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What are your favorite games? (1 Viewer)


Oct 29, 2010
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Political Leaning
Share what your favorite games/series are here. Here are mine (none of which are on next-gen consoles):

-StarCraft series
-Warcraft series
-Diablo series
-Command & Conquer series
-Age of Empires series
-Rogue Spear
-Resident Evil series
-Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
-MechWarrior series
-Descent series
-FreeSpace series
-Tribes series
-Unreal Tournament 2004
-Total Annihilation
-Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
-Star Wars: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
-Half-Life series
-Left 4 Dead
-The Legend of Zelda series
-Metroid Prime
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Honorable Mentions
-Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
-Star Trek: Armada
-Dino Crisis
-Super Mario 64
-Aliens vs Predator (1999)
-Star Wars: Force Commander
-Company of Heroes Online
-Homeworld 2
Ahh Mechwarrior. I had Mech 2 plus the expansion pack. That was one hard game.

I love playing Doom on my xbox, but playing shoot em ups from Quake onwards (so the ones that were 'true' 3D) without mouselook just feels weird to me.
The only game I will start playing again is Command and Conquer. Therefore it is my only favorite game. Well, that and Star Wars Battleground and Battlefront.
Total Annihilation
Half-Life 1 and 2
Eastern and Western Front
Pool Of Radiance
Icewind Dale
Civilization 1,2,3,4
Final Fantasy 7

But the best probably has to be:

Xcom: UFO Defense

Edit: this assumes you mean computer games. If tabletop gaming is allowed I would add:

The Longest Day
Stasis Pro Baseball
Star Fleet Battles
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I'm into wow... I dont know if I will stick around for cata depends how awesome it is.

I enjoyed twisted metal black
and halo of course


This is sad I'm outgrowing videogames...
City of Heroes
Dragon Age
Zelda Series
Mass Effect Series
Starcraft Series
Homeworld Series
KOTOR Series
Neverwinter Nights Series
Dawn of War Series

If we're going outside of video games, I also enjoy:
Trivial Pursuit
I really enjoy Oblivion. The PC version mind you. The game isn't very good without all of the great mods out there that turn it into one of the best games around.

Also, the Myst series. They are really fun for a point and click style game.
I like WOW. Really the only thing I play.

I do like some of the more cartoony games though every now and again, just too lazy to hook up my WII to play the ones we have, and already beat Lego Indiana Jones on XBox, which is the only XBox game my hubby has that I will play.
Mass Effect Series
Splinter Cell Series
Call of Duty 4
Fallout 3 & New Vegas
Assassins Creed Series
NHL Series
Red Dead Redemption
Metroid Series
Share what your favorite games/series are here. Here are mine (none of which are on next-gen consoles):

-StarCraft series
-Warcraft series
-Diablo series
-Command & Conquer series
-Age of Empires series
-Rogue Spear
-Resident Evil series
-Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
-MechWarrior series
-Descent series
-FreeSpace series
-Tribes series
-Unreal Tournament 2004
-Total Annihilation
-Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
-Star Wars: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
-Half-Life series
-Left 4 Dead
-The Legend of Zelda series
-Metroid Prime
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Honorable Mentions
-Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
-Star Trek: Armada
-Dino Crisis
-Super Mario 64
-Aliens vs Predator (1999)
-Star Wars: Force Commander
-Company of Heroes Online
-Homeworld 2
star trek: armada was a favorite of mine
My list is quite long, I'll see if I can order it by genre and greatness:

Warhammer 40k Dawn of War series
Empire Earth series
Total Annihilation
World in Conflict
Total War series
Sins of a Solar Empire
Age of Empires series
C&C Red Alert

-First person shooters-
Half-Life series
Call of Duty series
Unreal Tournament '04
Crysis series
Doom series
Rainbow Six series
Bioshock series
Battlefield series

Hitman series
Splinter Cell series
GTA series
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Condemned series
Assassin's creed
Postal series
Tomb Rider series

-Action RPG-
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Elder Scrolls series
Mass Effect series
Dragon Age
Fallout series
The Lord of the Rings series
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

FIFA series
Need for Speed series
Tony Hawk series

Mortal Kombat series
Soul Calibur series
Tekken series
Street Fighters series

Sherlock Holmes series
Penumbra series
Mario 64
Worms series
Rayman series
Favorite Games of all time.

Master of Orion 2
Civilization 2
Civilization 4
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Sid Meier's Alien Combat
Sim City (the original)
Dragon Age
Might and Magic 6
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Age of Empires
Dragon Age
Minecraft (the game I currently play, it only costs $15 too :) )
hey guys//
My all time favorite game is only one that is Call of duty 4... i just lover it... it is mind-blowing.... During playing it seems that time fly...
By far, the Mario games-- both the main series and the Paper Mario games. The world just feels so wonderful and alive to me.

Beyond that, I love the Street Fighter games and I'm looking forward to the two Tekken crossovers that are in production.

Tabletop, I'm a huge Rolemaster and HARP fan. Also, it was barely in print for a whole year, but the Street Fighter licensed RPG was incredible.
Whatever happened to Monopoly, canasta, rook, chess, or checkers?
I just finished "Heavy Rain" it was very original and quite good. I used the new PlayStation 3 Move controller which I've been liking quite a bit except for the dearth of good games available for it so far. I've been inventing Origami figures since I was a child.
If I had to compose a top ten...

1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Lunar 2: Eternal Blue PSX remake
3) Metal Gear Solid
4) Contra
5) Monster Rancher 2
6) Contra 4
7) Shadowrun (Genesis version)
8) Fallout 3
9) Metroid Prime
10) Tetris DS

Honorable Mentions: Metal Gear Solid 3; Final Fantasy III DS; Resident Evil remake (Gamecube); Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem; Clock Tower; Resident Evil 2; Gears of War; Doom 3; Professor Layton games
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I played Everquest for about 5 years. I have been playing Everquest II since it came out in '04. I enjoyed the entire Final Fantasy series. I'll try just about any RPG. and I love beating the crap out of my boys in Wii boxing.
I played Everquest for about 5 years. I have been playing Everquest II since it came out in '04. I enjoyed the entire Final Fantasy series. I'll try just about any RPG. and I love beating the crap out of my boys in Wii boxing.

What server in EQ2?
What server in EQ2?

I play on the Lucan Dlere server. I have a 90 Conji, 80 Fury, 73 Ranger. I am currently playing a 29 Guardian. I set all my experience to go into AA so I won't outlevel the quests in Nek and TS. Going back and doing all the quests that I missed the first times through.

I'm usually on for an hour or so week nights around 7 central. weekends for a couple hours a night starting around 8 central.
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