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One Thing People Forget About A Border Wall... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
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Libertarian - Left
Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?
Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?

Yep, he is still going to have to deal with the judiciary and need it’s approval for all those imminent domain case challenges.
Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?
Likely a lot of the private owners would enjoy not having illegals cutting through their property. And there's always eminent domain.
A couple things opponents of Trumps walls forgot...

1-The fact that we already use border walls and
2-Their blind and nodding approval of the previous administrations use of and erection of border walls and fences.

The idiots that oppose border security oppose it solely due to the fact that the current president is the proponent. ****ing liars and hypocrites the lot...
Sand and scrub brush, how much can it be worth?
Likely a lot of the private owners would enjoy not having illegals cutting through their property. And there's always eminent domain.

Conservatives for eminent domain? There is no hypocritical line the Trumpcult won't cross.

Still, expect a major fight that I don't think most conservatives will have the stomach for:

“I’ve said since 2013 that building a wall from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border. Of particular concern, is that we’ve seen no estimates to date that include the total costs of land acquisition (as would be required through eminent domain) or of subsequent legal battles with landowners,” - Republican Representative Will Hurd

“If they’re building a wall in Texas, it means they are building on private land, which means it’s harder, a lot harder,” - Republican Representative John Carter

A couple things opponents of Trumps walls forgot...

1-The fact that we already use border walls and
2-Their blind and nodding approval of the previous administrations use of and erection of border walls and fences.

The idiots that oppose border security oppose it solely due to the fact that the current president is the proponent. ****ing liars and hypocrites the lot...

Completely irrelevant to the topic but we'll feel free to assume you're okay with expropriation of private property for the sake of satisfying your Dear Leader.
Conservatives for eminent domain? There is no hypocritical line the Trumpcult won't cross.

Still, expect a major fight that I don't think most conservatives will have the stomach for:

“I’ve said since 2013 that building a wall from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border. Of particular concern, is that we’ve seen no estimates to date that include the total costs of land acquisition (as would be required through eminent domain) or of subsequent legal battles with landowners,” - Republican Representative Will Hurd

“If they’re building a wall in Texas, it means they are building on private land, which means it’s harder, a lot harder,” - Republican Representative John Carter


It's gonna take a miraculous display of contortion for all those right whingers who supported the Bundy protest re. BLM and federal lands to line up in favour of expropriation of private land for The Wall.
Conservatives for eminent domain? There is no hypocritical line the Trumpcult won't cross.

Still, expect a major fight that I don't think most conservatives will have the stomach for:

“I’ve said since 2013 that building a wall from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to secure the border. Of particular concern, is that we’ve seen no estimates to date that include the total costs of land acquisition (as would be required through eminent domain) or of subsequent legal battles with landowners,” - Republican Representative Will Hurd

“If they’re building a wall in Texas, it means they are building on private land, which means it’s harder, a lot harder,” - Republican Representative John Carter

Uh, they're Republicans, not necessarily CONSERVATIVES, and the OPINIONS of a couple of republicans in a far left publication doesn't mean much.
Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?

You may also want to mention that, as long as the incentives and our open to interpretation immigration law aren't adjusted, people will find a way around, under or over a wall. If we, all of us, our leaders on both sides and our fellow citizens, came together and came up with a plan to tighten loopholes, go after greedy business people, and afforded those seeking to enter our country legally a more efficient way to do so, we wouldn't need a wall. But it would take all of us, united, to get there.
Since I don't see that happen, esp in our current vicious political climate, a wall may just be an alternative. That, to me, is what this talk about a barricade is all about.
that is sand and water....dang little water til you hit the Rio Grande....

The is exactly my point. If your waterfront property is no longer that then its value (and thus tax revenue to the counties of Texas) drops considerably.
A couple things opponents of Trumps walls forgot...

1-The fact that we already use border walls and
2-Their blind and nodding approval of the previous administrations use of and erection of border walls and fences.

The idiots that oppose border security oppose it solely due to the fact that the current president is the proponent. ****ing liars and hypocrites the lot...

You say words like "idiots" and "liars", but you seem to not address the fact that some border fences =/= a contiguous enforceable wall. I wouldn't recommend complaining about words like "contiguous" or "enforceable", because then you would be complaining abut the concept of a wall that has a fraction of a chance of working.

But hey...
Go ahead Trumpets, poo-poo the difficulties in pursuing eminent domain and properties purchases over such a broad expanse and often from people not interested in giving up/selling their property. Sure just ignore Texas reps and various and sundry other Southwestern officials and residents just because it suits your narrative. See how far that gets you.

This takes the cake for the height of Ring Wing hypocrisy. Give them the award and retire it to perpetuity.
You say words like "idiots" and "liars", but you seem to not address the fact that some border fences =/= a contiguous enforceable wall. I wouldn't recommend complaining about words like "contiguous" or "enforceable", because then you would be complaining abut the concept of a wall that has a fraction of a chance of working.

But hey...

Hey, the term "idiot" seems to be acceptable these days.
Hey, the term "idiot" seems to be acceptable these days.

Oh, the term? Yes, the term itself is quite acceptable.

Depends who or what one is talking about, no?
Oh, the term? Yes, the term itself is quite acceptable.

Depends who or what one is talking about, no?

As long as human beings are on the receiving end, no.
As long as human beings are on the receiving end, no.

Ok. I'll just have to take it on faith that you've called out all sorts of conservatives here who have called all sorts of liberals, like Obama, Gore, Clinton, Clinton, Soros, etc., horrible things, and alleged horrible things about them all the way into conspiracy land, but I just haven't seen it. Happens all the time.

Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?

This poll from this year says that 81% of Texas Republicans approve of TRumps Wall:

25% of Texas Hispanics support TRumps Wall as well, something that consumers of so-called journalism almost certainly do not know.
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Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?

Trump is a huge fan of eminent domain, especially if its for private use. So he will have no problem using it for border security.
I am fine with eminent domain as long it is not for private use and so are a lot of other conservatives. Using it to secure our borders is not for private use.
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Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?

Psssh. They're Patriots. They'll be more than happy to fork over their land for a pittance.
Even if Trump found a way to get the funds for his monument to himself (the Trump Wall), whether that be publicly (Congress), privately (GoFundMe :lol:), or through other means (Mexico:lamo) he would still have to fight the Texas landowners. Over 2/3 of the border is private or state-owned. How many property owners are conservatives willing to sacrifice for a wasteful project, I wonder?

The government already owns the land that the border sits on.
The government already owns the land that the border sits on.

That is absolutely NOT true. Good God you Trumpets are literally willing to post and say anything which of course makes sense since Donald is willing to tweet or say anything!

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