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Starcraft II (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 17, 2010
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Political Leaning
Oh hey! Guess who woke up to a beta invite?
Oh cool. Now you can get your ass handed to you by three thousand Koreans.
Interesting thought. Did you get an invite, or are you talking out your ass?

Oh cool. Now you can get your ass handed to you by three thousand Koreans.
Oh hey! Guess who woke up to a beta invite?

Technically, if I remember the NDA right, you are not supposed to talk about that. :2razz: Did you get the single player or multiplayer beta invite?
My friend is a beta tester and I've played it at his house. They've really dumbed down the sequel. In the first one I liked having the finesse to direct my units into special attack formations, but in the sequel the units automatically take on an attack posture and you can't make them walk beyond enemy lines without them stopping to attack. It makes it too easy. I hope they iron some of the strategy methods out before the final release, otherwise I won't be buying it.

Blizzard definitely sold out. They went for a version that makes victory easier so that a wider audience will buy the game. The first one was made for the gamers.
Orion, I am saddened to hear that. A lot of people were eagerly anticipating this release.
Interesting thought. Did you get an invite, or are you talking out your ass?

I've seen and played enough Starcraft to know that you're just chum to an endless supply of Koreans who do nothing but eat, sleep, and breathe this game.

That's just how it is, sweetheart.
Hey, Orion. Is your friend getting his ass handed to him by three thousand Koreans?

My friend is a beta tester and I've played it at his house. They've really dumbed down the sequel. In the first one I liked having the finesse to direct my units into special attack formations, but in the sequel the units automatically take on an attack posture and you can't make them walk beyond enemy lines without them stopping to attack. It makes it too easy. I hope they iron some of the strategy methods out before the final release, otherwise I won't be buying it.

Blizzard definitely sold out. They went for a version that makes victory easier so that a wider audience will buy the game. The first one was made for the gamers.
Hey, Orion. Is your friend getting his ass handed to him by three thousand Koreans?

He's in the top 10 players worldwide, which is why they asked him to test the beta. And he's white :)
Sweet! That's amazing.

So, since he isn't impressed by SC, what's his game of choice?

He's in the top 10 players worldwide, which is why they asked him to test the beta. And he's white :)
Multiplayer. It says "Join us for the final weekend of testing", lol! Maybe this means I still have a shot at being included in the beta of Cataclysm.

Technically, if I remember the NDA right, you are not supposed to talk about that. :2razz: Did you get the single player or multiplayer beta invite?
Multiplayer. It says "Join us for the final weekend of testing", lol! Maybe this means I still have a shot at being included in the beta of Cataclysm.

My problem was without having access to the single player version, the multiplayer was me getting my ass handed to me in record time in the newbie area. The single player part of the game is important....

Course, I have not tried in a couple months now, maybe it's better.
It's PvP from the get-go? Eeeps!

My problem was without having access to the single player version, the multiplayer was me getting my ass handed to me in record time in the newbie area. The single player part of the game is important....

Course, I have not tried in a couple months now, maybe it's better.
Blizzard definitely sold out. They went for a version that makes victory easier so that a wider audience will buy the game. The first one was made for the gamers.

Well at least it is not only WOW they are dumbing down.

Too much focus on casual gamers imo.
Well at least it is not only WOW they are dumbing down.

Too much focus on casual gamers imo.

Good luck getting them to change that. For every hardcore gamer out there, there are probably 10 or even 100 casual gamers. Guess which group they can make more money selling games to?
molten dragon said:
Good luck getting them to change that. For every hardcore gamer out there, there are probably 10 or even 100 casual gamers. Guess which group they can make more money selling games to?

That race is closer than you think it is. First of all, those hardcore guys spend assloads of money on random trinkets like t-shirts, mugs, and things of the sort. In addition, they're a steady stream of income while the casuals may leave the game after a brief time, not get unnecessary expansions, etc. Finally, those hardcore guys are the ones you see that spend ungodly amounts of money, not sure where they get it, at random GenCons that pop up, hoping to find a situation like this...

Generally, they are geeks and IMO that's where the money is. IT, computers, programmers, etc.
I've seen and played enough Starcraft to know that you're just chum to an endless supply of Koreans who do nothing but eat, sleep, and breathe this game.

That's just how it is, sweetheart.

I'm starting to get really hyped for this release. I fail to see how they could go wrong. From what I've seen and heard, it's basically Starcraft with vastly updated graphics and technology, and some new/replaced units and some tweaked ones (and a new campaign). Which is all they really needed to do. The only complaint I've heard is that it's too much like the original, which isn't a complaint at all; the original's main flaw was that it was made twelve years ago and in dire need of an update.
My friend is a beta tester and I've played it at his house. They've really dumbed down the sequel. In the first one I liked having the finesse to direct my units into special attack formations, but in the sequel the units automatically take on an attack posture and you can't make them walk beyond enemy lines without them stopping to attack. It makes it too easy. I hope they iron some of the strategy methods out before the final release, otherwise I won't be buying it.

Blizzard definitely sold out. They went for a version that makes victory easier so that a wider audience will buy the game. The first one was made for the gamers.

That doesn't make any sense... how can victory be easier if it's multiplayer? It can't be easier for both sides.

Unless you mean there is a smaller gap between intense hardcore players and slightly less intense hardcore players. Which I am to some extent okay with, since this gap was huge in the original. I'm a gamer, but I've always been frustrated with gamers' reflex to desdain anything that lets someone less "hardcore" about it than they are engage in the activities they engage in.

I don't see anything wrong with units taking automated attack formations, unless there is no way to make your own formations if you choose. Otherwise it's just more convenience and less frustration for people like me, while leaving the same options as before open to people like you. Frankly, either way hearing that they do that is to me a good sign; it means they really have improved upon the engine of the original, where some were saying they hadn't. And yes, I see increased convenience as an improvement; if you want more inconvenience in video games, you're probably not having much fun while playing them. The whole thing about not crossing enemy lines without attacking was a problem I had with the original; I'd like it if they fixed it, but if they didn't it's not something I'd place particular importance on. Even if it's gotten worse, they'd need a million other problems before I'd even consider not buying it.
I'm starting to get really hyped for this release. I fail to see how they could go wrong. From what I've seen and heard, it's basically Starcraft with vastly updated graphics and technology, and some new/replaced units and some tweaked ones (and a new campaign). Which is all they really needed to do. The only complaint I've heard is that it's too much like the original, which isn't a complaint at all; the original's main flaw was that it was made twelve years ago and in dire need of an update.

How about the ugly fact it's going to cost you $150?

Not kidding. Three seperate releases at $50 a pop. I used to play SC1 back in the day but I can't see the value in $150 for a PC game.
How about the ugly fact it's going to cost you $150?

Not kidding. Three seperate releases at $50 a pop. I used to play SC1 back in the day but I can't see the value in $150 for a PC game.

This is true. They're really milking it. In fact, the first one is $60, so if the pattern holds it'll be a total of $180, not $150.

Still, Starcraft was one of my favorite games ever. There's really no way I'd end up not buying the sequel.

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