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Well, That Was Fast (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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No sooner does the race narrow down to two candidates than Trump closes the gap and even pulls ahead of Clinton in some states.

Reuter's rolling average: Hillary 41.3%, Trump 40%.

Close or leading in battleground states.

Never have so many pundits and opinionators been so full of crap.

Those who predicted that Trump would fade and fail early in the primary season: full of crap.

Those who have predicted multiple times that this or that misstep or gaffe would end his campaign: full of crap.

Those who said that any day now the voters were going to see through Trump: full of crap.

Those who said that the gender gap would hurt Trump: full of crap. (The gender gap is hurting Clinton more than Trump. For every woman who hates Trump there are two men who hate Clinton.)

Those who confidently predicted that Clinton would beat Trump in the national election: perhaps just as full of crap.
Thanks for the info.

You are correct about the perceptions.
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No sooner does the race narrow down to two candidates than Trump closes the gap and even pulls ahead of Clinton in some states.

Reuter's rolling average: Hillary 41.3%, Trump 40%.

Close or leading in battleground states.

Never have so many pundits and opinionators been so full of crap.

Those who predicted that Trump would fade and fail early in the primary season: full of crap.

Those who have predicted multiple times that this or that misstep or gaffe would end his campaign: full of crap.

Those who said that any day now the voters were going to see through Trump: full of crap.

Those who said that the gender gap would hurt Trump: full of crap. (The gender gap is hurting Clinton more than Trump. For every woman who hates Trump there are two men who hate Clinton.)

Those who confidently predicted that Clinton would beat Trump in the national election: perhaps just as full of crap.

Your sudden woody for Trump simply proves what I've always said about you. You don't care a whit about conservativism. You just hate liberals.
No sooner does the race narrow down to two candidates than Trump closes the gap and even pulls ahead of Clinton in some states.

Reuter's rolling average: Hillary 41.3%, Trump 40%.

Close or leading in battleground states.

Never have so many pundits and opinionators been so full of crap.

Those who predicted that Trump would fade and fail early in the primary season: full of crap.

Those who have predicted multiple times that this or that misstep or gaffe would end his campaign: full of crap.

Those who said that any day now the voters were going to see through Trump: full of crap.

Those who said that the gender gap would hurt Trump: full of crap. (The gender gap is hurting Clinton more than Trump. For every woman who hates Trump there are two men who hate Clinton.)

Those who confidently predicted that Clinton would beat Trump in the national election: perhaps just as full of crap.

I'm guilty of at least half of that, probably more. Al Gore is likely excited though. He's been waiting 16 years to pass on the title "Lost the Election to the Most Beatable Opponent Ever", and she won't even have Ralph Nader to blame.

But it's early still.
Just one note...

I'd not actually say all those that predicted what you said are "full of crap". Simply "wrong" would be more accurate for many of them, at least it comes to the claims earlier on in the process.

Without question, there were likely those that said such things simply because it was Trump and for little more reason than that. Yes, those people were full of crap. Many of the others however were making those statements for legitimate reasons based on history, trends, etc. They were educated guesses. Anyone declaring it as a definite could reasonably be said as full of crap, but those predicting it as likely not so much. Such a prediction was entirely reasonable.

Now the later the cycle went on and the more it showed that many aspects of conventional wisdom and political science were simply not functioning in the standard fashion, those who CONTINUED to make their claims unabated were arguably more "full of ****" as they weren't realistically adapting to the realities of the current situation. But early on, it made plenty of sense to suggest that Trump was likely a doomed bid.
No ONE, no ONE has underestimated more and been more wrong about Mr. Trump than the GOP.
No sooner does the race narrow down to two candidates than Trump closes the gap and even pulls ahead of Clinton in some states.

Reuter's rolling average: Hillary 41.3%, Trump 40%.

Close or leading in battleground states.

Never have so many pundits and opinionators been so full of crap.

Those who predicted that Trump would fade and fail early in the primary season: full of crap.

Those who have predicted multiple times that this or that misstep or gaffe would end his campaign: full of crap.

Those who said that any day now the voters were going to see through Trump: full of crap.

Those who said that the gender gap would hurt Trump: full of crap. (The gender gap is hurting Clinton more than Trump. For every woman who hates Trump there are two men who hate Clinton.)

Those who confidently predicted that Clinton would beat Trump in the national election: perhaps just as full of crap.

I believe I have pointed this out over and over in responses to naysayers in the Forum.

I won't predict a Trump win because that will be determined at the final countdown. But I will continue to point out he has greater appeal to a wide variety of American voter's than naysayers and detractors seem to realize. Especially vs Hillary Clinton.

Had the Democrats backed Sanders? Then IMO we might have seen a different dynamic.
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Trumps manipulation of the media is proving the people care more for hype and sensation. The people have spoken. Clearly the best person for the job is no where near as important as hype and sensation. The 2 candidates from both parties are proof. We have Hillary who should be in jail not running for president but is the media sensation as the possibly the first woman president. Then we have Trump that will say any outrageous thing to keep the media putting his face in our face. Most people do not even know what he is saying. They just keep seeing his face and that he is the popular guy so maybe he should get my vote. Hillary has the vote of the unions even though the greatest threat to the unions is the estimated 40 million criminals who have entered this country illegally. They will do the work the union workers are doing for minimum wage and no benefits. Except food stamps, assisted living, etc. that the middle class, what is left of the middle class, will be burdened with paying.
No sooner does the race narrow down to two candidates than Trump closes the gap and even pulls ahead of Clinton in some states.

Reuter's rolling average: Hillary 41.3%, Trump 40%.

Close or leading in battleground states.

Never have so many pundits and opinionators been so full of crap.

Those who predicted that Trump would fade and fail early in the primary season: full of crap.

Those who have predicted multiple times that this or that misstep or gaffe would end his campaign: full of crap.

Those who said that any day now the voters were going to see through Trump: full of crap.

Those who said that the gender gap would hurt Trump: full of crap. (The gender gap is hurting Clinton more than Trump. For every woman who hates Trump there are two men who hate Clinton.)

Those who confidently predicted that Clinton would beat Trump in the national election: perhaps just as full of crap.

My favorite; those #nevertrumps who have fallen for the Trump can't beat Hillary meme.
No sooner does the race narrow down to two candidates than Trump closes the gap and even pulls ahead of Clinton in some states.

Reuter's rolling average: Hillary 41.3%, Trump 40%.

Close or leading in battleground states.

Never have so many pundits and opinionators been so full of crap.

Those who predicted that Trump would fade and fail early in the primary season: full of crap.

Those who have predicted multiple times that this or that misstep or gaffe would end his campaign: full of crap.

Those who said that any day now the voters were going to see through Trump: full of crap.

Those who said that the gender gap would hurt Trump: full of crap. (The gender gap is hurting Clinton more than Trump. For every woman who hates Trump there are two men who hate Clinton.)

Those who confidently predicted that Clinton would beat Trump in the national election: perhaps just as full of crap.

And the understanding of Trump's policies is growing:

Trumponomics: Speak Loudly and Carry a Yuge Stick - Bloomberg View
I think people are just fed up with a choice between Radical, Ethnocentric, Anti-White, Anti-Male, Pro-Illegal Immigrant, Muslim Importing, Far-Lefties, Vs. Establishment RINO Shills who rubber stamp the ongoing policies of the Radical, Ethnocentric, Anti-White, Anti-Male, Pro-Illegal Immigrant, Muslim Importing, Far-Lefties.

Its the Duopoly choice of no-choice that has created the Trump Phenomenon.

There is no American Party Representing the interests of the bulk of the American People, who are largely Working, Low-Middle Class, Dr. King's Dream, Limited Government, Socially Slightly Liberal, Fiscally Conservative, Pragmatic Centrists looking for a job!

There is at least a possibility that Trump will turn out to be a President who represents the common people.

We KNOW Hillary, Bernie, Jeb Bush, Kasich and Rubio will only represent the Establishment Duopoly.

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I'm sure we don't need to remind you that the General Election is 6 MONTHS away? A lot can happen in six months.
I'm sure we don't need to remind you that the General Election is 6 MONTHS away? A lot can happen in six months.

Hillary could and should be in Prison, sentenced to 10 years, for violating Classified Security Procedures in two months.

If you or I had mishandled classified data, we would be!

Hillary could and should be in Prison, sentenced to 10 years, for violating Classified Security Procedures in two months.

If you or I had mishandled classified data, we would be!


True. Or Trump could actually say something that kills his campaign. Anything could happen in the next 6 months.
No sooner does the race narrow down to two candidates than Trump closes the gap and even pulls ahead of Clinton in some states.

Reuter's rolling average: Hillary 41.3%, Trump 40%.

Close or leading in battleground states.

Never have so many pundits and opinionators been so full of crap.

Those who predicted that Trump would fade and fail early in the primary season: full of crap.

Those who have predicted multiple times that this or that misstep or gaffe would end his campaign: full of crap.

Those who said that any day now the voters were going to see through Trump: full of crap.

Those who said that the gender gap would hurt Trump: full of crap. (The gender gap is hurting Clinton more than Trump. For every woman who hates Trump there are two men who hate Clinton.)

Those who confidently predicted that Clinton would beat Trump in the national election: perhaps just as full of crap.

Could be full of crap, or it could be that this particular situation is so far from their previous experiences with which they are predicting that they are predicting all wrong. Or it could be they are portraying their wishful thinking.

Trump is a most unusual candidate, seemingly immune from repercussions of his outrageous bombast what one would expect. That, and the electorate is just plain old fed up with the same old same old establishment politics.

Between the two, is it any surpirse they are predicting all wrong? They don't have a frame of reference for this situation.
True. Or Trump could actually say something that kills his campaign. Anything could happen in the next 6 months.

We could be massively attacked by Obama's Allies; BLM Rioters, Obama's Muslim Imports, and MS13 Gangs, and then have Obama Declare Martial Law and suspend the 2016 elections.

I do not think that is likely, but it is possible.

I would not have thought martial law and suspension of elections within the realm of possible by any previous American President.

But then Other Presidents and their A.G.s haven't done the "Safe Cities" actions, putting U.N. largely Muslim Police in charge of American Cities and their local Law Enforcement.

Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight 'Extremism' In U.S. - Breitbart


Obama Administration and UN Announce “GLOBAL POLICE FORCE” to Fight “Extremism” IN US CITIES |

Obama has proven himself a uniquely flawed President.

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Trumps manipulation of the media is proving the people care more for hype and sensation. The people have spoken. Clearly the best person for the job is no where near as important as hype and sensation. The 2 candidates from both parties are proof. We have Hillary who should be in jail not running for president but is the media sensation as the possibly the first woman president. Then we have Trump that will say any outrageous thing to keep the media putting his face in our face. Most people do not even know what he is saying. They just keep seeing his face and that he is the popular guy so maybe he should get my vote. Hillary has the vote of the unions even though the greatest threat to the unions is the estimated 40 million criminals who have entered this country illegally. They will do the work the union workers are doing for minimum wage and no benefits. Except food stamps, assisted living, etc. that the middle class, what is left of the middle class, will be burdened with paying.

I would say that has been proven long ago. I mean hell it was proven true again with Obama. It is why the country has been in a downward spiral for decades.
Here's an EXCELLENT article detailing what I described above; legitimate means of coming to the conclusion many analysts did, but why they were likely wrong. Also was happy to see someone in the media step up and admit they were wrong on this and try an reasonably and objectively discern why:

How the data world missed the boat on Trump
I'm sure we don't need to remind you that the General Election is 6 MONTHS away? A lot can happen in six months.

It's been election season for over a year now, people are itchy to make predictions
It's been election season for over a year now, people are itchy to make predictions

Given the deadlines for filing to run for the Presidency, and the number of candidates who have pulled out of the campaign, we are down to a fairly straight forward choice between two options:

Do you want the U.S. economy brought on by spending 100s of Billions of tax dollars on Millions more Illegal Mexicans and Muslims?


Do you want an 8 year+ new Muslim Immigrant hold/Deportation for Illegals and the tax savings that go with it spent on Native Born Americans?


Americans have almost always voted their pocket books.

It isn't really rocket science now is it?

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Given the deadlines for filing to run for the Presidency, and the number of candidates who have pulled out of the campaign, we are down to a fairly straight forward choice between two options:

Do you want the U.S. economy brought on by spending 100s of Billions of tax dollars on Millions more Illegal Mexicans and Muslims?


Do you want an 8 year+ new Muslim Immigrant hold/Deportation for Illegals and the tax savings that go with it spent on Native Born Americans?


Americans have almost always voted their pocket books.

It isn't really rocket science now is it?


No, your presentation of the situation definitely falls short of "rocket science" standards.
No, your presentation of the situation definitely falls short of "rocket science" standards.

I would remind you of just how accurate the far-left's predictions about the demise of Trump have been.

Sometimes I think I have a redirect virus on this computer so when I click on DP I get redirected to Stormfront.

My God.
Sometimes I think I have a redirect virus on this computer so when I click on DP I get redirected to Stormfront.

My God.

We of the America First Nationalist concept do NOT expect the traitors of the Far-Left to like our position.

But it doesn't come from Storm Front, or any other "Race" based position, it comes from Nationalism, and included many, many, non-Whites, like my Hispanic Wife and adult Daughter and their Husbands.

It is about economics and caring for our own First, before we give away 100s of Billions of dollars.

Some groups talk about Trump's America-First appeal with appreciation:

Donald Trump Focuses on Nationalist Message in New York: 'America First' - Breitbart

Some Far-Leftie mouth pieces sneer at Trump's America-First Appeal:

In invoking 'America First,' Trump stirs memories of pre-WWII isolationist movement - CNNPolitics.com

But MOST understand that it is not about RACE, it is about Nation/Culture/Borders, Law&Order, and Economics!

Maybe if the Far-Lefties stopped playing the incessant Race-Card for a moment, you might just see why you are failing to understand the Trump Phenomenon!


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