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The Truth About the Covington Catholic Story. CNN and Others Push False Story Again! (1 Viewer)

Captain Adverse

Classical Liberal Sage
DP Veteran
Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Mid-West USA
Political Leaning
Well well, it seems that the story about the Catholic High School students "Mocking Native American Vet" isn't quite what it appears.

Here is a video showing segments of the incident from start to finish as tweeted which shows that the Native American Vet and his peers were the ones who initiated the "confrontation."

Now I am not that interested in the commentary by the presenter, I am focused on the video evidence presented.

Therefore I suggest you START AT 3:32 and end at 5:54 and view through the tweeted videos showing the progression of actual events.

Video segment's 1 & 2
. You see the Native American protesters led by the complaining drummer slowly approaching the group of Catholic School boys who are minding their own business on some steps waiting for their busses to return to school.

Video Segment 3. You see the drummer has walked up and started banging his drum right next to the head of the "smiling kid" who doesn't want to back away.

Video Segment 4. This shows even more clearly that the drummer was the one who came up right into the face of the kid who was already smiling, and continues to beat his drum in the face of the kid.

NOTE: THIS is the complete segment where only a portion of the video is what we have been seeing posted in the news and here in the Forum. NOT the part where the Native American Veteran walks up and gets in the kids face...only the part where he is already there and the kid seems to be smiling in an "intimidating way."

Video Segment 5. You can hear the Native American protesters yelling at the kids "Why don't you White people go back to Europe where you came from!"

Fake news, claiming these kids started this incident, were acting in intimidating ways, when it is clear that the young man in the center of the allegations did absolutlely nothing wrong. :doh

Now, all of you who claimed this was another example of MAGA racism on display...what do you say now?
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Well well, it seems that the story about the Catholic High School students "Mocking Native American Vet" isn't quite what it appears.

Here is a video showing segments of the incident from start to finish as tweeted which shows that the Native American Vet and his peers were the ones who initiated the "confrontation."

Now I am not that interested in the commentary by the presenter, I am focused on the video evidence presented.

Therefore I suggest you START AT 3:32 and end at 5:54 and view through the tweeted videos showing the progression of actual events.

Video segment's 1 & 2
. You see the Native American protesters led by the complaining drummer slowly approaching the group of Catholic School boys who are minding thier own business on some steps waiting for their busses to return to school.

Video Segment 3. You see the drummer has walked up and started banging his drum right next to the head of the "smiling kid" who doesn't want to back away.

Video Segment 4. This shows even more clearly that the drummer was the one who came up right into the face of the kid who was already smiling, and continues to beat his drum in the face of the kid. NOTE: THIS is the the portion of the video we have been seeing posted in the news and her in the Forum. NOT the part where the Native American Veteran walks up and gets in the kids face...only the part where he is already there and the kid seems to be smiling in an "intimidating way."

Video Segment 5. You can hear the Native American protesters yelling at the kids "Why don't you White people go back to Europe where you came from!"

Fake news, claiming these kids started this incident, were acting in intimidating ways, and that the young man in the center of the allegations did absolutlely nothing wrong. :doh

Now, all of you who claimed this was another example of MAGA racism on display...what do you say now?

Two sides to every coin.....I believe I may have errored in my earlier comments.

*edit...it appears I was indeed wrong; My apologies to the kid in question.
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Well well, it seems that the story about the Catholic High School students "Mocking Native American Vet" isn't quite what it appears.

Here is a video showing segments of the incident from start to finish as tweeted which shows that the Native American Vet and his peers were the ones who initiated the "confrontation."

Now I am not that interested in the commentary by the presenter, I am focused on the video evidence presented.

Therefore I suggest you START AT 3:32 and end at 5:54 and view through the tweeted videos showing the progression of actual events.

Video segment's 1 & 2
. You see the Native American protesters led by the complaining drummer slowly approaching the group of Catholic School boys who are minding their own business on some steps waiting for their busses to return to school.

Video Segment 3. You see the drummer has walked up and started banging his drum right next to the head of the "smiling kid" who doesn't want to back away.

Video Segment 4. This shows even more clearly that the drummer was the one who came up right into the face of the kid who was already smiling, and continues to beat his drum in the face of the kid.

NOTE: THIS is the complete segment where only a portion of the video is what we have been seeing posted in the news and here in the Forum. NOT the part where the Native American Veteran walks up and gets in the kids face...only the part where he is already there and the kid seems to be smiling in an "intimidating way."

Video Segment 5. You can hear the Native American protesters yelling at the kids "Why don't you White people go back to Europe where you came from!"

Fake news, claiming these kids started this incident, were acting in intimidating ways, when it is clear that the young man in the center of the allegations did absolutlely nothing wrong. :doh

Now, all of you who claimed this was another example of MAGA racism on display...what do you say now?

they are not nearly as bad as antifa but ya those kids are rather douchey
Kudos to Captain Adverse for his thread. I came to the conclusion this story was BS by watching the videos on social media.

But evidently if there is a MAGA hat involved on this forum then that is key in bringing forth judgement against an individual.

The parents of that kid should be darn proud. He stood there with a smile on his face while he was being harassed by the drum man who was obviously trying to instigate a confrontation.
Kudos to Captain Adverse for his thread. I came to the conclusion this story was BS by watching the videos on social media.

But evidently if there is a MAGA hat involved on this forum then that is key in bringing forth judgement against an individual.

The parents of that kid should be darn proud. He stood there with a smile on his face while he was being harassed by the drum man who was obviously trying to instigate a confrontation.

...and yet in the original negative thread we have some people still claiming it is all the kid's fault, that the videos show the kids were "acting badly."

The evidence clearly shows it was the Native American vet on the drums who came over with his group hoping to "start something" with these kids. That HE got in the smiling kid's face. A kid who did nothing but stand his ground and smile.

Yet the naysayers are still blaming him, and the other kids for their behavior. :doh

The hypocrisy and dishonesty is truly stunning, and they wonder why people who can think for themselves can still choose not to follow the mob.
...and yet in the original negative thread we have some people still claiming it is all the kid's fault, that the videos show the kids were "acting badly."

The evidence clearly shows it was the Native American vet on the drums who came over with his group hoping to "start something" with these kids. That HE got in the smiling kid's face. A kid who did nothing but stand his ground and smile.

Yet the naysayers are still blaming him, and the other kids for their behavior. :doh

The hypocrisy and dishonesty is truly stunning, and they wonder why people who can think for themselves can still choose not to follow the mob.

We are colossal liars now, sadly.

Really bad times are coming.

Almost here....
Counter point: You're once again a lying, racist retard who using a lying, racist retard as his source to defend a bunch of retarded, racist high school kids because they're wearing MAGA hats. In your own video, Vincet James is unable to stay on point because he knows that the only way you mouth breathing troglydyes love hearing that Muslims and black people are evil people. Lemme break down in a list for my own sanity:

1)Your video omits the high schoolers that were taunting and insulting the Native Americans that were gathered to march to Lincoln memorial
2)Your video also omits the fact that these high schoolers began to "Tomahawk chop" and circle Nathan Phillips.
3)Vincet James retweets known racists like V8 Judge and it shows as much within the video you posted
4)Vincet James cannot stay on message without going into diatribes about how much he hates the media, black people, and Muslims.
5)The school itself is condemning the actions of their own high schoolers.
6)All the original reporting is that Nathan Phillips and his protestors stated they were moving to the Lincoln memorial when the smug smiling teen infamously stood in his way.
7)If the teenagers of the Catholic High School were waiting for their busses, and had no plan to protest a bunch of Native Americans, they wouldn't have circled and blocked the Native America

You're a racist, mouth breathing pud, Captain Adverse. I saw your PM and decdied to rather address you, and your racist elk again as you continue to display your brazen bigotry and eager hope to find anything to defend your racist worldview. Even if it's a video from a racist who loves saying racists stuff who is omitting key facts in order to confirm your racist bias.

Eat shit.
a video of a guy watching other video clips dosent seem like a reliable source to get the full story
Well well, it seems that the story about the Catholic High School students "Mocking Native American Vet" isn't quite what it appears.

Here is a video showing segments of the incident from start to finish as tweeted which shows that the Native American Vet and his peers were the ones who initiated the "confrontation."

Now I am not that interested in the commentary by the presenter, I am focused on the video evidence presented.

Therefore I suggest you START AT 3:32 and end at 5:54 and view through the tweeted videos showing the progression of actual events.

Video segment's 1 & 2
. You see the Native American protesters led by the complaining drummer slowly approaching the group of Catholic School boys who are minding their own business on some steps waiting for their busses to return to school.

Video Segment 3. You see the drummer has walked up and started banging his drum right next to the head of the "smiling kid" who doesn't want to back away.

Video Segment 4. This shows even more clearly that the drummer was the one who came up right into the face of the kid who was already smiling, and continues to beat his drum in the face of the kid.

NOTE: THIS is the complete segment where only a portion of the video is what we have been seeing posted in the news and here in the Forum. NOT the part where the Native American Veteran walks up and gets in the kids face...only the part where he is already there and the kid seems to be smiling in an "intimidating way."

Video Segment 5. You can hear the Native American protesters yelling at the kids "Why don't you White people go back to Europe where you came from!"

Fake news, claiming these kids started this incident, were acting in intimidating ways, when it is clear that the young man in the center of the allegations did absolutlely nothing wrong. :doh

Now, all of you who claimed this was another example of MAGA racism on display...what do you say now?

This thread is lie. Here is the clip shown in the video you have, but this time with the sound. It clearly shows the students were not minding their own business

And they are standing on the steps some distance from the curb - a strange place to be waiting for a bus.

And there is no good reason to make tomahawk motions with your hands; Only racist reasons.
This thread is lie. Here is the clip shown in the video you have, but this time with the sound. It clearly shows the students were not minding their own business

And they are standing on the steps some distance from the curb - a strange place to be waiting for a bus.

And there is no good reason to make tomahawk motions with your hands; Only racist reasons.

Not a "lie" Sangha. You are very free with the use of that word :doh.

1. They are standing on the steps most likely for control purposes away from the road in a place where their teacher's can see all of them.

2. The "Tomahawk Chop" is still used at several sports events by those fans of sports teams who still have "Indian" names.

The kids hear a native drum beat and sing while doing the chop? Not an insult unless you want it to be.

Nice deflection though. Kid smiling still did nothing wrong :shrug:
Not a "lie" Sangha. You are very free with the use of that word :doh.

1. They are standing on the steps most likely for control purposes away from the road in a place where their teacher's can see all of them.

2. The "Tomahawk Chop" is still used at several sports events by those fans of sports teams who still have "Indian" names.

The kids hear a native drum beat and sing while doing the chop? Not an insult unless you want it to be.

Nice deflection though. Kid smiling still did nothing wrong :shrug:

1)that still doesn't explain why they were whooping and yelling at Native Americans, and then following to prevent their entry to Lincoln memorial and circling them

2) The Covington High School mascot are the Colonels. The High Schoolers were whooping and Tomahawk Chopping because they wanted to offend Native Americans. Because get this: They're racist little turds.
Not a "lie" Sangha. You are very free with the use of that word :doh.

I use it only when applicable
1. They are standing on the steps most likely for control purposes away from the road in a place where their teacher's can see all of them.

2. The "Tomahawk Chop" is still used at several sports events by those fans of sports teams who still have "Indian" names.

The kids hear a native drum beat and sing while doing the chop? Not an insult unless you want it to be.

Nice deflection though. Kid smiling still did nothing wrong :shrug:

1) So you dont know, but that does not stop you from making stuff up. And you wonder why you see me using the word lie a lot? :lamo

2) And it is racist.
Well well, it seems that the story about the Catholic High School students "Mocking Native American Vet" isn't quite what it appears.

Here is a video showing segments of the incident from start to finish as tweeted which shows that the Native American Vet and his peers were the ones who initiated the "confrontation."

Now I am not that interested in the commentary by the presenter, I am focused on the video evidence presented.

Therefore I suggest you START AT 3:32 and end at 5:54 and view through the tweeted videos showing the progression of actual events.

Video segment's 1 & 2
. You see the Native American protesters led by the complaining drummer slowly approaching the group of Catholic School boys who are minding their own business on some steps waiting for their busses to return to school.

Video Segment 3. You see the drummer has walked up and started banging his drum right next to the head of the "smiling kid" who doesn't want to back away.

Video Segment 4. This shows even more clearly that the drummer was the one who came up right into the face of the kid who was already smiling, and continues to beat his drum in the face of the kid.

NOTE: THIS is the complete segment where only a portion of the video is what we have been seeing posted in the news and here in the Forum. NOT the part where the Native American Veteran walks up and gets in the kids face...only the part where he is already there and the kid seems to be smiling in an "intimidating way."

Video Segment 5. You can hear the Native American protesters yelling at the kids "Why don't you White people go back to Europe where you came from!"

Fake news, claiming these kids started this incident, were acting in intimidating ways, when it is clear that the young man in the center of the allegations did absolutlely nothing wrong. :doh

Now, all of you who claimed this was another example of MAGA racism on display...what do you say now?
Most of those on the left just don't care enough to be honest or accurate.
I posted the following video showing it was the indigenous man who got into the kids face and they just do not care about objectivity.

The lack of objectivity from the majority of those who lean left here seems to be the norm nowadays.
Why not just tag all the idiots from the other thread in here?
Well well, it seems that the story about the Catholic High School students "Mocking Native American Vet" isn't quite what it appears.

If the story is fake as you, a self-admitted Trumper claim, then why is their Catholic School issuing an apology?

US school apologies for students mocking elderly Native American

P.S. I never use video's as a source, and I rarely accept video's as a source. Far too easily manipulated. Secondly, I don't believe Trumpers. You people have shed whatever credibility you once possessed.
Another shoutout to CNN for unwittingly reminding all of us once again to have an open mind when it comes to all these stories of alleged discrimination and harassment.

As every good cop knows, assume that everyone is a liar until the truth is established.

CNN is so pathetic that there is no adjective in the English language to adequately describe it.
1)that still doesn't explain why they were whooping and yelling at Native Americans, and then following to prevent their entry to Lincoln memorial and circling them

2) The Covington High School mascot are the Colonels. The High Schoolers were whooping and Tomahawk Chopping because they wanted to offend Native Americans. Because get this: They're racist little turds.

They were mocking him because he is a kook, not because they are racists. BU then again, people like you label everything racist so you have essentially made the word meaningless.
We are colossal liars now, sadly.

Really bad times are coming.

Almost here....

To be fair, human beings (ugh!) have always been notorious liars.

Oh, yes, really bad times are a-coming!
If the story is fake as you, a self-admitted Trumper claim, then why is their Catholic School issuing an apology?

US school apologies for students mocking elderly Native American

P.S. I never use video's as a source, and I rarely accept video's as a source. Far too easily manipulated. Secondly, I don't believe Trumpers. You people have shed whatever credibility you once possessed.

Well, those children didnt behave properly. They behaved, well, like a bunch of children. They should have ignored him and let him go about making his nonsensical point.
I use it only when applicable

1) So you dont know, but that does not stop you from making stuff up. And you wonder why you see me using the word lie a lot? :lamo

2) And it is racist.
Because they were going off of what journalists wrote down (made up, lied) instead of watching all the footage of what actually happened.
Any time the Left comes out with a racistapocolypse story, we only have to wait a day, or two for ALL the facts to come out. Never fails.
Two sides to every coin.....I believe I may have errored in my earlier comments.

*edit...it appears I was indeed wrong; My apologies to the kid in question.

I also changed my stance after seeing the multiple videos.

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