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These Trump women (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2016
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

Doesn't matter.

If you have definitive evidence that they are lying then that's fine. But if you don't, it'd be best for you to take a neutral position when it comes to these allegations like I am.
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

Similarly, all these allegations against Clinton have suspicious timing, don't they?
Once that audio dropped it was only a matter of time before this happened. What the hell was he thinking?
Once that audio dropped it was only a matter of time before this happened. What the hell was he thinking?

He should have never, ever brought up Bill Clinton's allegations.

That was the worst decision he has ever made, besides deciding to run for president.

It has completely backfired and it has severely hurt his campaign because of it.
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

It didn't happen just because a group of women suddenly woke up in recent days and "all at the same time" decided to claim to be victims of Trump's alleged unwanted sexual advances or inappropriate behavior with them. It happened because a video surfaced and has gone viral that demonstrates that he's doesn't have much, if any, respect for women. Who considers women are sexual playthings to him...and to enjoy at his will.

If anybody has a mental disease, I'd say it's Trump for believing that he's privy to do whatever he wants with women because of his money and celebrity status.
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All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

Similarly, all these allegations against Clinton have suspicious timing, don't they?


Doesn't matter.

If you have definitive evidence that they are lying then that's fine. But if you don't, it'd be best for you to take a neutral position when it comes to these allegations like I am.

Good advice.
It didn't happen just because a group of women suddenly woke up in recent days and "all at the same time" decided to claim to be victims of Trump's alleged unwanted sexual advances or inappropriate behavior with them. It happened because a video surfaced and have gone viral that demonstrates that he's doesn't have much, if any, respect for women. Who considers women are sexual playthings to him...and to enjoy at his will.

If anybody has a mental disease, I'd say it's Trump for believing that he's privy to do whatever he wants with women because of his money and celebrity status.

He's shown over the course of this election season that he really doesn't have much respect for anyone but himself.

Added to the fact that he has zero self-control, which is why he makes all of these stupid statements about women, Mexicans, Muslims, the disabled, etc.
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

Let's say you are right. These woman have been waiting till just the right minute, and somehow think now is that minute(it isn't). Can you explain why that means their accusation is less important?
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

Yes, they did all come out at the same time, right after Trump so arrogantly outright lied and said "no" he had never done what he said he likes to do in the original tape.

So, lose the ****ing bias for a second and think. He outright denied it. So ask yourself "has Donald been at all honest in this campaign?" and the answer must come up "no" as he's been caught a few hundred times.

Now, ask yourself, being that the numbers are approaching triple digits of victims, ask yourself what it would take so many women to "make up" a story, especially when they ALL show the same situation, he's their boss, he groped them etc.

It makes absolutely NO sense that all these women would take time out of their lives to make up stories about their former boss.

I swear, the Trump gang will swallow whole turds before admitting this guy has even one fault, and all this time I thought it was a disease peculiar to Obamabots.
yes this is exactly what he thought

Trump's such a ****ing idiot.

Did he not realise that by bringing up Bill's rape allegations, people would eventually end up digging up a bunch dirt about him as well?

Now because of this, he and his campaign are totally ****ed. His chances of winning the election are next to none. Trump went to far this time, and now it's backfired on his dumbass.
Trump's such a ****ing idiot.

Did he not realise that by bringing up Bill's rape allegations, people would eventually end up digging up a bunch dirt about him as well?

Now because of this, he and his campaign are totally ****ed. His chances of winning the election are next to none. Trump went to far this time, and now it's backfired on his dumbass.
yes I agree

and no he did not realize that going for Bill's balls was a bad tactic because he got this far by just speaking off the cuff and intuitively correctly reading his audience and pandering

he did that extremely well

had the campaign been shorter by months he would have run with it

however looking for new fodder did not work well for him...his off the cuff has buried him

he is done

even a week ago I would have said he had a chance but now...no, he's done
yes I agree

and no he did not realize that going for Bill's balls was a bad tactic because he got this far by just speaking off the cuff and intuitively correctly reading his audience and pandering

he did that extremely well

had the campaign been shorter by months he would have run with it

however looking for new fodder did not work well for him...his off the cuff has buried him

he is done

even a week ago I would have said he had a chance but now...no, he's done

Yeah, he's done a bad thing and most people know it. I'm a conservative and he scares me he's so nutty.
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

And when more an more come forward it takes a mental disease to not grasp that something is really wrong with their Guy.
yes I agree

and no he did not realize that going for Bill's balls was a bad tactic because he got this far by just speaking off the cuff and intuitively correctly reading his audience and pandering

he did that extremely well

had the campaign been shorter by months he would have run with it

however looking for new fodder did not work well for him...his off the cuff has buried him

he is done

even a week ago I would have said he had a chance but now...no, he's done

Trump's his own worst enemy. Let it be known that the downfall of his campaign was by his own hand.
Yeah, he's done a bad thing and most people know it. I'm a conservative and he scares me he's so nutty.

I agree that he is someone to fear if he were to be placed in the most powerful position on earth

he has no self control and he answers to no one so he can not be reined in even when it is in his best interest

the potential for harm is staggering
I agree that he is someone to fear if he were to be placed in the most powerful position on earth

he has no self control and he answers to no one so he can not be reigned in even when it is in his best interest

the potential for harm is staggering

I'm more a fan of Bernie Sanders but I'll vote for Hillary the devil I know over a kook like Trump. He might be a genius but he has no emotional control.
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this

Or who had been fondled and groped by Donald Trump over the decades, only to become incensed to (A) hear him brag about doing such things to women in his own words, and (B) then flatly denying it in the debate last Sunday. Duh.
It didn't happen just because a group of women suddenly woke up in recent days and "all at the same time" decided to claim to be victims of Trump's alleged unwanted sexual advances or inappropriate behavior with them. It happened because a video surfaced and has gone viral that demonstrates that he's doesn't have much, if any, respect for women. Who considers women are sexual playthings to him...and to enjoy at his will.

If anybody has a mental disease, I'd say it's Trump for believing that he's privy to do whatever he wants with women because of his money and celebrity status.

Why did you use the present tense when the tape was recorded 11 years ago?

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