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Kasich and Cruz: Lets make a deal (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2012
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Very Conservative
RealClearPolitics polls indicate that Kasich would beat Clinton by 4-12 points in a general election. Trump or Cruz would lose to her (in which case she may be our only President to have to wear an ankle bracelet for the duration of her term). Granted, Sanders numbers suggest he would beat any of the GOP candidates but it is unlikely that the Dem side is going to a contested convention.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

I am leaning Trump, but I am heavily in the "anybody but Clinton" (or Sanders) camp.

I think this scenario makes some sense:

If in the very likely event that the GOP goes to a contested convention and goes beyond the first round of voting, Kasich and Cruz should make a deal. Kasich would get the nod to run for President and Cruz would be the Vice Presidential nominee. Kasich, being older (and I don't get the feeling that his ego demands living in the white house for 8 years) would agree that if his popularity in 4 years amongst voting Republicans is not above 80% (or pick a number) or his popularity with all voters is not above 55% (pick a number) then he would agree not to run for reelection.

This would have several benefits:

Kasich has a better chance of beating the Dem nominee
Kasich/Cruz would likely get the support of Rubio and his large block of pledged delegates
Kasich has had executive office experience and is reasonably popular in the state he has served for many years
Cruz is the VP for 4 years and gets some needed name recognition
Cruz buys some time to allow people to forget about that whole shutting down the government thing (like that was a bad thing!?)
Cruz as VP nominee gets many of the far right on board with this election and Kasich brings in the moderates and establishment Republicans
Cruz brings in a large block of voters in the South
Kasich brings in the Midwest
Kasich has some added motivation to be President of all the people (unlike the current failure in the White House)
If Kasich fails in keeping his popularity up, then Cruz has the upper hand in 2020 as the GOP nominee
Kasich has been thoroughly vetted in two elections as Governor of Ohio

I am sure there are other positives as well as negatives to this scenario. What do the folks at DP think?
Cruz has too big of an ego to take VP.

And why would Kasich take someone on his ticket who makes most people vomit in their mouths when he talks?

No, Kasich would want to pick someone far from the battle who doesn't have any disgust from so many. Most likely he would pick a governor.
Let me make sure I have this right...the theory is that Kasich can say 1000 times that R's suck and we are to believe that the R's will then give him the nomination?

Call me skeptical.
RealClearPolitics polls indicate that Kasich would beat Clinton by 4-12 points in a general election. Trump or Cruz would lose to her (in which case she may be our only President to have to wear an ankle bracelet for the duration of her term). Granted, Sanders numbers suggest he would beat any of the GOP candidates but it is unlikely that the Dem side is going to a contested convention.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

I am leaning Trump, but I am heavily in the "anybody but Clinton" (or Sanders) camp.

I think this scenario makes some sense:

If in the very likely event that the GOP goes to a contested convention and goes beyond the first round of voting, Kasich and Cruz should make a deal. Kasich would get the nod to run for President and Cruz would be the Vice Presidential nominee. Kasich, being older (and I don't get the feeling that his ego demands living in the white house for 8 years) would agree that if his popularity in 4 years amongst voting Republicans is not above 80% (or pick a number) or his popularity with all voters is not above 55% (pick a number) then he would agree not to run for reelection.

This would have several benefits:

Kasich has a better chance of beating the Dem nominee
Kasich/Cruz would likely get the support of Rubio and his large block of pledged delegates
Kasich has had executive office experience and is reasonably popular in the state he has served for many years
Cruz is the VP for 4 years and gets some needed name recognition
Cruz buys some time to allow people to forget about that whole shutting down the government thing (like that was a bad thing!?)
Cruz as VP nominee gets many of the far right on board with this election and Kasich brings in the moderates and establishment Republicans
Cruz brings in a large block of voters in the South
Kasich brings in the Midwest
Kasich has some added motivation to be President of all the people (unlike the current failure in the White House)
If Kasich fails in keeping his popularity up, then Cruz has the upper hand in 2020 as the GOP nominee
Kasich has been thoroughly vetted in two elections as Governor of Ohio

I am sure there are other positives as well as negatives to this scenario. What do the folks at DP think?

1.Kasich is doing horrible in the primary and you want him to be the nominee over someone who is doing much better tan he is in the primary election?

2.That would be basically be giving the middle finger to voters who voted in the primary of the nomination doesn't go to who ever got the most votes in the primary election.

2.Many people would argue that general election poll right now is kind of pointless seeing the general election is several months away and a lot of things can change. Clinton could get her ass curb stomped in the debate or **** up some other way.
Cruz has too big of an ego to take VP.

And why would Kasich take someone on his ticket who makes most people vomit in their mouths when he talks?

No, Kasich would want to pick someone far from the battle who doesn't have any disgust from so many. Most likely he would pick a governor.

And Kasich is a Centrist. Cruz is an unapologetic right-winger. The two don't go together in any scenario.
RealClearPolitics polls indicate that Kasich would beat Clinton by 4-12 points in a general election. Trump or Cruz would lose to her (in which case she may be our only President to have to wear an ankle bracelet for the duration of her term). Granted, Sanders numbers suggest he would beat any of the GOP candidates but it is unlikely that the Dem side is going to a contested convention.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

I am leaning Trump, but I am heavily in the "anybody but Clinton" (or Sanders) camp.

I think this scenario makes some sense:

If in the very likely event that the GOP goes to a contested convention and goes beyond the first round of voting, Kasich and Cruz should make a deal. Kasich would get the nod to run for President and Cruz would be the Vice Presidential nominee. Kasich, being older (and I don't get the feeling that his ego demands living in the white house for 8 years) would agree that if his popularity in 4 years amongst voting Republicans is not above 80% (or pick a number) or his popularity with all voters is not above 55% (pick a number) then he would agree not to run for reelection.

This would have several benefits:

Kasich has a better chance of beating the Dem nominee
Kasich/Cruz would likely get the support of Rubio and his large block of pledged delegates
Kasich has had executive office experience and is reasonably popular in the state he has served for many years
Cruz is the VP for 4 years and gets some needed name recognition
Cruz buys some time to allow people to forget about that whole shutting down the government thing (like that was a bad thing!?)
Cruz as VP nominee gets many of the far right on board with this election and Kasich brings in the moderates and establishment Republicans
Cruz brings in a large block of voters in the South
Kasich brings in the Midwest
Kasich has some added motivation to be President of all the people (unlike the current failure in the White House)
If Kasich fails in keeping his popularity up, then Cruz has the upper hand in 2020 as the GOP nominee
Kasich has been thoroughly vetted in two elections as Governor of Ohio

I am sure there are other positives as well as negatives to this scenario. What do the folks at DP think?

It says a lot about the state of the Union, when one must grasp for such straws in despair.
It says a lot about the state of the Union, when one must grasp for such straws in despair.

The time is coming for people to wake up and realize voting in a third-party candidate is our last chance. Just look at Lincoln..............
The time is coming for people to wake up and realize voting in a third-party candidate is our last chance. Just look at Lincoln..............

Wasn't that the guy that messed up civil rights for over a century? ;)
No effin way would I support any ticket with Cruz on it.

That man scares me like the character of the President in "Escape from Los Angeles."
I'm fairly certain the alternatives to him back then would have been far worse.

I am not sure the average freed person would have necessarily thought so 5 years after liberation and the statistics speak another language too. You see, even if the intent is exquisitely good it doesn't make the action good. Good results do. The intent only tries to justify.
The Kasich Cruz deal is based on them being able to win a contested convention. The RNC has already said if trump gets "close" to the number needed he will be the nominee. The GOP has the voters to contend with, trump supporters which are the majority during this primary have demonstrated their disdain for screwing trump out of the nomination.

I doubt this Kasich Cruz thing will ever happen even if Kasich got the nomination.
Even as a VP Cruz would be poison to the GOP's chances to win. The guy scares the hell out of too many Moderates and Indy's. He's slimy, a habitual liar and his ideology is much too far to the right for the moderate voters.

BTW I find it funny that some of the same people who don't like Clinton because she's a 'lair' will back Cruz, who has shown in this campaign he lies everytime he opens his mouth.
Let me make sure I have this right...the theory is that Kasich can say 1000 times that R's suck and we are to believe that the R's will then give him the nomination?

Call me skeptical.

He's more republican then trump
I seriously doubt there will ever be an accommodation made between Cruz and Kasich...and if there were, it would cause the Republican Party the loss of EVERY Trump voter in the nation.

The idea is fantasy gone ape.

I'm hoping against hope that Cruz manages to manipulate his way into the nomination. That way Hillary Clinton will become president with a huge mandate...and have a Democratic congress to work with.
RealClearPolitics polls indicate that Kasich would beat Clinton by 4-12 points in a general election.
Besides being too early to be considered accurate, it isn't believable considering that he doesn't even have much appeal amongst his own party.
If Kasich were to somehow receive the nomination you would have a lot of pissed off voters who simply would vote and Kasich would lose in a race against any Dem opponent.

... , Kasich and Cruz should make a deal. Kasich would get the nod to run for President and Cruz would be the Vice Presidential nominee.
Not even.
It would have to be Kasich as the VP.
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1.Kasich is doing horrible in the primary and you want him to be the nominee over someone who is doing much better tan he is in the primary election?

At some point there will have to be a compromise. I think the convention will be fascinating, but I hate to see it get ugly to the point where the GOP is permanently tarnished (more) and we elect the Dem by default.

2.That would be basically be giving the middle finger to voters who voted in the primary of the nomination doesn't go to who ever got the most votes in the primary election.

That's a bit strong but I don't disagree with your sentiment. See above.

2.Many people would argue that general election poll right now is kind of pointless seeing the general election is several months away and a lot of things can change. Clinton could get her ass curb stomped in the debate or **** up some other way.

True. No one thought Trump would get as far as he has. I think the "anybody but Trump" crowd may come around when that "anybody" is Clinton.
The time is coming for people to wake up and realize voting in a third-party candidate is our last chance. Just look at Lincoln..............

I believe Frank Underwood has missed the filing deadlines.
I'm hoping against hope that Cruz manages to manipulate his way into the nomination. That way Hillary Clinton will become president with a huge mandate...and have a Democratic congress to work with.

You can always tell who the liberals are most concerned about when they start rooting for that person in the GOP nominating process. I don't particularly like listening to Ted Cruz speak, but he would clean up on the Hillary screech and giggle in a debate.
The Kasich Cruz deal is based on them being able to win a contested convention. The RNC has already said if trump gets "close" to the number needed he will be the nominee. The GOP has the voters to contend with, trump supporters which are the majority during this primary have demonstrated their disdain for screwing trump out of the nomination.

I doubt this Kasich Cruz thing will ever happen even if Kasich got the nomination.

Correction: Trump has the support of a plurality (the most but less than half) not a majority (more than half) of Republican primary voters. It's a significant difference. Even if Trump has enough delegates to win an uncontested primary he will most likely do so with less than a majority of primary voters given the rules for awarding delegates.
Cruz has too big of an ego to take VP.

And why would Kasich take someone on his ticket who makes most people vomit in their mouths when he talks?

No, Kasich would want to pick someone far from the battle who doesn't have any disgust from so many. Most likely he would pick a governor.

I am hoping that all of the players put on their big boy pants and make some magnanimous decisions for the good of the country. Too much to expect?
I'm fairly certain the alternatives to him back then would have been far worse.

Douglas wasn't that bad. He wasn't a hardliner and firmly believed the people should decide.
I am not sure the average freed person would have necessarily thought so 5 years after liberation and the statistics speak another language too. You see, even if the intent is exquisitely good it doesn't make the action good. Good results do. The intent only tries to justify.

Yeah, but Lincoln did more than kill a gazillion of our own people and free the slaves, he also totally changed our nation from a union of states to a federal nation. He was the death of the vision the founders had.
You can always tell who the liberals are most concerned about when they start rooting for that person in the GOP nominating process. I don't particularly like listening to Ted Cruz speak, but he would clean up on the Hillary screech and giggle in a debate.

Probably not as no one can stand watching either one of them.

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