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Keeping My Distance (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
Over and over... I see young white men, in stores without wearing mask. ( they see the multiple signs on the door of the stores that says Mask Must be worn to Enter, and still they come in without wearing a mask.)
I don't seem many black young men come in stores without mask, (not saying there are none, i just don't see it with the high frequency I see young white males doing it)

If it was my store, I'd Refuse Service To Anyone who enters or tries to enter without a Mask. These type of assholes, have no respect for the people who are working, nor the family of the people who are working.

I see all these news stories of white college kids "throwing parties", as if their need for vanity and lust is so overwhelming they can't sit out months and find something else to do that does not cause potential harm to others. Anyone that stupid, just because they are away from home, tells the story of what kind of people they are.
Parents should look at it, and see, these kids are "not responsible people"... no matter how much the parents praise them for going to college. Maybe people will realize, and STOP overly praising people just because they go to college, because that fictitious exaggerated praise, deludes these kids to think they are 'special"... when fact is, many of these people result to do a lot of things that are harmful, and some come out and screw up jobs, with their glory seeking and thinking they are special, and many sadly, never learned how to respect the public or the workforce.

Colleges should "Fine" them, because of the damage they cause and the cost their actions result to the Universities.

These people are "Desperate For Attention", and "Their Drive of Lust For ANYTHING they Can Lust For.

Trump should be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity!!!

His lying and continually enticing all these Ignorant People to come to his BELLIGERENT FEST.
His Attack on Governors who tried to keep their States Safe, and The vile he has engaged upon CDC and FDA and WHO....
His Promoting The White Supremacist Evil Makers to go shooting paint balls at Protestors and Bringing their Guns and other items they use as weapons, These savages should be Charged with Crimes Against Humanity.

Thank Goodness... that I don't have to be around these kind of people.

As For Trump... It will be Great with 2021 Comes and His Ass Goes To Court... I hope they keep him tied up in Courts the Rest of His Life, and make him spend as much of the Ill gotten gains, paying Lawyers over and over and over... and then Jail him, his family and the Cabinet Members of his Administration.

Barr should be Tried for Sedition!!! and every other charge that covers the malice he has engaged and that which he promotes, and Charge Him With Crimes Against The Nation.

As for all these "Anti Mask and Anti Social Distancing People".... I do my best to "keep away from them".

it's going to take America some time to clean up the mess of these types of people.

We need to get a Democratic House, Democratic Senate and Democratic President, Democratic Governors, so we can put Amendments To The Constitution, so this Craziness can not be allowed ever again to damage this Nation and the Civics and Civility Principles of American Democracy.
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I see it everywhere regardless of color.
Nope sorry, I too am only seeing it mostly with white males.
A few outliers here and there but the majority of them are out to prove their machismo to the world Duning-Krueger style.
It's actually more the middle aged white guys from where I sit.
~snipped the rant~
We need to get a Democratic House, Democratic Senate and Democratic President, Democratic Governors, so we can put Amendments To The Constitution, so this Craziness can not be allowed ever again to damage this Nation and the Civics and Civility Principles of American Democracy.

You'll need more than that to get your Amendments. You'll need to get a lot of Democratic controlled state congresses.

Good luck.
if there's a mandate, just fine stores five hundred bucks for every maskless moron. there would be a very lucrative first sting, and then the problem would solve itself.
no masks on middle aged to knockin' on death's door men And women where I live...
and I'm among them.
You'll need more than that to get your Amendments. You'll need to get a lot of Democratic controlled state congresses. Good luck.
All Democrats need is their version of McConnell and Barr.
We been masking up for three months. Why aren't the kung flu numbers going down at least significantly, if not dramatically?
We been masking up for three months. Why aren't the kung flu numbers going down at least significantly, if not dramatically?

Trump should just do what Trump recommended not too long ago:

Obama responsible.jpg

if there's a mandate, just fine stores five hundred bucks for every maskless moron. there would be a very lucrative first sting, and then the problem would solve itself.

That'll get shot down in court, or at the ballot box, as it should.
Me too, and I mind my business. You should mind yours' :)

People without masks are putting others at risk of being killed. That IS your business, just another thing libertarians are clueless about.
Nope sorry, I too am only seeing it mostly with white males.
A few outliers here and there but the majority of them are out to prove their machismo to the world Duning-Krueger style.
It's actually more the middle aged white guys from where I sit.

We are so frigged up currently.

Did anybody see that bonehead ahead of one of Trump's rally's this weekend? Middle aged white guy, pretty Neanderthal-ish asked why he was not wearing a mask answers with "COVID is a hoax". After all this time, COVID is a hoax. So the reporter retorts with "President Trump does not think it's a hoax". To which said numbskull replies "well that's his opinion".

Forget it, we are done. Make America Great Again My Ass. We are done. Maybe we have one shot at heading back on course. Trump will have to be gone to have that shot.
People without masks are putting others at risk of being killed. That IS your business, just another thing libertarians are clueless about.

The libertarian view would be that people should wear masks because your not doing so violated my bodily integrity. Additionally not wearing a mask potentially leads to a situation where more government intervention is needed not less.
We been masking up for three months. Why aren't the kung flu numbers going down at least significantly, if not dramatically?

Wearing masks doesn't make the numbers go down dramatically. It prevents them from going up dramatically.
Racist post with a healthy dose of TDS.

Over and over... I see young white men, in stores without wearing mask. ( they see the multiple signs on the door of the stores that says Mask Must be worn to Enter, and still they come in without wearing a mask.)
I don't seem many black young men come in stores without mask, (not saying there are none, i just don't see it with the high frequency I see young white males doing it)

If it was my store, I'd Refuse Service To Anyone who enters or tries to enter without a Mask. These type of assholes, have no respect for the people who are working, nor the family of the people who are working.

I see all these news stories of white college kids "throwing parties", as if their need for vanity and lust is so overwhelming they can't sit out months and find something else to do that does not cause potential harm to others. Anyone that stupid, just because they are away from home, tells the story of what kind of people they are.
Parents should look at it, and see, these kids are "not responsible people"... no matter how much the parents praise them for going to college. Maybe people will realize, and STOP overly praising people just because they go to college, because that fictitious exaggerated praise, deludes these kids to think they are 'special"... when fact is, many of these people result to do a lot of things that are harmful, and some come out and screw up jobs, with their glory seeking and thinking they are special, and many sadly, never learned how to respect the public or the workforce.

Colleges should "Fine" them, because of the damage they cause and the cost their actions result to the Universities.

These people are "Desperate For Attention", and "Their Drive of Lust For ANYTHING they Can Lust For.

Trump should be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity!!!

His lying and continually enticing all these Ignorant People to come to his BELLIGERENT FEST.
His Attack on Governors who tried to keep their States Safe, and The vile he has engaged upon CDC and FDA and WHO....
His Promoting The White Supremacist Evil Makers to go shooting paint balls at Protestors and Bringing their Guns and other items they use as weapons, These savages should be Charged with Crimes Against Humanity.

Thank Goodness... that I don't have to be around these kind of people.

As For Trump... It will be Great with 2021 Comes and His Ass Goes To Court... I hope they keep him tied up in Courts the Rest of His Life, and make him spend as much of the Ill gotten gains, paying Lawyers over and over and over... and then Jail him, his family and the Cabinet Members of his Administration.

Barr should be Tried for Sedition!!! and every other charge that covers the malice he has engaged and that which he promotes, and Charge Him With Crimes Against The Nation.

As for all these "Anti Mask and Anti Social Distancing People".... I do my best to "keep away from them".

it's going to take America some time to clean up the mess of these types of people.

We need to get a Democratic House, Democratic Senate and Democratic President, Democratic Governors, so we can put Amendments To The Constitution, so this Craziness can not be allowed ever again to damage this Nation and the Civics and Civility Principles of American Democracy.
We been masking up for three months. Why aren't the kung flu numbers going down at least significantly, if not dramatically?

Because too many people HAVE NOT been masking up. Geezus, people are STUUUUPID.

Too much dumbassery like Trump's super-spreader events in DC and NH. Too many people that just can't stay out of bars and mega parties. Go to a package store, buy your favorite libation and stay the frigg HOME.
People without masks are putting others at risk of being killed. That IS your business, just another thing libertarians are clueless about.

Libertarians can do math. 0.04% lethality rate. Worry about your colesterol, not covid.
Libertarians can do math. 0.04% lethality rate. Worry about your colesterol, not covid.

You say you can do math, followed by false info. 200,000 Americans killed.
Nope sorry, I too am only seeing it mostly with white males.
A few outliers here and there but the majority of them are out to prove their machismo to the world Duning-Krueger style.
It's actually more the middle aged white guys from where I sit.

I just drove through Memphis, Birmingham, and Auburn.....its pretty much equal opportunity.
193,539 coivid deaths is 0.0589% of 328,200,000 Americans.[/url]

There are people who have a likelihood of being killed if they catch the virus. People don't have a right to put them at risk. A lot fewer people are killed by someone shooting a shotgun into a crowd - that doesn't make it ok to shoot a shotgun into a crowd.
There are people who have a likelihood of being killed if they catch the virus.
That's why social distancing and hand-washing is important. Masks are more of an afterthought than a primary precaution; if people wear them, cool, but if they don't, no big deal. Masks are not the thing holding covid at bay, social distancing and hand-washing are.

And then there are people like my sister who can't wear a mask for medical reasons.
She had brain surgery to remove 2 tumors. The surgeon went in through her noes. As a result, part of the inside of her skull was removed and replaced with a kind of mesh. This mesh is prone to infection. If she wears a mask, the mesh will get infected and she'll die. And before you say it...no, she can't use curbside pick-up or door-dash because, since she's disabled from said brain surgery, she's on food stamps, and you can't use food stamps for online payments. Not that any of this is any of your business, but since it doesn't reveal her identity I thought I would share so as to short-circuit the usual replies.
It's just not any of my business if someone has a medical reason or not. I wear my mask, I social distance, I wash my hands. I do my part and go on with my day, and that's what I role model for you to do as well.
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