too far making their own prosecution motive look less like unbiased justice.
I don't see it...2nd degree was a huge overcharging in this.
Probably the MOST accurate statement I've heard. The facts don't matter, the law doesn't matter. For those who are TM fans, the only thing that matters is he didn't have a gun, George did and TM is dead. It wouldn't matter to them that TM was high on THC, that he was ONLY in Sanford because he was expelled from school for.......... a fistfight, that he ambushed someone instead of just going home, that he called George a "creepy ass cracker". None of that matters, in fact I'd be willing to wager even if George was in a coma in the hospital from the encounter they STILL wouldn't think he had the right to shoot TM.
TM wasn't expelled.. He was suspended for ten days.
If GZ had followed me.. I might have called him a broadway b**stard.