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Gay Rights? (1 Viewer)


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Jun 9, 2005
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How come whenever "Gays" speak there mind against "Straight" people it's called the freedom of speech. But whenever "Straight" people speak there mind against "Gays" it's called a hate crime? :confused:
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Guitarchick54 said:
How come whenever "Gays" speak there mind against "Straight" people it's called the freedom of speech. But whenever "Straight" people speak there mind against "Gays" it's called a hate crime? :confused:

I don't know where you've heard this, but I know I've never called "speech" a hate crime. I call killing someone just because you think they might be gay, regardless of whether that person is or not, THAT IS A HATE CRIME.

Trust me, I may not like what you say, but like Thomas Paine, I too would fight to the death for your right to say it.
{Unless of course you're talking about people like Fred Phelps who actually insites violence against gays in his speech.}
I NEVER said I would kill someone everytime someone "Gay" Stands up for what they believe in it's called freedom of speech but whenever somone "Straight" Says I don't want to hear about it or they also fight for what they believe in then it is considered a hate crime because "Gays" Get so offended and call us homophobic I do not believe that being "gay" is right God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve but people in this world have decided that and I can't tell people what they don't want to hear they won't listen but I don't have to hear it if I don't want to nobody likes in your face "gays"
Guitarchick54 said:
I NEVER said I would kill someone everytime someone "Gay" Stands up for what they believe in it's called freedom of speech but whenever somone "Straight" Says I don't want to hear about it or they also fight for what they believe in then it is considered a hate crime because "Gays" Get so offended and call us homophobic I do not believe that being "gay" is right God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve but people in this world have decided that and I can't tell people what they don't want to hear they won't listen but I don't have to hear it if I don't want to nobody likes in your face "gays"

The problem that we "gays" (what's with all the quotation marks?) have isn't anybodies speech - I'm sure that like the lovely Justine most of us would defend your right to say almost anything you like. However, I have one major problem with some of you "Christians":

You seek to limit our freedoms - in particular you deny us the right to marry, to hold hands in public, to kiss in public etc.

I don't care what you think of me, any more than you should care about what I think of you. We should just learn to share this planet peacefully. But your "religion" should stay in your "church" where it belongs, and the rest of us can be spared all the nonsense that goes with it!
Naughty Nurse said:
We should just learn to share this planet peacefully. But your "religion" should stay in your "church" where it belongs, and the rest of us can be spared all the nonsense that goes with it!

Hrmm... the same paragraph could be aplied elsewhere - could it not?
(not an attack on you by any means Naughty, just food for thought)

The problem that we "Christitains" have isn't anybodies speech. However, I have one major problem with some of you "gays":

You seek to destroy our religious freedoms - in particular you seek to deny us the right to pray in school, read the bible in public, take the word God out of our history etc...

We should just learn to share this planet peacefully. But your "sexual orientation" should stay in your "bed" where it belongs, and the rest of us can be spared the nonsense that goes with it!

BTW, I am not sure Hate Crime applies here. I thought it was only toward race and ethnicity. Please correct me if I am wrong.
vauge said:
Hrmm... the same paragraph could be aplied elsewhere - could it not?
(not an attack on you by any means Naughty, just food for thought)

The problem that we "Christitains" have isn't anybodies speech. However, I have one major problem with some of you "gays":

You seek to destroy our religious freedoms - in particular you seek to deny us the right to pray in school, read the bible in public, take the word God out of our history etc...

We should just learn to share this planet peacefully. But your "sexual orientation" should stay in your "bed" where it belongs, and the rest of us can be spared the nonsense that goes with it!

BTW, I am not sure Hate Crime applies here. I thought it was only toward race and ethnicity. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I never have sex in the High Street, or any other public place for that matter. Honey, at my age I want comfort!

I would not seek to restrict your religious freedom. Why not show me the same courtesy? Then you can bring your religion out of your church without upsetting anyone. We'll all be happy and peaceful. Sigh.
Guitarchick54 said:
How come whenever "Gays" speak there mind against "Straight" people it's called the freedom of speech. But whenever "Straight" people speak there mind against "Gays" it's called a hate crime? :confused:

I've rarely (in fact probably never) heard gays speak against "straights" per se. What I have heard is gays speaking, quite rightly, against homophobes, and that's something quite different altogether. Whenever I've heard straights speak out against gays, it usually has been motivated by hatred.
Of course you'll get the vaugues of this world who claim they're not homophobic but they don't like gay marriage; they're not racist but they don't like race mixing; but then when one lives in Plano, Texas, can one expect rational thought?
Urethra Franklin said:
Of course you'll get the vaugues of this world who claim they're not homophobic but they don't like gay marriage; they're not racist but they don't like race mixing; but then when one lives in Plano, Texas, can one expect rational thought?

You were missed. lol
Urethra Franklin said:
I've rarely (in fact probably never) heard gays speak against "straights" per se. What I have heard is gays speaking, quite rightly, against homophobes, and that's something quite different altogether. Whenever I've heard straights speak out against gays, it usually has been motivated by hatred.
Of course you'll get the vaugues of this world who claim they're not homophobic but they don't like gay marriage; they're not racist but they don't like race mixing; but then when one lives in Plano, Texas, can one expect rational thought?

I was born homophobic. God made me this way.

Wow, that was easy to say. Heck, if I say it enough it'll become true. Then I can get the ACLU to sue on my behalf for hate speech against homophobes since we can't help that we were born this way.
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
I was born homophobic. God made me this way.

Wow, that was easy to say. Heck, if I say it enough it'll become true. Then I can get the ACLU to sue on my behalf for hate speech against homophobes since we can't help that we were born this way.

God doesn't exist. Argument flawed.
Ok, I'm coming back to this a bit late in the game, but I really couldn't help responding to this post.

vauge said:
Hrmm... the same paragraph could be aplied elsewhere - could it not?
(not an attack on you by any means Naughty, just food for thought)

The problem that we "Christitains" have isn't anybodies speech. However, I have one major problem with some of you "gays":

You seek to destroy our religious freedoms - in particular you seek to deny us the right to pray in school, read the bible in public, take the word God out of our history etc...

First off, the Gay movement didn't start that whole flap-trap about seperation of Church and State. It's been going on a whole lot longer than the gay rights movement.
So, your personal view of history is a tad scewed there.

vague said:
We should just learn to share this planet peacefully. But your "sexual orientation" should stay in your "bed" where it belongs, and the rest of us can be spared the nonsense that goes with it!

Traversly I would say the same to you. Keep your sexuality in your bedrooms where it belongs. Not on my TELEVISION, where my child has to see it, not on bilboards lining the highways, or in radio where it inevedably is oriented in a very violent way. (at least in popular rap that is)
Yes, I have the right to change the channel and turn off my radio. But it's everywhere. Teenagers holding hands on the street, young adults "making out" in the park...
That's a lot of pressure for any kid, straight or gay.

vague said:
BTW, I am not sure Hate Crime applies here. I thought it was only toward race and ethnicity. Please correct me if I am wrong.

No, you are wrong. Matthew Shepard's murder cannot be classified anyother way than as a HATE CRIME.
Teena Brandon's murder cannot be covered over by anyother title than a HATE CRIME.
Barry Winchell's murder (even though he was STAIGHT) cannot be called anything less than a HATE CRIME.
And the thousands of other gays and lesbians who are Murdered because someone is so impassioned with hate towards the gay community.
JustineCredible said:
Traversly I would say the same to you. Keep your sexuality in your bedrooms where it belongs. Not on my TELEVISION, where my child has to see it, not on bilboards lining the highways, or in radio where it inevedably is oriented in a very violent way. (at least in popular rap that is)
Yes, I have the right to change the channel and turn off my radio. But it's everywhere. Teenagers holding hands on the street, young adults "making out" in the park...
That's a lot of pressure for any kid, straight or gay.

I personally do not like to see people(gay or straight) making out in public! It's something that should be special enough to keep it to your self and behind closed doors! I can't help when people make themselves look like sluts! But I can help what I do in public and that will never be "making out"! I also do not like seeing or hearing about sex all the time! People have turned something wonderful that should be saved for marriage in the first place and Have turned it into something disgusting! Telling kids that it's ok to have sex with a bunch of different people! We cannot help what people choose to put on t.v. The only thing we can do is complain to the Person who put it on there in the first place! So just cause it's on t.v doesn't mean anyone wants to see it! There are alot of Shows about people being gay and I personally don't want that in my home! Yes I have the choice not to watch it and I don't! But kids growing up in society will just be ok with it if they see it on t.v just like Seeing all of the sex!
Guitarchick54 said:
I personally do not like to see people(gay or straight) making out in public! It's something that should be special enough to keep it to your self and behind closed doors! I can't help when people make themselves look like sluts! But I can help what I do in public and that will never be "making out"! I also do not like seeing or hearing about sex all the time! People have turned something wonderful that should be saved for marriage in the first place and Have turned it into something disgusting!

Hmmm...interestingly you bring up marriage here. Yes, I agree that sex should be something that is a private affair between married couples. But gay couples cannot become Legally Married, so in that posses the real dillema...which really is my point.
By encouraging and endorcing gay marriage that can only have a positive affect on gay sex in general. Marriage imposses certain responcibilities and expectations of couples. It forces them to become responcible for another's wellbeing as well as their own.
Gays who live within committed relationships without legalized gay marriage see it as a temporary state of being 'coupled'. Thus encouraging the atmosphere of gays being more promiscuous as a direct affect of their relationships not being ligitimized.

guitarchick54 said:
Telling kids that it's ok to have sex with a bunch of different people!

Well the new trend now is to actually keep facts and information FROM our kids. The whole "abstence only" campaign simply doesn't work! It puts more kids at real risk of STD's and in danger than ever before!
Realistic and factual information MUST be given to teens! As I've said before, maybe not here, but the ONLY way to combat ignorance is through Education!
More and more teenage girls are having sexual relations at a younger age. What's even more scary is that they aren't having vaginal sex, they're opting for anal and oral sex because of the message that sex isn't sex without vaginal penetration.

guitarchick54 said:
We cannot help what people choose to put on t.v. The only thing we can do is complain to the Person who put it on there in the first place!

We most certainly CAN do something about it. It's called don't watch it. It's called encourage others not to watch it. The ratings go down, the offencive show gets canceled, VOILA...you've made CHANGE!

guitarchick54 said:
So just cause it's on t.v doesn't mean anyone wants to see it!

Obviously the concept of marketing is totally lost on you. Honey, if people didn't want to see it, it wouldn't be there.

It's a give and take.

guitarchick54 said:
There are alot of Shows about people being gay and I personally don't want that in my home! Yes I have the choice not to watch it and I don't! But kids growing up in society will just be ok with it if they see it on t.v just like Seeing all of the sex!

By "be ok with it" I assume you mean to say "desensitized" by it.
In some cases, which you must admit, (such as with gay teens) seeing factual portrayals of people they can actually relate to is a good thing.
JustineCredible said:
Traversly I would say the same to you. Keep your sexuality in your bedrooms where it belongs. Not on my TELEVISION, where my child has to see it, not on bilboards lining the highways, or in radio where it inevedably is oriented in a very violent way. (at least in popular rap that is)
Yes, I have the right to change the channel and turn off my radio. But it's everywhere. Teenagers holding hands on the street, young adults "making out" in the park...
That's a lot of pressure for any kid, straight or gay.

Wow - we actually agree. :)
Is "Queer as Folk" realistic? Can young teens who are gay really relate to that or expect that?

And the term "Hate Crime," isn't that almost a redundancy in some aspect?
Guitarchick54 said:
I do not believe that being "gay" is right God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve but people in this world have decided that and I can't tell people what they don't want to hear they won't listen but I don't have to hear it if I don't want to nobody likes in your face "gays"
You see, what you wrote is perfectly OK for you to write it. You have the right to be a bigot, a homophobic prejudiced person, and obviously you are proud of it. That is why free speech works. It allows people to expose themselves for who they are really are. In your case you are a bigot...

Please prove to me that God created Adam & Eve? Didn't God also create Gay people, or are they created by someone other than God?
flip2 said:
Is "Queer as Folk" realistic? Can young teens who are gay really relate to that or expect that?

And the term "Hate Crime," isn't that almost a redundancy in some aspect?

"Queer as Folk" is a "premium channel" program. I never used it as an example, nor was I refering to such.
There are some positive portrayals of gays and lesbians on television and on film. But not nearly enough! That's my point. Most of these portrayals are not in major market media, which is really sad.

I know there just aren't enough out there. I'm well aware of this. That's the problem. All too often gays and lesbians are demonized and dehumanized in media.


"The stereotypes of lesbians being depicted as objects of ridicule and pity are fierce and relentless. Among the films GLAAD has identified in recent months as perpetuating damaging myths and stereotypes, and as potentially fueling anti-gay violence, are Meet the Applegates, in which lesbianism is portrayed as a social problem, like alcohol abuse and drug addiction, and lesbians are portrayed as man-hating stereotypes; The Silence of the Lambs, depicting an apparently gay man as a cross-dressing serial murderer who removes his female victims skin to make clothing for himself; and Too Much Sun, based on the absurd premise that lesbians and gay men are incapable of having children and replete with stereotypical characterizations. GLAAD has also led the recent outcry over Basic Instinct, currently in production for Carolco Pictures (the same company that is currently distributing the bigotry-drenched Andrew Dice Clay concert film). The script for Basic Instinct, which sold for $3 million last year, features three lesbian or bisexual women as murderers, including one extremely stereotypical character who is portrayed as hating men and as having killed her brother when she was 14 "because she was tired of him getting all the attention." Turning upside down the real nature of hate crimes against lesbians and gay men in this country, all the violence in this picture is perpetrated by women, and all the victims are heterosexual men."

"Other recent films with negative portrayals or negative references to lesbians and gay men include The Sheltering Sky, Kindergarten Cop, The Doors, Pacific Heights, The Hot Spot, The End of Innocence, and Queens Logic. Films soon to be released that are reported to contain more negative stereotypes include Ticking Man, The Dancing Shiva and The Linguini Incident. Offensive portrayals and references to gays and lesbians in 1990 films appeared in The Rookie, The King of New York, Repossessed, Bird on a Wire, House Party, Miller's Crossing, Q & A, Darkman, Presumed Innocent, Men at Work and Wild at Heart."

This is a HUGE problem and more needs to be done to change these negitive representations in media.
Naughty Nurse said:
The problem that we "gays" (what's with all the quotation marks?) have isn't anybodies speech - I'm sure that like the lovely Justine most of us would defend your right to say almost anything you like. However, I have one major problem with some of you "Christians":
Probably the overzealous bible thumping variety, honestly, most religious text is subject to interpretation and can therefore be twisted into anything a speaker wants to use for the incitement of their cause.

You seek to limit our freedoms - in particular you deny us the right to marry, to hold hands in public, to kiss in public etc.
Proud Roman Catholic christian here and wouldn't admonish you for anything I wouldn't rip a straight person for (P.D.A.,grandstanding,etc.)

I don't care what you think of me, any more than you should care about what I think of you. We should just learn to share this planet peacefully. But your "religion" should stay in your "church" where it belongs, and the rest of us can be spared all the nonsense that goes with it!
That I disagree with, I think the founding fathers had the right idea, no establishing religion, however, no infringing on the exercise thereof. Sharing the planet peacefully is a nice idea though.
26 X World Champs said:
Please prove to me that God created Adam & Eve? Didn't God also create Gay people, or are they created by someone other than God?

Genesis! God created everyone sin created homosexuality! I am not homophobic

Homophobic-Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. I'm not afraid of nor am I contempt against homosexuals!

If you wanna be a fag it's fine with me but don't try to force your beliefs on me!
26 X World Champs said:
You see, what you wrote is perfectly OK for you to write it. You have the right to be a bigot, a homophobic prejudiced person, and obviously you are proud of it. That is why free speech works. It allows people to expose themselves for who they are really are. In your case you are a bigot...

Please prove to me that God created Adam & Eve? Didn't God also create Gay people, or are they created by someone other than God?

Wait, wait...didn't God create ALL people? So, by that logic then God actually did create Adam and Steve, as well as Melissa, Judy, Tristan, Joe, Tony, Randy, Janet...etc.
So, what's the point?
We're still all our own person in the end.
Guitarchick54 said:
Genesis! God created everyone sin created homosexuality! I am not homophobic

Homophobic-Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. I'm not afraid of nor am I contempt against homosexuals!

If you wanna be a fag it's fine with me but don't try to force your beliefs on me!

But far be it from you to withold your beliefs from anyone else? Hmmm...doesn't quite seem equal there, now does it?

Don't get your panties in a twist when someone who disagrees with you tells you so and how. Since it's ok for you to do the same without even being asked.

And besides. Keep your religious fanatisism out of MY government...thanks.
JustineCredible said:
But far be it from you to withold your beliefs from anyone else? Hmmm...doesn't quite seem equal there, now does it?

Don't get your panties in a twist when someone who disagrees with you tells you so and how. Since it's ok for you to do the same without even being asked.

And besides. Keep your religious fanatisism out of MY government...thanks.

I respect people's opinons for what they are. Doesn't mean they are right or that my opinons are right. But when they call me something I'm not then I'm defenantly gonna stand up for that! They asked me to show them where it said that and all I said was Genesis I never said any of you had to go read it now did I
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Guitarchick54 said:
If you wanna be a fag it's fine with me but don't try to force your beliefs on me!

I'm very sry about this I was trying to find the words for something and I asked how would I word this and my friend said it like that and I was gonna re word it to say if want to be homosexual it's ok with me but I don't enjoy having to walk down halls at school and people trying to force their beliefs on me! I do not force my beliefs on them. A friend of mine is gay I do not aprove of what he believes but I'm not gonna hate him for it! A motto I try to live by is Hate the sin not the sinner but I would like to apologize for posting that like that! I'm very sorry if I offened anyone
The problem is that Christianity isn't something that can be left in Church. If you are a Christian, a real Christian, it isn't something one turns on and off when attending Church. And, "Christians" need to remember that Jesus wasn't about hatred, he was about love. We need to remember not to hate Homosexuals, you can hate the sin of homosexuality, but still have compassion for the individual. I don't personally believe in Gay Marriage, but would NEVER condone any violence or hatred of homosexuals.

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