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Four white women prove that white privilege does in fact exist (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2012
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4 women wore banned hoodies inside mall to ‘prove a point' about racial profiling | FOX13
We four white women walked more than a mile through the Wolfchase Galleria wearing our hoodies and our privilege, just to see what would happen. This is the same mall where several young black men were recently kicked out, roughed up, and/or arrested for allegedly violating an unposted no-hoodie policy, and a bystander was also arrested for documenting the injustice with his smartphone.

Sometimes our hoods were up, sometimes our hoods were down. If a security guard spotted us with our hoods up, they very politely asked us to take them down. One guard said it was because they need to be able to identify everybody’s faces. So we said, “Sure,” took them down, walked on, and put the hoods back up a bit later. Repeat. No threats. Point made.

We saw people wearing baseball caps. Those caps cover faces more than hoods do. We didn’t witness anyone being asked to remove a cap.

I respect law enforcement. And mall cops. But there’s no question that some members of our community are constantly harassed and traumatized where those with less melanin are given a pass. We must do better.
Let the right wing denials and whatabout'isms commence!
How does this prove racism? The white women were asked to keep there hoodies down as per the rules. As far as hats goes, for one, it's easier to keep your hoodie down than it is to take off your hat and keep it in hand. for another, hoodies cover more of your face than hats.
Did you not read the story? They put their hoodies back on and unlike the black guy they were not harassed or arrested. Please, deny those facts and get made a fool out of.

You Conservatives love to delete facts and spin the **** out of the truth. Then again your kind also blatantly doctored the Jim Acosta video. What else can we expect but total Reality Distortion from your ilk?
Did you not read the story? They put their hoodies back on and unlike the black guy they were not harassed or arrested. Please, deny those facts and get made a fool out of.

You Conservatives love to delete facts and spin the **** out of the truth. Then again your kind also blatantly doctored the Jim Acosta video. What else can we expect but total Reality Distortion from your ilk?

Women in general are not harassed or arrested as much as a guy, white or black. Have four white guys do it with the same results, then maybe you have a point. In addition, the women put the hoods down when asked, did the black guy?
Did you not read the story? They put their hoodies back on and unlike the black guy they were not harassed or arrested. Please, deny those facts and get made a fool out of.

You Conservatives love to delete facts and spin the **** out of the truth. Then again your kind also blatantly doctored the Jim Acosta video. What else can we expect but total Reality Distortion from your ilk?

Wow, you actually have a bit more activity than the usual Bot accounts.
Women in general are not harassed or arrested as much as a guy, white or black. Have four white guys do it with the same results, then maybe you have a point. In addition, the women put the hoods down when asked, did the black guy?

Giving the usual outcome here, I would have to say it's a possibility. Though due to the kind of coverage that I've found of the incident, I would have to suspect that we are missing some pertinent information.
Women in general are not harassed or arrested as much as a guy, white or black. Have four white guys do it with the same results, then maybe you have a point. In addition, the women put the hoods down when asked, did the black guy?

Why not just admit the obvious? Black teens in hoodies are more threatening to some than a bunch of White women in hoodies.

There is a different standard for both race and gender.

I don’t see why you want to deny the obvious and sound ridiculous but feel free to continue. The OP made a valid point. Why can’t we all accept reality?

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Did you not read the story? They put their hoodies back on and unlike the black guy they were not harassed or arrested. Please, deny those facts and get made a fool out of.

You Conservatives love to delete facts and spin the **** out of the truth. Then again your kind also blatantly doctored the Jim Acosta video. What else can we expect but total Reality Distortion from your ilk?

Maybe the security guards had some training/disciplinary action from after the original altercation in how to better handle such situations. Maybe they were subsequently told hoodies are appropriate clothing. Plus the guys were being argumentative, whereas the ladies were being agreeable.
Why not just admit the obvious? Black teens in hoodies are more threatening to some than a bunch of White women in hoodies.

There is a different standard for both race and gender.

I don’t see why you want to deny the obvious and sound ridiculous but feel free to continue. The OP made a valid point. Why can’t we all accept reality?

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It's not obvious, it's stupid. If you want to prove racial profiling, at least be the same freaking gender. Better yet, have four black girls do the same and see if they are harassed and arrested. As you pointed out (same as I did, but you ignored) there is a different standard for gender.

If you want to be gullible and gobble this crap up without critical thought, carry on.

I suspect this is more a case of "gender" privilege than "white" privilege.

I can see guards being more polite to women than males thugs. Also, these women apparently didn't give the guards a raft of ****. They readily took their hoods down and walked on.

I could give more credence to this unscientific test if it had been four young white males with bad attitudes walking around in hoodies.
as if we needed an experiment to prove that white privilege exists. number one, it does. number two, those who refuse to admit it even to themselves never will, so trying to convince them is a waste of time. some things just are, and there's not much to do except to wait for society to evolve past it.
Why not just admit the obvious? Black teens in hoodies are more threatening to some than a bunch of White women in hoodies.

There is a different standard for both race and gender.

I don’t see why you want to deny the obvious and sound ridiculous but feel free to continue. The OP made a valid point. Why can’t we all accept reality?

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women do not suffer from toxic masculinity. I'm willing to wager if it were 4 black women they would not of been asked to leave either.

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as if we needed an experiment to prove that white privilege exists. number one, it does. number two, those who refuse to admit it even to themselves never will, so trying to convince them is a waste of time. some things just are, and there's not much to do except to wait for society to evolve past it.
I'm awarding you 50 SJW points for declaring white privilege is a non-arguable fact that we must all accept.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I467 using Tapatalk
It has nothing to do with "privilege."

When people see Caucasian women wearing hoodies, they find it amusing. They do not feel any sense of fear.

Those Caucasian women in the OP are just silly geese looking for hugs and congratulations on how "enlightened" they are.
It's not obvious, it's stupid. If you want to prove racial profiling, at least be the same freaking gender. Better yet, have four black girls do the same and see if they are harassed and arrested. As you pointed out (same as I did, but you ignored) there is a different standard for gender.

If you want to be gullible and gobble this crap up without critical thought, carry on.

So there is a hierarchy of suspect?

Maybe we should test black girls vs white dudes to see who would be next in the line of suspects.

Black males

then is it white males or black girls in second.

third place

then white girls.
Women in general are not harassed or arrested as much as a guy, white or black. Have four white guys do it with the same results, then maybe you have a point. In addition, the women put the hoods down when asked, did the black guy?

Our minds and bodies play host to a pathogen that seeks to replicate itself, sickening us in the process. Like a mutating virus, racism shape-shifts in order to stay alive; when its explicit expression becomes taboo, it hides in coded language. Nor does prejudice disappear when people decide that they will no longer tolerate it; it seeks to obfuscate itself. The most effective adaptation of racism over time is the idea that racism is conscious bias held by mean people. This “good/bad binary,” positing a world of evil racists and compassionate non-racists, is itself a racist construct, eliding systemic injustice and imbuing racism with such shattering moral meaning that white people shudder to face their collusion in it. Succinctly put, the fantasy of black men as dangerous and violent is a useful canard to white racists for it avails them in obscuring past and present inequities against African-Americans, and abets and alibis continued abuse.

The disparity in treatment clearly illustrates the application of the existentially semi-covert patriarchally-based white privilege/white fragility stereotype that, among other things, deems white women as some sort of "special" creature that must be protected, cherished, deferred to in certain situations, etc., etc.
The mall guards' behavior is not the only manifestation of stereotype and attendant racial bias regarding white women and "everyone else." It is also observed in the nature of missing-persons reporting.

Moreover, as Georgetown Law researchers found and report in "Girlhood Interrupted," the disparity in treatment not, as your remarks above imply, merely a matter of femaleness vs. maleness.

What has the frequency with which individuals in positions of authority harass others to do with the fact that the mall cops differently "harassed" white folks than they did black folks?

Perhaps you're setting up for an entree into the "maligned men" notion that has taken hold among certain conservatives.
Did you not read the story? They put their hoodies back on and unlike the black guy they were not harassed or arrested. Please, deny those facts and get made a fool out of.

You Conservatives love to delete facts and spin the **** out of the truth. Then again your kind also blatantly doctored the Jim Acosta video. What else can we expect but total Reality Distortion from your ilk?

What we do not know from your OP is how "the black guy" reacted to being informed of the hoodie restriction - did he politely comply and immediately put his hood down or assert that he had no reason to obey a mall cop interlaced with profanity? When doing these 'social experiments' it is best to limit the variables as much as possible. If one changes the number of subjects, their gender, their race and their attittude when 'confronted' by the (the same?) mall cop then it is somewhat dishonest to say that of those 4 (at least) changes that race was the only variable tested.
Here are three videos of the original event:

This is a local news segment on the incident showing the portion of the video taken by the "witness," who was also subsequently arrested .

Point of interest? The "witness" alleges he started recording after seeing a White security officer following the young men. Note that the security involved are both Black males and a police officer is White?

The news report also points out that this mall is the subject of numerous violent acts, which might serve to place Mall security on high alert.

Now here is the original source video:

Note in this one we hear the arrest is because the individual refused to leave the mall as directed by mall security. This indicates the arrest was for trespassing and NOT for "wearing a hoody."

Here is a video of the "witnesses" arrest:

This video shows the "witness" being arrested. Note again, it is the Black mall security officer who is instructing the "witness" on mall policy and asking him to leave or he will be arrested. That he was then arrested for trespassing.

So we see that the Security officers who were harassing the Black youth were themselves Black (no evidence in the video of any "white security officer" following the boys).

Summary: There is no video showing the initial cause of the "harassment," so we don't see the confrontation over a "hoodie" being worn. Thus we have no information about the actual start of the incident and how these young males were acting. We do see that the arrests in each case involved Black security and a White police officer, that in each case the individuals arrested were instructed to do something or leave and arrested when they argued/refused to leave.

Stores and Malls are private property and rules can be established for public use. When the privilege of occupying that property is revoked then the visitor is subject to arrest for trespassing. This is something few people seem to realize when they stand on their "rights" and refuse to abide by the rules.

Also, as stated in other member posts, we do not see the original issue that led to the confrontation, so we don't see how the young men were reacting to the Mall Security. Thus seeing only the result, and not the whole scenario, IMO people tend to jump to the conclusions which meet their own worldviews of cause and effect.

I suggest instead of jumping to such conclusions we wait to find out ALL the facts and then make a rational assessment?
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I suspect this is more a case of "gender" privilege than "white" privilege.

I can see guards being more polite to women than males thugs. Also, these women apparently didn't give the guards a raft of ****. They readily took their hoods down and walked on.

I could give more credence to this unscientific test if it had been four young white males with bad attitudes walking around in hoodies.

You just called the 4 black guys "thugs" while in the same breath trying to pretend there is no racial bias. Jesus Christ, thanks for proving the point.
You just called the 4 black guys "thugs" while in the same breath trying to pretend there is no racial bias. Jesus Christ, thanks for proving the point.

Context is everything. He said "males thugs", not "black males thugs". It was a generalized sentence while the very next sentence was specific saying "these women".

Also, did you read post 20 and watch the videos? The mall cops were black. The OP doesn't prove jack diddly.
You just called the 4 black guys "thugs" while in the same breath trying to pretend there is no racial bias. Jesus Christ, thanks for proving the point.

I also mentioned "four white males with bad attitudes". Yeah...I should have called THEM thugs, too. My bad.
Context is everything. He said "males thugs", not "black males thugs". It was a generalized sentence while the very next sentence was specific saying "these women".

Also, did you read post 20 and watch the videos? The mall cops were black. The OP doesn't prove jack diddly.

Do not expect the Alpaca to read anything, that doesn't conform to his stunted sense of reality.

He is also just fishing for any chance he can find, to wag his finger down from that ivory pedestal of his.

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