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What Relgion do you belong too? (1 Viewer)

What Religion do you belong to?

  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • Christian-Baptist

    Votes: 4 5.0%
  • Christian-Mormon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian-other (specify)

    Votes: 15 18.8%
  • Islam

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Judiasm

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist/agnostic

    Votes: 28 35.0%
  • other

    Votes: 19 23.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Heart of Dixie
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Just interested in seeing what the results will be.

I'm sorry if I forgot any major religion, I hope I didn't but I wouldn't be surprised if one escaped my mind.
Last edited:
Assuming you mean religion. Well I guess technically I am a Catholic since I was baptized because my religion teacher in the 4th grade convinced me I would go straight to hell if I wasn't. But I do consider myself an atheist.
Christian, nondenominational.
Assuming you mean religion. Well I guess technically I am a Catholic since I was baptized because my religion teacher in the 4th grade convinced me I would go straight to hell if I wasn't. But I do consider myself an atheist.

I know I made some typos, can't fix them though..
I know I made some typos, can't fix them though..

Well at first I thought you meant region and the l was a typo. But then that didn't make any sense...
Christian, but i don't go to church. I'd rather connect with God on my own than have someone try, and make me think like them.
I'm an Atheist by the way...I was baptized Catholic but wasn't raised in a very religious house at all. I am actually fortunate for that though, I know it can be very hard to lose something or none the less doubt something that has been ingrained into your skull since birth.
Christian, but i don't go to church. I'd rather connect with God on my own than have someone try, and make me think like them.

That cracks me up! What does going to church have to do with it?

The reason I ask is too many people think somehow going to church makes them a good Christian. I mean Lets forget all the evil crap they do the rest of the week.

You reminded me of that with your statement.
Hm....I'm curious as to your reasoning for creating this thread, but I'll bite.

I'm a Christian - non-denominational church.
Other, I consider myself a Deist. (Somebody always has to be contrary)
I was raised Catholic, but now attend an evangelical Presbyterian church. I've had many many experiences with different churches. I had to shop and see what suited me and my family. Our pastor is a gifted teacher!
Raised Catholic but not exactly practicing. I do believe in the basics though.
My pop always claimed that he had, "stump religion". If he wanted to talk to God, he would sit on a stump and talk to him. I follow along those same religious beliefs.

My wife and I attend a Baptist church, that has one helluva preacher. He delivered the service at my pop's funeral on 13 May. I can honestly say that it's the only funeral service I've ever been to, where the mourners laughed, during the service. He knew exactly how to celebrate pop's life and has made me feel closer to God than any other preacher I've ever known.

I go to a Baptist church, though frankly my attendence this year has been more off than on due to various problems and distractions.

I do take my beliefs very seriously and try very hard to live by them.
Although I picked atheist/agnostic. I am actually what is called Apatheist. Gods lack of existence does not matter to me and the presence or popularity of religion does not affect me.
Because I'm a pain in the ass, I selected the obligatory "other."

I was baptized, raised and confirmed Catholic, but I haven't been in a Church since I was 18 except for weddings and funerals.

I hit a point around then that I decided I didn't know if there's a god or not, and that I didn't really care. I'm not sure if that qualifies as agnostic.

Aside from that, I've been leaning pretty heavily in the direction of the Tao for a while now.
Religion is against my personal belief system.
Other. I'm a Germanic Pagan with some eclectic influences.
Raised athiest, ended up becoming a Christian and now I go to a Southern Baptist church. The church I currently attend is one of the few I have found that actually tries to get out into the community and be a positive influence instead of just doing some ritual on Sunday and being whoever the rest of the week. I attend regularly and believe in the message completely, even though many times my behavior says otherwise. I try though, sometimes even with success.
I'm either atheist or agnostic, depending on what definition of those two terms you use.
Just interested in seeing what the results will be.

I'm sorry if I forgot any major religion, I hope I didn't but I wouldn't be surprised if one escaped my mind.

You kind of let the World's fourth and fifth largest religions/philosophies slip your mind. Buddhism and Confucianism/Daoism really ought to be on your list.

I wouldn't call myself a Buddhist although I do study and try to practice the teachings of the Lord Buddha and attempt to live a more Zen existence. Buddhism's not much of a philosophy for membership and chauvinism, however. Whatever you might practice is about your own karma. If you choose to practice Buddhism, good for you. If you don't, good for you too. I just hope you find what you are seeking. There's no merit in 'converting' someone else to Buddhism, as that's impossible. Everyone has to find their own way towards enlightenment.

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