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TYT Poll Results: Will Bernie Supporters Vote For Hillary (1 Viewer)


That's certainly where my vote will be headed in the event Clinton doesn't work towards a meaningful process of reconciliation and compromise with us.
I think Gary Johnson will provide a spoiler campaign, preventing neither Trump nor Hillary from reaching the 270-needed votes to win and electing a Dark Horse President.
I think Gary Johnson will provide a spoiler campaign, preventing neither Trump nor Hillary from reaching the 270-needed votes to win and electing a Dark Horse President.

I don't think that is even a remote possibility
I am a big fan of TYT. But TYT viewers are almost entirely anti-establishment so the numbers are going to be skewed. But yeah, that is a big percentage.
That's certainly where my vote will be headed in the event Clinton doesn't work towards a meaningful process of reconciliation and compromise with us.

This. Neither Hill-dawg or the DNC have shown any meaningful compromise on the issues that matter the most to us. As long as they continue to ignore 45% of their voters they're dead to me.
Remind me, what are the candidates' approval ratings again?

Even if Johnson get 25% of the vote he could still end up with 0 EVs and the mostly likely state he could win won't be enough to put it into the house.
Even if Johnson get 25% of the vote he could still end up with 0 EVs and the mostly likely state he could win won't be enough to put it into the house.

Agreed. He's extraordinarily unlikely to win a state. And even if he did the most likely candidates are probably Utah, Montana, and Maine which would almost definitely not drop someone below 270.
Re: Will Bernie Fans Vote For Hillary? (Poll Results)

Not scientific, and TYT's viewership is very much ardently pro-Bernie, but certainly damning if it is even fractionally accurate:

Will Bernie Fans Vote For Hillary? (Poll Results)

Reading through some of those comments and it definitely answered the question about whether Bernie supporters will vote Trump if Hill takes the nomination. Going by those comments there will definitely be Bernie supporters that will vote for trump if Bernie fails. If they don't vote Trump then they're going to vote for Jill Stein. Either way, its pretty evident that at least for TYT Bernie supporters...which appears to be a butt load of em....Hillary is going to get very little support.

At least at this present time. We'll find out when Nov rolls around.
Re: Will Bernie Fans Vote For Hillary? (Poll Results)

Who the hell is Jill Stein???
Re: Will Bernie Fans Vote For Hillary? (Poll Results)

Green Party candidate.

Wow, that party still exists? lol

I had a friend that was a Green Party candidate....what a joke that was.
Even if Johnson get 25% of the vote he could still end up with 0 EVs and the mostly likely state he could win won't be enough to put it into the house.

Shhh. Don't remind them of the futility of their effort. It interferes with their ability to lash out.:)
More Hillary voters said the wouldn't ever vote for Obama after the 2008 primary than Sanders voters who say the same about Hillary today. It worked out just fine.

Historical precedent: In July 2008, 54 percent of Clinton voters said they wouldn't support Barack Obama in a general election. (They even had a nickname, "PUMAs" — "party unity my ass," the 2008 analog to today's "Bernie or bust-ers.")

Ultimately, however, nine in 10 Democrats ended up voting for Obama over John McCain, according to the Nation. Similar threats were made — and later failed to materialize — from the supporters of Howard Dean in 2004, according to Abramowitz.

"Just about every time there's a closely contested nomination battle, the supporters of the candidate who appear to be losing threaten to walk out," Abramowitz said. "Then they don't."

Bernie Sanders fans may not love Hillary Clinton. But they won't vote for Donald Trump. - Vox
Shhh. Don't remind them of the futility of their effort. It interferes with their ability to lash out.:)
More Hillary voters said the wouldn't ever vote for Obama after the 2008 primary than Sanders voters who say the same about Hillary today. It worked out just fine.

Bernie Sanders fans may not love Hillary Clinton. But they won't vote for Donald Trump. - Vox
I'm not too worried about Sander voters, either. They are the PUMAs of this election....although, they look nothing like Hillary's PUMAs. Remember this Hillary 2008 PUMA ...(see 2:00 on video)


Just to add to your post....Clinton already has more electoral votes than Trump by a wide margin....


The above is from the NYT, but I've checked other electoral maps and they all seem to show her winning by a wide margin.
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Donald Trump: 27%

Hillary Clinton: 31%

And these are our nominees; democracy at its finest folks: only the discerning filter of the major parties could result in being forcefed such insipid drek.
I think Gary Johnson will provide a spoiler campaign, preventing neither Trump nor Hillary from reaching the 270-needed votes to win and electing a Dark Horse President.

Yea this is about as likely as Obama calling himself king and ruling till he dies.
Re: Will Bernie Fans Vote For Hillary? (Poll Results)

Aren't you guys quite the revolutionaries. Enjoy Trump and his conservative loonies.
I think Gary Johnson will provide a spoiler campaign, preventing neither Trump nor Hillary from reaching the 270-needed votes to win and electing a Dark Horse President.

It's a plurality takes all process in almost every state. So in which state(s) will Johnson win at least a plurality of the votes? The answer is almost definitely 0 of them.....

And I don't understand people who support Bernie and won't vote or will vote third party or vote for Trump. Bernie and Hillary agree on about 90% of the issues, so it makes no sense to effectively support the election of someone who agrees with Bernie on almost none of the big issues (trade I guess is one exception, although with Trump he's probably pro-'free' trade today- who the hell knows).

I actually can't stand Hillary either - the money thing is a huge part of it, $10s of millions from people with interests before the government - and I voted for Bernie in the primary, but I see huge differences between Trump and Hillary and am forced to vote for the lesser of two evils, and it's not a close call IMO. Yeah, I don't get my pony and lollipop, but I can't help elect someone I consider actually potentially dangerous and Trump with a GOP led Senate and House is a dangerous combination. Clinton with a GOP House far, far less so.
Re: Will Bernie Fans Vote For Hillary? (Poll Results)

Aren't you guys quite the revolutionaries. Enjoy Trump and his conservative loonies.

And yet so many of us are willing to negotiate our vote with Clinton; the problem? She refuses, and will not modify her platform to earn our support, so kindly take it up your frustrations with her.

My hope is that Obama will be able to broker a reconciliation process between her and Bernie after his meeting with the latter, and get this process of compromise underway.

And I don't understand people who support Bernie and won't vote or will vote third party or vote for Trump. Bernie and Hillary agree on about 90% of the issues, so it makes no sense to effectively support the election of someone who agrees with Bernie on almost none of the big issues (trade I guess is one exception, although with Trump he's probably pro-'free' trade today- who the hell knows).

In addition to free trade and foreign policy (Clinton is a notorious hawk among dems), they're miles apart on important things like electoral reform, min wage, healthcare, and marijuana legalization. One thing I've noticed Clinton supporters consistently do is actively and disingenuously attempt to peddle the lie that Bernie and Hillary are far closer on policy than they truly are. Yes, Bernie has much more in common policy wise with Clinton than with Trump, but it is definitely false to claim that Clinton and Bernie have anywhere close to 90% overlap.
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Re: Will Bernie Fans Vote For Hillary? (Poll Results)

Aren't you guys quite the revolutionaries. Enjoy Trump and his conservative loonies.

So we should just blindly vote for whoever the democratic party serves up to us every election cycle so we can feel like our opinions matter? I have very, very little in common with Clinton, why should I vote for someone who doesn't represent my values so that she can defeat someone who doesn't represent my values?

It's a plurality takes all process in almost every state. So in which state(s) will Johnson win at least a plurality of the votes? The answer is almost definitely 0 of them.....

And I don't understand people who support Bernie and won't vote or will vote third party or vote for Trump. Bernie and Hillary agree on about 90% of the issues, so it makes no sense to effectively support the election of someone who agrees with Bernie on almost none of the big issues (trade I guess is one exception, although with Trump he's probably pro-'free' trade today- who the hell knows).

I actually can't stand Hillary either - the money thing is a huge part of it, $10s of millions from people with interests before the government - and I voted for Bernie in the primary, but I see huge differences between Trump and Hillary and am forced to vote for the lesser of two evils, and it's not a close call IMO. Yeah, I don't get my pony and lollipop, but I can't help elect someone I consider actually potentially dangerous and Trump with a GOP led Senate and House is a dangerous combination. Clinton with a GOP House far, far less so.

Hillary Clinton is a war hawk who has used her political power to make herself fabulously wealthy, she believes that people who own the wrong plants should be locked in her donor's private prisons and that fracking is a safe alternative to Saudi oil that we should all embrace. She does not line up with Sanders in the vast majority of the most important issues in Sander's campaign. She spent 3 years traveling around to almost every financial institution in America giving $ $250k "speeches". She is the epitome of dirty money in politics and has no intention of removing that dirty money from politics.

You can feel free to continue to vote "the lesser of two evils", but I realize that's how our country got in this shape in the first place and I don't want to have blood on my hands from the inevitable wars she launches.
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