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Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395, 619, 1357, 1549] (1 Viewer)

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Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I agree. He doesn't strike me as the villain the prosecutor painted him to be. I personally think he's complete idiot, don't think he was out "hunting" as was proclaimed.

I don't think the prosecution believed it either but they had to say something.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I guess it's open season on black children in Florida. I am beside myself at how egregiously racist this country and it's justice system is.

That's ridiculous.

The Justice system actually worked perfectly. 6 Jurors minus the rhetoric, the misinformation, the demagoguery and the out right lies from people like Al Sharpton and EVERYONE on MSNBC, analyzed all of the evidence objectively and came to the obvious conclusion.

It was a tragic circumstance, but Trayvon Martin clearly overpowered Zimmerman and could have easily turned that ground and pound into a homicide.

What young men should take away from this trial is that the real world isn't a High School locker room or a fight out by the bike racks after school and people may answer your MMA with a bullet.

Trayvon Martin had clearly taken a wrong turn judging by his tweets and Facebook photos and that may have led to his decision to physically confront Zimmerman.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Disappointing, but not surprising. The defense argued more coherently than the prosecution. Now I'm just thinking about all the people who will use this case as permission to racially profile and kill young black men as long as they make up a good enough story of self-defense. Welcome to America.
Re: Zimmerman NOT GUILTY

Years ago I found myself in a similar situation. Walking through my parents very upscale neighborhood with a car creeping along behind me. It never entered my mind that I was the one who was suspect... after about ten minutes of this, I was totally geared for fight or flight. I finally just stopped, turned around and faced the car... it seemed like ages before the standoff ended and the car drove off.

Weeks later it came down through the grapevine that it was a neighbor of my parents and they thought I was up to no good. Which was so weird to me as I was simply out for a walk and a smoke after dinner. But I had (and still do) long hair. I can't tell you the amount of prejudging that goes on when you have long hair. I can only imagine what it would be like to be a black kid.

Most have never had this experience and so it doesn't register with them, or is so abstract that it's easy to dismiss...

Are you saying if you had had darker skin, the neighbor would have done something different?

Can you blame the neighbor for wanting to know if there was a dangerous person around his family?
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13


Martin diverted from his path home and waited in ambush for his victim.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

"Innocent" is too far a stretch for me to accept.

A young man died at his hand.

May peace elude him.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Disappointing, but not surprising. The defense argued more coherently than the prosecution. Now I'm just thinking about all the people who will use this case as permission to racially profile and kill young black men as long as they make up a good enough story of self-defense. Welcome to America.

How many black men used the OJ trial as permission to kill their wife and her supposed boyfriend?
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

How many black men used the OJ trial as permission to kill their wife and her supposed boyfriend?
Don't ask me stupid ****ing questions.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

Al Sharpton just said he's gonna get the "civil rights" leaders together to push a federal case. Race merchants are frothing at the bit over this.

The feds would have to be total idiots to bring those same witnesses iback into court to say the same thing again.

There is no case here and it was shown there is no race angle to this case.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Disappointing, but not surprising. The defense argued more coherently than the prosecution. Now I'm just thinking about all the people who will use this case as permission to racially profile and kill young black men as long as they make up a good enough story of self-defense. Welcome to America.

Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

"Innocent" is too far a stretch for me to accept.

A young man died at his hand.

May peace elude him.

It's not a stretch, it's obvious. It only took the jury 16 hours.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

How many black men used the OJ trial as permission to kill their wife and her supposed boyfriend?

How many young mothers killed their toddlers after Casey Anthony was let off?
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395]

I guess it's open season on black children in Florida. I am beside myself at how egregiously racist this country and it's justice system is.

Oh please.

Please post your evidence that the American justice system is racist. And by evidence I mean - factual documentation.

Not hyperbolic jibberish like the post I've just quoted from you.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

Strange, I thought I was in the Zimmerman board of the Law and order section of this forum.

It is perfectly OK for people to criticize laws in my country, my country is not perfect. However we were not talking about drugs laws in the world or prostitution laws in the Netherlands. We were talking about the Zimmerman case.

Now if you were disagreeing with how my country sees self-defense that would have been fine, you however did not do that, you brought things into this discussion that do not have any bearing on the Zimmerman case.

I said I disagreed with the Stand your Ground law, something that is well within my prerogative, or does one have to be from the US to discuss things on this forum? You are free to come on Dutch websites and criticize the way we do our things if that is the topic we are discussing.

I was having a discussion about the Zimmerman case and you did not respond to my post but responded to my nationality. You could have just said "well that is your opinion, I think it is a great law", and we could have discussed this.

Why would you bring up stand your ground when it had no bearing on this case?
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Disappointing, but not surprising. The defense argued more coherently than the prosecution. Now I'm just thinking about all the people who will use this case as permission to racially profile and kill young black men as long as they make up a good enough story of self-defense. Welcome to America.

Your the voice of the Martin side, that's for sure.

Nonsense and Demagogy with little attention paid to the facts.

If a young Black male, or White male, or Hispanic Male physically assaults you and you have reason to believe his assault could cause great bodily injury or death, yes, in REAL States like Florida and Texas you have a right to use deadly force.

You guys are going to have to get used to that.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Disappointing, but not surprising. The defense argued more coherently than the prosecution. Now I'm just thinking about all the people who will use this case as permission to racially profile and kill young black men as long as they make up a good enough story of self-defense. Welcome to America.

The defense argued more coherently because the facts were on the defense's side this time. I'm thinking of all the people who talk a good game about supporting Constitutional rights in the criminal justice system unless they don't like the defendant.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Don't ask me stupid ****ing questions.

My question was the same as your hysterical BS proposition that this case will cause murder. If the OJ case didn't cause men to murder their wives, then how will this case inspire people to kill blacks?
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

Moderator's Warning:
Okay, we're at zero tolerance with this thread now. ANY post that is not civil, and personally attacking someone will be subject to infractions, and/or thread bans.
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

Disappointing, but not surprising. The defense argued more coherently than the prosecution. Now I'm just thinking about all the people who will use this case as permission to racially profile and kill young black men as long as they make up a good enough story of self-defense. Welcome to America.

I'de like to see it used as a reason to disarm every neighborhood watch in the country. The idea that police would condone or even allow armed vigilantes as their surrogates is unacceptable. This horror was the direct result of that in operation. Even when ordered to stand down these clowns still keep going like the energizer bunny. Zimm was certainly no more guilty than OJ so am I surprised?
Last edited:
Re: Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"…

You guys are going to have to get used to that.
"My side" is already used to the fact that black lives are worth nothing in this country. Don't worry about that.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13 [W:395]

Don't ask me stupid ****ing questions.

Then don't make ridiculous scenarios with your "open season" worry.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

I am very pleased with the verdict, there was not sufficient proof to convict him as guilty.

On a side note it would be a lie to say that I'm not glad that the race-baiters, NAACP, Sharpton, and others won't be getting their satisfaction. I don't have much faith in our legal system but I'm glad that they made a good call tonight.

The whole incident was tragic, but I'm glad that at the end of it all a man not guilty of murder will not be punished for a crime he didn't commit.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

"Innocent" is too far a stretch for me to accept.

A young man died at his hand.

May peace elude him.

Wow, if only our Justice system took such generic, obscure information like that into consideration then maybe, they would have gotten a Conviction.
Re: Verdict reached - 07/13/13

Justice was done and I'm happy for that. But two parents don't have a son any longer and that's tragic.

Of course it is tragic but where did a just-turned 17 year old get the idea he could attack a 28 year old man?

That never would have occured to me when I was 17. Where did he learn that?
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