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Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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Since its inception back in 2010, critics of the tea party have claimed the conservative movement was motivated wholly or in part by racial animus towards President Barack Obama.
... The researchers found no difference between the racial attitudes of the general white population and self-identified tea party members. Those who had a favorable view of the tea party, on the other hand, were in fact more likely to admit to holding anti-black sentiments.
... But the evidence suggests the tea party wasn’t simply a racist reaction, though racists appear to be drawn to the movement.
... “What the tea party means to its members and what it represents to the large public may, in fact, not be the same thing.
this is quite a nuanced distinction
tea party members are not more racist than the general population
those who admire/support the tea party ARE more racist than the general population
trying to evaluate what that distinction should tell us
all i am able to conclude thus far is that the racists are too stupid to maintain an organization any more sophisticated than the KKK

Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members | The Raw Story
We've been telling you guys for years that the tea party movement has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with an ever-enlarging government, and excessive taxation.
So the tea party movement is racist in nature and the leadership is at least smart enough to hide their own racism during an interview for a study.

In other news: Water, wet.
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So the tea party movement is racist in nature and the leadership is at least smart enough to hide their own racism during an interview for a study.

In other news: Water, wet.

That sounds like an uninformed assumption. What is your evidence?
this is quite a nuanced distinction
tea party members are not more racist than the general population
those who admire/support the tea party ARE more racist than the general population
trying to evaluate what that distinction should tell us
all i am able to conclude thus far is that the racists are too stupid to maintain an organization any more sophisticated than the KKK

Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members | The Raw Story

Who paid for this study?
Who paid for this study?

i am researching your question only because i so enjoy proving turtledude WRONG:


* Angie Maxwell amax@uark.edu (1)
* T. Wayne Parent wayne.parent@gmail.com (2)

Author Affiliations

* 1. Diane D. Blair Professor of Southern Studies, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Arkansas, 428 Old Main, Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA
* 2. Russell B. Long Professor, Department of Political Science, Louisiana State University, 207 Stubbs Hall, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803-5433, USA

i am researching your question only because i so enjoy proving turtledude WRONG:


Public or private money?

It had better be private money. Regardless, I might have to write a letter to the University of Arkansas and LSU expressing how distasteful it is for their professors to be wasting their time on research which has no more purpose than to serve as a talking point for liberal bias and political spin.

I'm sure the taxpayers and parents in the states of Louisiana and Arkansas would not support such nonsense.
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It all sounds like bull**** anyway, no matter what the outcome. The Left really doesn't believe the Tea Party is racist, nor do they know. They just propagate that **** for political points. That's all it is.
It all sounds like bull**** anyway, no matter what the outcome. The Left really doesn't believe the Tea Party is racist, ...
and in this instance, the study has proven you correct. would think you would appreciate something which produces that rare outcome. it found that the tea party is no more racist than the general population

...nor do they know. They just propagate that **** for political points. That's all it is.
what the study tell us instead, is that the tea party's fringe, its sideline supporters DO tend to be more racist than the general population
and that is a political point now proven
that factual determination probably pisses off the racist tea party supporters who can no longer insist that their positions are not tainted by racism
This isnt news.

One can see the blatant racism of the ultra right teap party supporters here on full display. They love to start threads about how not being able to open a white only grocery store is like Soviet Russia.
It all sounds like bull**** anyway, no matter what the outcome. The Left really doesn't believe the Tea Party is racist, nor do they know. They just propagate that **** for political points. That's all it is.

It would have given them credence if they'd been a major voice prior to the election of Obama, after all Bush did run up the tab quite a bit to that point. Clinton, however got it paid down but I wonder if the Tea Party would ever sincerely honor him as being a fiscally responsible President who paid off Ronald Reagan's deficit or that Reagan wasn't the type of fiscally responsible President they couldn't say is the example of what they'd like to see in future Presidents with respect to keeping the deficit under control, they're supposed core mission. I also wonder if we'll see the Tea Party scale back after Obama is out even if there is another President who isn't fiscally conservative.

I know what the Tea Party says is their mission. I also know Tea Party people personally and get a lot of email chain letters from them dealing with politics. Its rarely about the deficit and nearly always simply anti-Obama on any and everything.
So the tea party movement is racist in nature and the leadership is at least smart enough to hide their own racism during an interview for a study.

In other news: Water, wet.

That was my take away.

The people who are actual members are more savvy politically, and know better than to reveal their racist attitudes
this is quite a nuanced distinction
tea party members are not more racist than the general population
those who admire/support the tea party ARE more racist than the general population
trying to evaluate what that distinction should tell us
all i am able to conclude thus far is that the racists are too stupid to maintain an organization any more sophisticated than the KKK

Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members | The Raw Story

If you need a "study" done by "experts" to tell you that people are racist, they're not.
It would have given them credence if they'd been a major voice prior to the election of Obama, after all Bush did run up the tab quite a bit to that point. Clinton, however got it paid down but I wonder if the Tea Party would ever sincerely honor him as being a fiscally responsible President who paid off Ronald Reagan's deficit or that Reagan wasn't the type of fiscally responsible President they couldn't say is the example of what they'd like to see in future Presidents with respect to keeping the deficit under control, they're supposed core mission. I also wonder if we'll see the Tea Party scale back after Obama is out even if there is another President who isn't fiscally conservative.

I know what the Tea Party says is their mission. I also know Tea Party people personally and get a lot of email chain letters from them dealing with politics. Its rarely about the deficit and nearly always simply anti-Obama on any and everything.


No news here.

And to the TP apologists, please don't try to piss on my head and tell me it's raining. Those with ears and eyes and a brain knew the deal a long time before this "study" came out. I don't need a "study" to tell me that a house with flames coming out of the roof is on fire.
If you need a "study" done by "experts" to tell you that people are racist, they're not.

well there you have it
no need to study to determine fact from fiction
we can save our time, money and efforts in the future
all we need instead is to ask you
thank you for providing us such pervasive expertise; a nobel is certain to be in your future
well there you have it
no need to study to determine fact from fiction
we can save our time, money and efforts in the future
all we need instead is to ask you
thank you for providing us such pervasive expertise; a nobel is certain to be in your future

Why the h*** does it matter one way or another ????
this is quite a nuanced distinction
tea party members are not more racist than the general population
those who admire/support the tea party ARE more racist than the general population
trying to evaluate what that distinction should tell us
all i am able to conclude thus far is that the racists are too stupid to maintain an organization any more sophisticated than the KKK

Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members | The Raw Story

Nothing in this study surprises me.

Most of the people living on this planet have a certain amount of prejudice against some group of people.

That is supported by a large number of studies.

"Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself." ~ Robert Green Ingersoll
Nothing in this study surprises me.

Most of the people living on this planet have a certain amount of prejudice against some group of people.

That is supported by a large number of studies.

"Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself." ~ Robert Green Ingersoll

The tea party only wants freedom for themselves and to put others in their subservient place.
i am researching your question only because i so enjoy proving turtledude WRONG:


How does that follow-I did not answer who paid for the study, I merely said the site and the writer (not the two you cited) are far lefties. You failed yet again
The tea party only wants freedom for themselves and to put others in their subservient place.

really? so telling the government that people are sick and tired of being overtaxed and government wasting money somehow puts people in their place?

You mean those who suck on the public teat and have been told by lefties like you that they are entitled to living off the dime of others and if we don't fund their tit sucking we are trying to put them down?

the worst you can accuse the tea part of is demanding that the dependent class be subjected to benign neglect
Surly you can quote several tea party platforms that prove this statement?

The one where only heterosexuals get government marriage benefits.

The one in Louisiana that passed the bill for school vouchers then said she only meant it for Christian and not Muslims.

There are plenty.
The one where only heterosexuals get government marriage benefits.

The one in Louisiana that passed the bill for school vouchers then said she only meant it for Christian and not Muslims.

There are plenty.

I need official platforms not views of random individuals.

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