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These Trump women (1 Viewer)

It's called political strategy. Ciinton apparently saved her best material for the most opportune moment in the race. Only a moron wouldn't use such damning evidence against ones opponent.

The stories may be delivered strategically but they're not false.

I would be willing to bet that if the finances of these women were investigated, they have each received a large payment in the past 30 days or so.
Listen Sal, hate to break it to you, but you females are a very fickle lot indeed. Being a nice guy for the majority of my life, I have seen certain guys that get to do JUST THAT sort of thing. Women often say they want things one way, but it apparently is not so often the truth. Instance the 'Bad Boy' syndrome. Sorry, but the bad boys do get away with a lot, its allowed, its condoned, its often desired. An identified 'nice guy' tries the same thing--- slap. I taught high school, I saw over and over and over the guys that ended up with the top girls, the way they treated girls in general... and who the other girls were then jealous of.

Do not know how many girls in my younger days that I have been attracted to, respected and always treated properly. Don't know how many had bad boy boyfriends that cheated on them, disrespected them, etc... and I was there, you know the 'nice guy' to give her, them, a shoulder to cry upon, to listen, to commiserate... wanna guess how many of those I eventually ended up dating or even going out with as a possibility? Wanna know, after all that, what the percentages were that went back to the guy that screwed them over, or wanted to go back?

Sorry, but its true, certain people can act in certain ways and its not considered by many women that they are doing it to as offensive. Often not only allowed, but some girls seem absolutely exhilarated by such conduct.

Not all women certainly. And I am still a fairly nice guy, but I understood the need to change my ways to fit the reality, not the perception. You girls, over the years, have trained me in what that reality over perception is.

You can deny it. Go ahead, doesn't change things.

But now up on the soapbox, much of what Trump said was bravado, and many men, talking to other men, have that, when talking, in spades. Different from action, the actual. Ask Bill about actual, ask Hill about defending and protecting what we know is an actual predator, a sexual harasser and sexual abuser/molestor and probably a rapist. Ask her about her underlying love for women when she was looking to destroy the ones that could become some sort of threat to Bill...and thus to her.

There is a vast difference between the two, the three.

In this case I think we have stories fitting what Trump said in that tape and not what Trump said fitting the stories.
In this case I think we have stories fitting what Trump said in that tape and not what Trump said fitting the stories.
While I think I agree with you, your statement is just amorphous enough that it needs to be fleshed out a bit. I believe you are trying to say the stories now coming out are trying to align with what he said so as to make it seem that it was more, not just talk, but was several actual events? We agree on that if so.

While he is no doubt a bit of a cad, especially going after a married woman when, if I have the timeline correct, he was married to a very beautiful woman in Melania. But interesting that he admitted failure, apparently did not press any further and seems left whoever she was alone. Same cannot be said of Bill and, by extension, Hill.
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Listen Sal, hate to break it to you, but you females are a very fickle lot indeed.
so are men....it's human

Being a nice guy for the majority of my life, I have seen certain guys that get to do JUST THAT sort of thing. Women often say they want things one way, but it apparently is not so often the truth. Instance the 'Bad Boy' syndrome. Sorry, but the bad boys do get away with a lot, its allowed, its condoned, its often desired.
it is not condoned, rather it is tolerated by certain types of women with poor fathering, done by certain types of men with poor fathering

An identified 'nice guy' tries the same thing--- slap.
nice guys don't do that....unless they have made a mistake if it happens again I wouldn't say they were a nice guy, they are a predator

laying hands on another human being to "take" what one desires is not a relationship of equality it's about power and control...any self respecting human being would not

I taught high school, I saw over and over and over the guys that ended up with the top girls, the way they treated girls in general... and who the other girls were then jealous of.
Your use of the description "top girls" is glaring.

Is she one of the girls who is merely physically appealing? To me this whole scenario that you have laid out is just shallow accepting shallow.

Do not know how many girls in my younger days that I have been attracted to, respected and always treated properly. Don't know how many had bad boy boyfriends that cheated on them, disrespected them, etc... and I was there, you know the 'nice guy' to give her, them, a shoulder to cry upon, to listen, to commiserate...
so you were a decent human being, kudos to you

wanna guess how many of those I eventually ended up dating or even going out with as a possibility? Wanna know, after all that, what the percentages were that went back to the guy that screwed them over, or wanted to go back?
dysfunction draws dysfunction...of course they go back, they don't have the self worth to be with another who treats them well, they were not taught that they were deserving

Sorry, but its true, certain people can act in certain ways and its not considered by many women that they are doing it to as offensive. Often not only allowed, but some girls seem absolutely exhilarated by such conduct.
yes it's a rape culture still, Cosby is just the tip of the iceberg

Not all women certainly.
girls who are taught self respect do not allow that

women who have been victimized often will repeat the pattern, yes

And I am still a fairly nice guy, but I understood the need to change my ways to fit the reality, not the perception. You girls, over the years, have trained me in what that reality over perception is.
if you are happy with your own behaviour and comfortable with what it gleans you, then you are

in the dark night of the soul, we all face our demons, we all decide what it important to us and what we can live with from a behavioral perspective

You can deny it. Go ahead, doesn't change things.
I don't deny it. The older I become the more misanthropic I become, for exactly that reason. I am extremely choosy about both the males and females with whom I interact on anything more than a superficial basis. In other words, people have to earn their way in. They also can behave their way out fairly quickly

Life is short :shrug:

But now up on the soapbox, much of what Trump said was bravado, and many men, talking to other men, have that, when talking, in spades. Different from action, the actual. Ask Bill about actual, ask Hill about defending and protecting what we know is an actual predator, a sexual harasser and sexual abuser/molestor and probably a rapist. Ask her about her underlying love for women when she was looking to destroy the ones that could become some sort of threat to Bill...and thus to her.
Interesting to me that you have decided to whitewash Trump and vilify Bill.

Let me tell you from a female perspective, guys who need to show bravado are embarrassing to behold and at the age Trump has reached if still that way, mentally unbalanced and not someone I would allow to be alone with any vulnerable person.

There is a vast difference between the two, the three.
it's all about perception,values and the culture of the time

all of them are in their 70s or close to it

women have come a long way, your next president will be female...that will sit badly with a certain type of male (and female) just like your current president's skin colour sits badly with a certain type of individual even when they don't understand it themselves

we still have a rape culture although it has dwindled it is still present ... rape is all about power, and so is politics
While I think I agree with you, your statement is just amorphous enough that it needs to be fleshed out a bit. I believe you are trying to say the stories now coming out are trying to align with what he said so as to make it seem that it was more, not just talk, but was several actual events? We agree on that if so.

While he is no doubt a bit of a cad, especially going after a married woman when, if I have the timeline correct, he was married to a very beautiful woman in Melania. But interesting that he admitted failure, apparently did not press any further and seems left whoever she was alone. Same cannot be said of Bill and, by extension, Hill.

I can't imagine Trump would think it was OK to grab a woman's vagina. Even he would know that even if the woman was interested in him, that would be a deal breaker.

Like I said, I think the stories are conforming to the letter what he said in the tape.

Sorry about that.

Somehow I got the impression you were a very moderate conservative, and I chalked-up your support for single-payer healthcare to your being Canadian.

I might have inferred incorrectly from your dislike of Obama. ;)

The I can understand. For the first term and some of this I have been very critical of the Obama administration causing alignment with conservatives especially Obamacare. I still consider the roll out and "you can keep your plan" a criminal fraud. I never disliked the man, in fact in the last two or three years has shown a great deal of statesmanship, has avoided the cheesy provocation of the Republicans, in other words matured.

Again, liberal in Canada and liberal in the US are two very different animals. Much of the platform and progressive ambitions of US liberals are what we gauge socialism, or populism, the chief identifier being the ease with which they grow the debt while burning money on useless programs. We like social programs, and we are quite comfortable being taxed [I have never paid more than my US counterpart] but we abhor waste and detest corruption; we would for instances never have forgiven a politician for "you can keep your plan". The last prime minister who went that way was Lyin' Brian Mulroney who managed two terms, but who's ruling Conservatives to two seats from over 200. Brian Mulroney remains a swear word in Canadian society and only the staunchest of conservatives will be seen with him in public. The only thing we did like about him is he was really, really Irish song singing buddies with Ronald Reagan, but even that was thin, we kind of like our prime ministers to be a kind of irritant to the US.

Short story, when the Watergate tapes surfaced, it was revealed Nixon had referred to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau as "oh, that asshole." Trudeau's numbers jumped 20 per cent, so he called an election and won.

What is scary for me is that Canadian conservatives are exactly the same as American, begging the question why they stay. They are outnumbered at least two-to-one and only ever see power when the Natural Governing Party, or Liberals seriously screw. There was a conservative posting in here who lives not far from me in Vancouver. When the Liberals won here, he began attacking every post I put up. Eventually I simply asked him why he bothers to live in Canada, was it free medical care? I haven't heard from him since. The Tories here make a lot of noise, but when it comes to universal medical they are as socialist as anyone in Canada.
so are men....it's human

it is not condoned, rather it is tolerated by certain types of women with poor fathering, done by certain types of men with poor fathering

nice guys don't do that....unless they have made a mistake if it happens again I wouldn't say they were a nice guy, they are a predator

laying hands on another human being to "take" what one desires is not a relationship of equality it's about power and control...any self respecting human being would not

Your use of the description "top girls" is glaring.

Is she one of the girls who is merely physically appealing? To me this whole scenario that you have laid out is just shallow accepting shallow.

so you were a decent human being, kudos to you

dysfunction draws dysfunction...of course they go back, they don't have the self worth to be with another who treats them well, they were not taught that they were deserving

yes it's a rape culture still, Cosby is just the tip of the iceberg

girls who are taught self respect do not allow that

women who have been victimized often will repeat the pattern, yes

if you are happy with your own behaviour and comfortable with what it gleans you, then you are

in the dark night of the soul, we all face our demons, we all decide what it important to us and what we can live with from a behavioral perspective

I don't deny it. The older I become the more misanthropic I become, for exactly that reason. I am extremely choosy about both the males and females with whom I interact on anything more than a superficial basis. In other words, people have to earn their way in. They also can behave their way out fairly quickly

Life is short :shrug:

Interesting to me that you have decided to whitewash Trump and vilify Bill.

Let me tell you from a female perspective, guys who need to show bravado are embarrassing to behold and at the age Trump has reached if still that way, mentally unbalanced and not someone I would allow to be alone with any vulnerable person.

it's all about perception,values and the culture of the time

all of them are in their 70s or close to it

women have come a long way, your next president will be female...that will sit badly with a certain type of male (and female) just like your current president's skin colour sits badly with a certain type of individual even when they don't understand it themselves

we still have a rape culture although it has dwindled it is still present ... rape is all about power, and so is politics
Agree with some, not all.

Men deal with the fickle nature ongoing. Females go too far? Its a mistake, sometimes accompanied by life changing consequences. We go too far? It can have life changing and/or serious criminal consequences.

Boils down to you, an individual, do not act in certain ways. Many, however, do... thus you have men who choose that option. Often comes down to playing the numbers game. Odds differ depending on the players, say for every ten girls one makes the attempt, finds the pattern of positive result. Crude but often how its done. Guys having no fear of rejection can score with a lotta girls.

So... many girls do, maybe not the majority, but many are willing. Sends a message to men, all men. Nice guys finish last and/or you miss 100% of the shots you never attempt are fairly well established cultural truths. Men are visual, we watch, experiment, see what works/what doesn't. We learn. Don't blame guys for beneficially interpreting the messages that quite a lot of women send us. Its a continual obstacle course with all the mixed messaging, but if its successful, most men say don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Rich, famous powerful like a Trump or a Bill Clinton are put into positions of temptation often beyond the norm and consequently advantage themselves. They too are human.

But, its whitewashing Trump if just talking big? Hate to beak it to you, but guys talk that way when together. Have overheard girls doing it as well. Is it bad? Its just talk, we do it, almost all normal guys do. Its just what it is, talk.

Actions? Completely different. Those who overstep the boundaries sometimes have heavy consequences. Certainly one should not condemn at the same level as just talk... or equate it with the actions of a predator ... or even a serial enabler of a known predator. One who goes the extra step in trying to destroy victims if they are, or may become, a threat. Bad ju ju, that. Bill should have been one to have those heavy consequences, Hillary has been one of the roadblocks.

Talk of engaging in sexual impropriety = actual sexual impropriety/molestation? No. Worst case scenario for Trump is he is equally bad ... so it would be a wash.
In this case I think we have stories fitting what Trump said in that tape and not what Trump said fitting the stories.
I see this as quite possibly a Clinton syndicate operation. Certainly not below a Clinton to do.

Hell, she got away completely Scott free on breaking numerous FOIA and national security laws, Bill got away with sexual harassment, sexual abuse/molestation, probably rape, simply a slap on the hand, disbarred, and impeached for being twice caught for perjury and obstructing justice...and oh yeah, had to pay Paula Jones $850 thousand... but no jail time for any of those crimes for either of them.

They have nothing to lose now, especially since they know a special prosecutor will be in their future dogging them to their graves [ both in their 70s, both seem is not so great health] if not putting them in jail until that day of higher judgement comes.
Agree with some, not all.

Men deal with the fickle nature ongoing. Females go too far? Its a mistake, sometimes accompanied by life changing consequences. We go too far? It can have life changing and/or serious criminal consequences.

Boils down to you, an individual, do not act in certain ways. Many, however, do... thus you have men who choose that option. Often comes down to playing the numbers game. Odds differ depending on the players, say for every ten girls one makes the attempt, finds the pattern of positive result. Crude but often how its done. Guys having no fear of rejection can score with a lotta girls.

So... many girls do, maybe not the majority, but many are willing. Sends a message to men, all men. Nice guys finish last and/or you miss 100% of the shots you never attempt are fairly well established cultural truths. Men are visual, we watch, experiment, see what works/what doesn't. We learn. Don't blame guys for beneficially interpreting the messages that quite a lot of women send us. Its a continual obstacle course with all the mixed messaging, but if its successful, most men say don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Rich, famous powerful like a Trump or a Bill Clinton are put into positions of temptation often beyond the norm and consequently advantage themselves. They too are human.

But, its whitewashing Trump if just talking big? Hate to beak it to you, but guys talk that way when together. Have overheard girls doing it as well. Is it bad? Its just talk, we do it, almost all normal guys do. Its just what it is, talk.

Actions? Completely different. Those who overstep the boundaries sometimes have heavy consequences. Certainly one should not condemn at the same level as just talk... or equate it with the actions of a predator ... or even a serial enabler of a known predator. One who goes the extra step in trying to destroy victims if they are, or may become, a threat. Bad ju ju, that. Bill should have been one to have those heavy consequences, Hillary has been one of the roadblocks.

Talk of engaging in sexual impropriety = actual sexual impropriety/molestation? No. Worst case scenario for Trump is he is equally bad ... so it would be a wash.

I think you will never see what Trump quite possibly has done because part of your brain thinks women allow this and desire it...believing that blocks you from understanding what happens to women who are raped or assaulted by someone with the money and power to completely destroy them

or to understand or relate to what creates these potential victims

you view them as sirens, they are not

they have been erroneously taught and conditioned from a young age that their value as a human being is a sexual one and men thus poorly parented also believe that their worth comes from sexual promiscuity

Trump is a dysfunctional psychologically challenged and unbalanced human being

he is broken and unfit to lead

I also do not think that you understand that sexual assault is actually about power...rape is about power not sex
why do Trump supporters demean women?
why do Trump supporters demean women?

They don't.

They just don't accept bull**** hit jobs from anybody...be it the media, Hillary and her crew or certain women.
They don't.

They just don't accept bull**** hit jobs from anybody...be it the media, Hillary and her crew or certain women.

that's a big fat lie.

and trumps polling numbers among Women are the lowest in history.
that's a big fat lie.

and trumps polling numbers among Women are the lowest in history.


Okay...whatever you say.

btw, you DO know my opinion of polls, right?
I think you will never see what Trump quite possibly has done because part of your brain thinks women allow this and desire it...believing that blocks you from understanding what happens to women who are raped or assaulted by someone with the money and power to completely destroy them

or to understand or relate to what creates these potential victims

you view them as sirens, they are not

they have been erroneously taught and conditioned from a young age that their value as a human being is a sexual one and men thus poorly parented also believe that their worth comes from sexual promiscuity

Trump is a dysfunctional psychologically challenged and unbalanced human being

he is broken and unfit to lead

I also do not think that you understand that sexual assault is actually about power...rape is about power not sex
I think you will always have a blind spot because you do not see the reality of your fellow women.

You are fixated on only your gender. There is no other train at your station, it seems.

Our perspectives are different. I know women as a man, you know them only from yourself and from an outside vantage point, out of the range of what really goes on between other men and women. You might get what your girlfriends choose to tell you.

We, men, get the real deal. So lets get this straight from the start, you seem to have little clue as to what goes on outside your bubble. No disrespect intended.

True rape or true sexual assault, you will get nothing but agreement from me with you. Where the man is the aggressor, takes against the express will, female or another male, the man is at fault.

"Potential victims"? Very hazy concept. You are aware that women, females, do on more than rare occasions falsely accuse men of such, correct? For multiple reasons. I can relate two instances where I have been with a women who shocked me after we finally 'slept' together [ I used to take things slow and easy, didn't want to lead anybody on, wanted to make sure, wanted it to be "nice"].

One time in my late 20s the other was in my early 30s. Independent of each other, cities apart working completely different jobs.

Both of them asked me why I had not raped them.

I was stunned. First, that is not in my character, not my way... certainly is not even sexy, not close to a turn on. Both times it caught me completely off guard. So much so I rejected it out of hand, didn't even then to ask how they could even ask me that, why would I? What quickly went through my mind was the cluster of all the things that could go wrong... it was silly. Not something to even consider, Neither dwelled on it, just mentioned it sort of in passing and then we were on to something else.

Have since wondered, pondered about it. To my mind I could only think of two reasons for those two making the comment. Either they did not want to wait as long as I thought appropriate ... or they wanted sex but did not want to accept the responsibility. It would be done and I would have done it... my fault. I confess I thought this was probably more the case in the first instance, less so in the second. I really haven't a inkling beyond that.

In any event, do not try to tell me about what all women feel, what all women condone, what all women want because its quite apparent, to me anyhow, that you do not really know.

To expect men to psychologically ferret out what is driving each specific female mind, especially when you gals, truly, change it so often...

Hormones? Who knows? But I have experienced it and if you don't agree then, well, we will just have to agree to disagree. I love women, I do not lead women on as I do want to sleep at night and by treating women, people in general, correctly, I can sleep quite soundly. Well, unless and until one of my cats wakes me up softly pawing at my beard wanting breakfast too early.

Fact is, women are not without blame, desire, some are risk takers far beyond others, some are just plain teases... but to summarily put Trump down as psychologically dysfunctional seems to border on an unwarranted prejudice.

I am fully aware of the belief that sexual assault has a relationship to power. So if its more about sex, actually desiring to have sex with a person attractive to the other, then are you saying its not sexual assault?
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I think you will always have a blind spot because you do not see the reality of your fellow women.

You are fixated on only your gender. There is no other train at your station, it seems.

Our perspectives are different. I know women as a man, you know them only from yourself and from an outside vantage point, out of the range of what really goes on between other men and women. You might get what your girlfriends choose to tell you.

We, men, get the real deal. So lets get this straight from the start, you seem to have little clue as to what goes on outside your bubble. No disrespect intended.
wow, I've never before been told that a man has a deeper understanding of women because he is a man

one thing I will say is that you believe you do

"Potential victims"? Very hazy concept. You are aware that women, females, do on more than rare occasions falsely accuse men of such, correct? For multiple reasons. I can relate two instances where I have been with a women who shocked me after we finally 'slept' together [ I used to take things slow and easy, didn't want to lead anybody on, wanted to make sure, wanted it to be "nice"].

One time in my late 20s the other was in my early 30s. Independent of each other, cities apart working completely different jobs.

Both of them asked me why I had not raped them.
what you are failing to comprehend here is, it is dysfunctional/abnormal for a woman to believe that rape is normal....and then YOU seem to think that is permission or the way the world works...that it is normal, it is not normal, it is not right, it is a travesty, it is wrong thinking

Have since wondered, pondered about it. To my mind I could only think of two reasons for those two making the comment. Either they did not want to wait as long as I thought appropriate ... or they wanted sex but did not want to accept the responsibility. It would be done and I would have done it... my fault. I confess I thought this was probably more the case in the first instance, less so in the second. I really haven't a inkling beyond that.
wrong conclusion and partly due to the fact that you did not communicate well as a couple and also apparently you do not have sufficient knowledge to understand what happened here
In any event, do not try to tell me about what all women feel, what all women condone, what all women want because its quite apparent, to me anyhow, that you do not really know.
yes I see that and there is no way anything I say is going to enlighten you to the psychological components involved
To expect men to psychologically ferret out what is driving each specific female mind, especially when you gals, truly, change it so often...
wow this is just wrong on so many levels I don't know where to begin
Hormones? Who knows? But I have experienced it and if you don't agree then, well, we will just have to agree to disagree. I love women, I do not lead women on as I do want to sleep at night and by treating women, people in general, correctly, I can sleep quite soundly. Well, unless and until one of my cats wakes me up softly pawing at my beard wanting breakfast too early.
you need to learn to communicate with others

Fact is, women are not without blame, desire, some are risk takers far beyond others, some are just plain teases... but to summarily put Trump down as psychologically dysfunctional seems to border on an unwarranted prejudice.
he is psychologically dysfunctional, the fact that a huge percentage of people can not grasp that is disturbing

I am fully aware of the belief that sexual assault has a relationship to power. So if its more about sex, actually desiring to have sex with a person attractive to the other, then are you saying its not sexual assault?
sexual assault is about power not about sex ever, taking what you want, forcing it is never about sex, it is assault

there is no "so if its more about sex"...it NEVER is.

Rape is about power...period.

It doesn't matter that you do not understand this...it is fact, you can not just take because you desire it and then say, she was a tease...NO is no...always

The belief that assault happens out of sexual desire is untrue, sex and violence can and do go hand in hand

yes is yes

no is no....always
wow, I've never before been told that a man has a deeper understanding of women because he is a man

one thing I will say is that you believe you do

what you are failing to comprehend here is, it is dysfunctional/abnormal for a woman to believe that rape is normal....and then YOU seem to think that is permission or the way the world works...that it is normal, it is not normal, it is not right, it is a travesty, it is wrong thinking

wrong conclusion and partly due to the fact that you did not communicate well as a couple and also apparently you do not have sufficient knowledge to understand what happened here
yes I see that and there is no way anything I say is going to enlighten you to the psychological components involved
wow this is just wrong on so many levels I don't know where to begin
you need to learn to communicate with others

he is psychologically dysfunctional, the fact that a huge percentage of people can not grasp that is disturbing

sexual assault is about power not about sex ever, taking what you want, forcing it is never about sex, it is assault

there is no "so if its more about sex"...it NEVER is.

Rape is about power...period.

It doesn't matter that you do not understand this...it is fact, you can not just take because you desire it and then say, she was a tease...NO is no...always

The belief that assault happens out of sexual desire is untrue, sex and violence can and do go hand in hand

yes is yes

no is no....always
I know women in circumstances with me, and thus with men, far better than your naive view allows you to encompass. You do not have to admit it, it transcends your ability to do so.

Oh, I agree it should not be the norm, but I will bet that many other men have run across this as well. Hell, I wasn't even dating that much at the time as I was trying to build a career first in retail credit and then jumped into Trust banking... that last job left me little time to sleep, much less have a life outside the job. Matter of fact I met both of them on the job. Fact is it may be dysfunctional, but it happens enough in just this one aspect that one cannot deny it permeates society and affects how men view and treat women. Blame the men, but also blame the women. Only a coward is afraid of the truth.

So, you tell me, what was happening there? Two out of the perhaps 5 that I dated with any regularity over a period of about 5 years? The ONLY two I slept with. You say you know women, even women with men, better than I, so go ahead, spread your wealth of knowledge.

Like I said, enlighten me, enlighten all of us to the psychological components involved. Fact of the matter is, no matter how you slice, dice and try to hide the fact, women encourage much of this behavior in men themselves. To ignore that is to be voluntarily blind. Men, if sober, who indulge are probably cads, but the women are worse for inviting this behavior. When women consciously dangle before men what our biological imperative instinctively triggers into action, who truly is more at fault?

Don't know where to begin? Try beginning by admitting the truth. Deflecting by feigning being overwhelmed simply is not a cogent argument. Anywhere anytime.

I am communicating with you, feel I have expressed myself more than adequately. In fact quite vividly and while not going into too much detail, giving you sufficient information. You on the other hand, keep dodging, blaming the messenger, deferring to some odd, unseen and, apparently, non discursive higher sense of knowledge that you are unable/unwilling to express in words and, of course going round and round in repetitive circles, chasing your own tail.

The fact that a "huge percentage of people", that huge group helping create the norm btw, grasp that what Trump was saying was normal guy talk, oftentimes normal girl talk. Ignoring the fact that they "understand" due to their own experiences in the world of reality, such a world to which you seemingly do not want to ascribe, means that this behavior is far more common than YOU think. And, while I don't even trust those who purport to be professionals in the field, as i consider it a pseudo-science, you have no authority whatsoever to summarily, based on your limited knowledge and understanding, declare Trump dysfunctional in any shape, matter or form.

Please, be gone with your NEVER's. The idea that this trite expression regarding power has become THE LAW to all who hear it is, simply, laughable. It ignores too many other factors to be the ONLY. Absolutes are rarely, if EVER more than preponderantly valid, which in itself disproves them.
I know women in circumstances with me, and thus with men, far better than your naive view allows you to encompass. You do not have to admit it, it transcends your ability to do so.

Oh, I agree it should not be the norm, but I will bet that many other men have run across this as well. Hell, I wasn't even dating that much at the time as I was trying to build a career first in retail credit and then jumped into Trust banking... that last job left me little time to sleep, much less have a life outside the job. Matter of fact I met both of them on the job. Fact is it may be dysfunctional, but it happens enough in just this one aspect that one cannot deny it permeates society and affects how men view and treat women. Blame the men, but also blame the women. Only a coward is afraid of the truth.

So, you tell me, what was happening there? Two out of the perhaps 5 that I dated with any regularity over a period of about 5 years? The ONLY two I slept with. You say you know women, even women with men, better than I, so go ahead, spread your wealth of knowledge.

Like I said, enlighten me, enlighten all of us to the psychological components involved. Fact of the matter is, no matter how you slice, dice and try to hide the fact, women encourage much of this behavior in men themselves. To ignore that is to be voluntarily blind. Men, if sober, who indulge are probably cads, but the women are worse for inviting this behavior. When women consciously dangle before men what our biological imperative instinctively triggers into action, who truly is more at fault?

Don't know where to begin? Try beginning by admitting the truth. Deflecting by feigning being overwhelmed simply is not a cogent argument. Anywhere anytime.

I am communicating with you, feel I have expressed myself more than adequately. In fact quite vividly and while not going into too much detail, giving you sufficient information. You on the other hand, keep dodging, blaming the messenger, deferring to some odd, unseen and, apparently, non discursive higher sense of knowledge that you are unable/unwilling to express in words and, of course going round and round in repetitive circles, chasing your own tail.

The fact that a "huge percentage of people", that huge group helping create the norm btw, grasp that what Trump was saying was normal guy talk, oftentimes normal girl talk. Ignoring the fact that they "understand" due to their own experiences in the world of reality, such a world to which you seemingly do not want to ascribe, means that this behavior is far more common than YOU think. And, while I don't even trust those who purport to be professionals in the field, as i consider it a pseudo-science, you have no authority whatsoever to summarily, based on your limited knowledge and understanding, declare Trump dysfunctional in any shape, matter or form.

Please, be gone with your NEVER's. The idea that this trite expression regarding power has become THE LAW to all who hear it is, simply, laughable. It ignores too many other factors to be the ONLY. Absolutes are rarely, if EVER more than preponderantly valid, which in itself disproves them.

here's my answer to you

no mean no
here's my answer to you

no mean no
Now maybe start a poll and ask men how many have started with a no means no but by being patient and diligent, not overpowering in any way, they turned that no into a yes?

At the same time you inexpertly deflect again. You have no answers, just women good, men bad... unless men follow what women say they want, good. This ignoring all the women who want the bad guy, the exciting guy... but, so be it. That ground has been covered and questioned, but better, lets just close our eyes and pretend it never was.

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