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Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395, 619, 1357, 1549] (2 Viewers)

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Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395]

No, his duty as a volunteer watchman was to report the suspicious activity and allow the police to do their job- he took it upon himself to go above and beyond. There is a reason the 911 told him to stay put. …

Which is what he was doing: REPORTING SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY. He made no move to stop the suspicious person, he simply followed the individual as best he could, so that police COULD DO THEIR JOB, FIND THE SUSPICIOUS PERSON AND DEAL WITH HIM.

How did Z suspect M was up to no good? Because he looked a certain way?

Yes… he was walking in the rain, in the dark, up next to properties, in a decidedly SUSPICIOUS MANNER…
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

Zimmerman stalked the boy for no reason, while armed. Martin may have felt threatened. Zimmerman should have never been outside his car.

There is no evidence of that.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

Melissa Harris-Perry is just as much a race baiter as Al. What a horrible woman.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Eh, did a quick search, turns out he did it for his daughter and a longer life:

Maybe he could share his secret with Zimmer.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395]

while there are socially required expressions of sympathy for parents losing their child regards of age, i do not see reason to feel sense of social lose or excuses when a violent assailant is shot by his victim while in the act of the assault - and the law technically claiming a 6+ foot tall 17 year old a minor (with many in the media and press outright lying converting this to "a young child.")

that assailant, not the victim, died. That is the right outcome.

The most outrageous comment so far? To declare that trayvon martin was a civil rights advocate and should be remembered along with african americans who actually were murdered because of their involvement in the great african-american civil rights movement. Given mlk jr's stress for non-violence, it is totally outrageous to put tm into that context.

nailed it!
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

Race baiting is much easier when you have a town and authorities who made a poor decision about investigation and gave them ammo. Sure, they could have ignored it, but they are ratings whores and I am not expecting them to change that since it is pretty much encouraged by increased ratings. It is their job. It would have been much harder had the police and prosecutors handled the case in a more vigilant fashion to start off with. Had they just investigated every avenue like we pay them to, and let the jury sort it based on evidence from the beginning they could have avoided being labelled as racist or corrupt later when they were being hammered by both sides.

The Stanford Police Department investigated and found no reason to arrest Zimmerman. They were right. They would have saved the state a million dollars, court time and countless reality TV hours. After Z, they are the most vindicated.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I'm merely pointing out the absolute idiocy in claiming that you have no responsibility for actions you take that are likely to put you in danger.

So you admit that Zimmerman was in danger from Martin. That is a step in the right direction.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

The Stanford Police Department investigated and found no reason to arrest Zimmerman. They were right. They would have saved the state a million dollars, court time and countless reality TV hours. After Z, they are the most vindicated.

I think thats the biggest take away and shows that the State's attorney truly fell to the whim of political pressure to pursue this case. Clearly, based on the actual evidence, the former Sanford police chief had it right....they didn't have the evidence to prosecute.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

The racial angst on this thread is more than palpable......................
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I think thats the biggest take away and shows that the State's attorney truly fell to the whim of political pressure to pursue this case. Clearly, based on the actual evidence, the former Sanford police chief had it right....they didn't have the evidence to prosecute.

Which leads to SYG no-arrest protocol standing its ground.
Re: Zimmerman NOT GUILTY

You couldn't know this, thus the misunderstanding: Tererun is transsexual, she was just joking.

Then I retract. Glad to hear it.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Can we all collectively eyeroll this, please?

@VanJones68: The verdict: Racism won. #TrayvonMartin
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395]

The racial angst on this thread is more than palpable......................

No, it's not. It's only when people pop in here with "race baiters " posts that it's even mentioned.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

The racial angst on this thread is more than palpable......................

Well since you and a few other race baiters are in it, I'm not surprised.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I said a lesser charge than manslaughter. I understand that manslaughter was available as a choice.

What lesser charge would you have wanted?

Maybe ilegal parking for where he left his truck?
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I'm merely pointing out the absolute idiocy in claiming that you have no responsibility for actions you take that are likely to put you in danger.

Having responsibility for your own actions and having responsibility for the actions of others are two different things. Z was not responsible for M's criminal act.

Do you think that every time a concerned neighbor checks out a new guy in the neighborhood, the neighbor should be attacked?

Also, you have some facts wrong but no one is gonna bother correcting that now.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395]

Can we all collectively eyeroll this, please?

@VanJones68: The verdict: Racism won. #TrayvonMartin

Ignorance knows how to tweet, apparently.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Common sense! It's fairly obvious which of these two is going to get more respect, and it has nothing to do with race.



You just mean YOU would respect him more. You are not the deciderer
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I think Chief Bill Lee should get his job back.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395]

No, it's not. It's only when people pop in here with "race baiters " posts that it's even mentioned.

It is when people are rooting for the "lighter" guy in a case that, basically, stinks to high heavens.......................
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Can we all collectively eyeroll this, please?

@VanJones68: The verdict: Racism won. #TrayvonMartin

Oh… I would roll my eyes, but I have a standing policy of not giving a dam' about anything a self describe communist says…
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I think Chief Bill Lee should get his job back.

Well, THAT would be the second happiest Floridian tonight. And yes, I absolutely agree with ya on that one.
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