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These Trump women (1 Viewer)

and moderation is the key

he just needed to pull back a bit and it was all his

now it's all gone

That's the scary part that he doesn't know moderation.
Yes, they did all come out at the same time, right after Trump so arrogantly outright lied and said "no" he had never done what he said he likes to do in the original tape.

So, lose the ****ing bias for a second and think. He outright denied it. So ask yourself "has Donald been at all honest in this campaign?" and the answer must come up "no" as he's been caught a few hundred times.

Now, ask yourself, being that the numbers are approaching triple digits of victims, ask yourself what it would take so many women to "make up" a story, especially when they ALL show the same situation, he's their boss, he groped them etc.

It makes absolutely NO sense that all these women would take time out of their lives to make up stories about their former boss.

I swear, the Trump gang will swallow whole turds before admitting this guy has even one fault, and all this time I thought it was a disease peculiar to Obamabots.

Did I miss something?

Are there 99 accusers that I haven't heard about?
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this
Not necessarily.

These women could very well be telling the truth but until now they didn't really have anyone to tell it to that would have made a difference. You can bet that "Team Hillary" has been scouring every nook and cranny of Trump's past looking for dirt like this the same way the vultures descended on Wasilla Alaska once Sarah Palin arrived on the scene. It is entirely possible that Hillary's team went hunting for gold and hit pay dirt.
I can't believe this is the guy the Republicans present to us, as their alternative to an "out-of-control" Obama!
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I can't believe this is the guy the Republicans present to us, as their alternative to their portrait of an "out-of-control" Obama!

Hell, Trump's dis-approval ratings are *higher* than Obama's approval ratings! And Obama's got the highest late-term rating since Clinton - with Clinton being the highest!

I have a feeling that situation is about to reverse.

I can say this, I have far less respect for the American right. After eight years reading their "observations" of the Obama administration they have become something far worse, excusing ANYTHING for the sake of power, raw power amidst the promises of a power mad sociopath to "jail" his political opponents, a candidate who has been all over the map on policy. Eight years of griping about Obama and getting nothing done, and they back an asshole who is sure to get NOTHING done.

Eight years of listening to complaining about "divisive" politics, and they champion the single most hate-filled bigot in the land who in the primaries has divided the nation more than any outside enemy could.

Clearly the "state of the Union" is not the first concern for American conservatives.
and moderation is the key

he just needed to pull back a bit and it was all his

now it's all gone

Trump and moderation do not go together.

He is erratic and unpredictable. That may have helped him win the primaries, but it sure as **** isn't gonna help him win the general election.
I have a feeling that situation is about to reverse.

I can say this, I have far less respect for the American right. After eight years reading their "observations" of the Obama administration they have become something far worse, excusing ANYTHING for the sake of power, raw power amidst the promises of a power mad sociopath to "jail" his political opponents, a candidate who has been all over the map on policy. Eight years of griping about Obama and getting nothing done, and they back an asshole who is sure to get NOTHING done.

Eight years of listening to complaining about "divisive" politics, and they champion the single most hate-filled bigot in the land who in the primaries has divided the nation more than any outside enemy could.

Clearly the "state of the Union" is not the first concern for American conservatives.
Now you're sounding like me! :doh

You know - you & I have had a lot of fruitful discussions, even though I'm fairly liberal to your reasonably conservative. And that's because you're principled, as I'd like to believe I am. And I believe we're both reasonable (enough), also.

But you can see how I really abhor the Republican Party, and find them completely unapproachable. And it's not because of their supposed conservatism. It's because the Party is unprincipled. And unreasonable as well, I might add. I don't necessarily have a huge problem with conservative principles, and can find reasonable virtue in many of them; there's some conservative virtues I practice, myself. But the Republican Party is *not* conservatism. It's an infestation upon this country (IMO), hiding behind the appearances of conservatism.

Principled conservatives who hold dear their values, must be going through hell now - because they really don't have a place.

Now that's not to say I'm in love with the Dems, either. After a lifetime with them, I kicked them to the curb almost two decades ago. There is so much I disagree with them. But when push-comes-to-shove, I can semi-tolerate them if I have too. I might even have embraced them if Bernie prevailed, and the Clinton's gracefully let their era recede.
All come out at once at the same time month before election

Only some with a mental disease would believe this
Safety in numbers. Look how Trump has reacted so far---threats of lawsuits against newspapers, Twitter rage, humiliation of any woman who deigns to question his gentlemanly nature. The video tape bombshell changed all that overnight when Trump bragged about sexual assault, and then doubled down with his pathetic "boys will be boys in the locker room" defense at the second debate. Now that video and audio evidence has surfaced with the near certainty that other gems lurk in archives of several entertainment companies, the women feel safer revealing their stories while their stories can do the most damage.

At worst, these women are playing from Trump's own "make a bombshell claim without evidence" playbook. Trump after all accused a judge of bias due solely to his Hispanic ethnicity. He swore to witnessing "thousands" of crazed New Jersey muslims celebrating in the streets on 911 and felt no shame at the reality of no video evidence. He spent years questioning the U.S. citizenship of Barack Obama to endear himself with the looney tune Breitbart set, evidence free. Trump cries wolf now as the most aggrieved victim of Trumpism in our nation. Probably in world history.

Let him cry and rage. It's all part of the reality show he constructed for himself, and us--his captive audience.
Now you're sounding like me! :doh

You know - you & I have had a lot of fruitful discussions, even though I'm fairly liberal to your reasonably conservative. And that's because you're principled, as I'd like to believe I am. And I believe we're both reasonable (enough), also.

But you can see how I really abhor the Republican Party, and find them completely unapproachable. And it's not because of their supposed conservatism. It's because the Party is unprincipled. And unreasonable as well, I might add. I don't necessarily have a huge problem with conservative principles, and can find reasonable virtue in many of them; there's some conservative virtues I practice, myself. But the Republican Party is *not* conservatism. It's an infestation upon this country (IMO), hiding behind the appearances of conservatism.

Ahem, I am still coping with your defining me as a 'conservative' as even here, in liberal Canada I am considered left of center. In fact I have kind of thrown a monkey wrench into the election cycle by demanding a provincial dental plan LOL!

What we DO share is a contempt for so-called "unprincipled" or in my case outright dishonesty. The Harper Tories would have made a deal with Satan to stay in office...in fact I think they did. They were mean not just lean, and hurt a lot of people to reach arbitrary policy targets. They also intrude into Canadians lives, and while we have a reputation for being "nice" our national sport is a the only professional sport that allows bare knuckled fighting....and we do not like to be told how to live our lives.

Integral to their loss and being relegated to the political junk heap, was how they went nuts over Syrian refugees. FFS Canada has always had its doors open to the dislocated. We are taught beginning in grade one about the "Underground Railway" which for many of us DEFINES what it is to be Canadian. We are nothing if we are not safe harbor for the displaced, endangered and in harm's way.

They also hurt a lot of people with ten years of belt tightening. At one point they illegally "clawed back" $166 a month from my pension. I thought it was a "one of" case, mistakes happen. Uh, uh, 6,000 seniors were hit.

Few Americans know this, but we have had a cancer growing in our land since the 1960's. It is called "residential schools" where thousands upon thousands of native children were taken from their families and homes and sent to live in prison-like circumstances having their culture beaten out of them. There are thousands of cases of sexual abuse, and thousands of broken natives who became alcoholics and drug addicts, thousands of suicides and broken families as a result of what was done to them. [I know one man who ran away from his "school" 17 times and was beaten each time.] It has been the crazy old aunt, or the elephant in the room, so hidden and so secret even I as a journalist had no idea of the breadth of the problem nor the severity of the treatment. It has been the 'conservative' way to keep it quiet, say nothing and pay out $ where you have to.

That won't wash anymore. Trudeau made a point of making his cabinet one half women, what he hasn't made a big deal of is he has six or seven natives also in cabinet, and they are ripping the lid off, exposing the wounds, so we can begin healing.

In a closing note, I don't trust any of them, especially your side of the 49th. I don't see much difference between the parties, frankly, in platform or integrity, but like you would err on the side of a "liberal" government so would I in the belief whatever they do won't be deliberately harmful, however the solution of "Obamacare" and how that rolled out will last a long time in this reporter's memory.

What counts now is how the Republicans back away from Trump. If they follow their house leader and abandon Trump for congressional 'block seats' they will inevitably end up exactly where they started - the guys who won't let anyone do anything. If they want to remain a viable alternative they are going to have to lose a lot of what has been their core, that is of course if there is anything left after Donald is done throwing his historical tantrum.
Doesn't matter.

If you have definitive evidence that they are lying then that's fine. But if you don't, it'd be best for you to take a neutral position when it comes to these allegations like I am.

Here is an article that casts credible question on the motivation of another of these accusers.


So...combine the highly possible motivations to an accusation that has no support except the word of the accuser and it becomes clear that this accusation should be taken with a grain of salt instead of taking a neutral position.
Here is an article that casts credible question on the motivation of another of these accusers.


So...combine the highly possible motivations to an accusation that has no support except the word of the accuser and it becomes clear that this accusation should be taken with a grain of salt instead of taking a neutral position.

That's actually a completely different Jessica Leeds.

Click on the PvP link in the LA Times article, which includes a picture of the lady, and you'll see that it's not the same woman.
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I can't believe this is the guy the Republicans present to us, as their alternative to an "out-of-control" Obama!

This is the guy that idiots presented to us as a means of giving the middle finger to "The Establishment".

As a result they got two middle fingers right back at them, which is what they deserve.
This is the guy that idiots presented to us as a means of giving the middle finger to "The Establishment".

As a result they got two middle fingers right back at them, which is what they deserve.

I honestly have no problem flipping a giant middle finger to the establishment.

But is Trump the best person to rally behind to do that? Hell no.
That's actually a completely different Jessica Leeds.

Click on the PvP link in the LA Times article, which includes a picture of the lady, and you'll see that it's not the same woman.

Isn't it delightful to see the hate-filled Trumpkins attacking these women in the ugliest ways, including lying about them?
I honestly have no problem flipping a giant middle finger to the establishment.

But is Trump the best person to rally behind to do that? Hell no.

I don't believe anyone has a problem with trying to send "The Establishment" a message. I never said otherwise. Trump isn't the messenger. Smart people always knew that.
Isn't it delightful to see the hate-filled Trumpkins attacking these women in the ugliest ways, including lying about them?

This is just even more justification for me to take a neutral position on these allegations.
I don't believe anyone has a problem with trying to send "The Establishment" a message. I never said otherwise. Trump isn't the messenger. Smart people always knew that.

No, he is not. In fact, he's pretty much proven himself to be way worse than the current status quo.
Once that audio dropped it was only a matter of time before this happened. What the hell was he thinking?
Pretty much what all normal guys think and, at some point or other, talk about. You are going to tell me you have never indulged is similar locker room styled banter? Even many women speak, when they think they are alone/cannot be overheard, similarly.

What was Bill Clinton thinking, over and over and over again as he was harassing and molesting women? What was Hillary thinking as Bill was over and over harassing and molesting? What was she thinking when she was trying to destroy even the non consensual segment of that vast universe of women Bill has messed with?

You folks blow something like this up huge and ignore the more important criminality and incompetence. At all our peril.

Stop it.
That's actually a completely different Jessica Leeds.

Click on the PvP link in the LA Times article, which includes a picture of the lady, and you'll see that it's not the same woman.

Well, it's not as clear to me that they are not the same women...as it is to you.
Well, it's not as clear to me that they are not the same women...as it is to you.

Take a good long look at the Jessica Leeds that accused Donald Trump. Then, look at the picture of the Jessica Leeds in that 2008 article.

They aren't the same person.
I honestly have no problem flipping a giant middle finger to the establishment.

But is Trump the best person to rally behind to do that? Hell no.

Since there isn't a single other person inclined to flip that finger, you are content to accept more of the Establishment shenanigans. Right?
Take a good long look at the Jessica Leeds that accused Donald Trump. Then, look at the picture of the Jessica Leeds in that 2008 article.

They aren't the same person.

I did and I am not as confident of that as you are.

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