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What are you bad at? (1 Viewer)

Mr X

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Political Leaning
What everyday tasks are you bad at doing? Household chores/tech stuff etc.

I'm pretty bad at reversing in a car.
Good question. I couldn't think of anything unless you count cooking, which I've no interest in at all. I can't cook worth a damn. On the other hand, I've no desire to learn, either.

I seem to actually create more of a mess when I try to clean.

I have found peace by embracing my inner slob.

I can do most anything well except art.
I can't do any kind of art, either, which pisses me off because my brother is an exceptional artist, and has made his fortune as an artist.

Personally, I think some of that should have rubbed off on me. *hmph*

I'm also not good at frying chicken. I always overcook it or undercook it, or both. Never been good at it, but maybe it's because I have no patience.
I have trouble repairing machines more complex than a lawnmower. Also, I'm not great at parties unless it's a gig. I do great one on one, but group conversations are more challenging for me.
I'm terrible at anything outside my narrow range of interest and skills.
Posting on political boards seems to be a challenge for me.
I cannot play golf.
I'm very bad about remembering not to wear my white pumps after labor day.

I don't know how many times this has caused me embarrassment at the company parties.
Unwrapping tangled-up extension cords, cables, rope, etc. I mean, I can do it but I'd rather have a root canal.
I'm very bad about remembering not to wear my white pumps after labor day.

I don't know how many times this has caused me embarrassment at the company parties.

You wear them proudly! That "white after Labor Day," has been debunked as a fashion-faux.
I am bad with Computer tech and learning about computers thru some directions without having someone show me. I just prefer to be shown that rather than have to read thru all the techno gizmo stuff. Wherein I end up asking even more questions than what I started out with.

Also I am bad with the mechanics of cars. Never got into working on cars or any of that type of stuff growing thru the years. Same with Motorcycles. Nor have I ever wanted to. I would rather take the car to someone who was skilled at mechanics, nowadays.....certified. Like with the brakes. Rather have that all dealt with by an expert in that field rather than save myself some money and do it myself.

Most that know me will say that whatever I do.....I do exceptionally good. So that when it comes to screwing up. I do that exceptionally good too. :lol:
I can't seem to cook a steak right.

Just about anything, I'm willing to give it a go, and usually come out at least passable. But cooking steaks defeats me every time.
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble--when you're perfect in every way!
Sorry --- old Mac Davis song! Look it up on Youtube, kids.
Changing poopy diapers. It's humiliating, gag reflex and all. Fortunately, my wife and I have a trade-off. She changes the poopsters, I get up with shrieking babies.
I can't seem to cook a steak right.

Just about anything, I'm willing to give it a go, and usually come out at least passable. But cooking steaks defeats me every time.

there is not enough band width to list all of the things i do terribly

but let me offer some steak cooking suggestions:
try to allow the raw steaks to sit out and get (close) to room temperature; good time to add seasoning, such as garlic and fresh pepper - but never salt
make sure your grill (or cast iron pan) is at high heat
place the seasoned raw steak on the grill
here is the key. NEVER turn it more than once. and do not poke it with a knife or fork
when the steak has nice grill marks on the first side, turn it over, this ONE time
cook it until the meat thermometer says 140 degree for medium. add 10 for medium well, plus another 10 for well
subtract 10 for medium rare and another 10 for rare
also important: let the steak "rest". preferably while covered (foil, pan lid, etc.), for about five minutes ... while you do the final prep to eat
if you want, this is a good time to place some butter on top, to add juiciness and a bit of flavor

ditto for burgers but internal temp should be closer to 160

if cooking stove top, use a cast iron pan that was preheated in a 400 degree oven
use high heat on the stove when cooking the steak
otherwise, cook the same as when grilling

and by now we can see one of the worst things for me to do is to stay on topic
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble--when you're perfect in every way!
Sorry --- old Mac Davis song! Look it up on Youtube, kids.

I know that song well. My father used to sing it. Just out of the blue, he'd break out into song. :lol:
Can't sing. Never have been able to.
Using an iron and ironing board. I swear to god I get Parkinsons desease every time I try to get a few wrinkles out of a shirt or pants. It's horrible.
good time to add seasoning, such as garlic and fresh pepper - but never salt

Why on earth would you not put salt on your steak before cooking? It helps provide grill marks and a crust I thought?

I always put a generous amount of kosher salt and cracked pepper a few minutes before cooking. And they always come out amazing. I notice if I don't when cooking them in my cast iron I don't get the same sear that I would with the salt.
I cannot play golf.

Yeah.....I don't play golf. Nor would I pay to. But I have swung a few clubs in my time, Irons too. They did what they were suppose to. :lol:

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