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Elizabeth Warren - The Dems are going to Screw Themselves Again (1 Viewer)

Bernie is a raving old lunatic. He lost, plain and simple. There is no metric period by which you can base the idea that Bernie lost due to fraud, and once the primary was over Trump would’ve steamrolled him

A very strong opinion. Good for you! "Raving old lunatic". Who does that remind me of... hmmmmmm? Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

But there is nothing "distasteful" other than some dumb BS about "Pochahontus" or whatever, what is so distatseful, the money she got back for consumers?

Hey, man. If you like her and she's running, vote for her in the primaries. HRC did a lot of great things as First Lady, Senator, and later Sec State. How could she lose? Let me pinch myself. Maybe I'll wake up, this is all a bad dream and we've got President Hillary Clinton and VP Bernie Sanders....mmmmmmmmmm

Actual achievements and qualifications matter about 1% in elections. Just admit it. Just admit that's true or tell me why she's not president, man.
Hey, man. If you like her and she's running, vote for her in the primaries. HRC did a lot of great things as First Lady, Senator, and later Sec State. How could she lose? Let me pinch myself. Maybe I'll wake up, this is all a bad dream and we've got President Hillary Clinton and VP Bernie Sanders....mmmmmmmmmm

Actual achievements and qualifications matter about 1% in elections. Just admit it. Just admit that's true or tell me why she's not president, man.

Mostly the sustained campaign of phony investigations, none of that is true with Warren. IDK about her personal likability but I think it's much higher than you give her credit for.
Mostly the sustained campaign of phony investigations, none of that is true with Warren. IDK about her personal likability but I think it's much higher than you give her credit for.

The sustained investigations seem not be hurting trump's support.

Well, if she's the nominee I'll vote for her either way. As I keep saying it's going to take more than just your and my votes to defeat trump.
The sustained investigations seem not be hurting trump's support.

Well, if she's the nominee I'll vote for her either way. As I keep saying it's going to take more than just your and my votes to defeat trump.

Trump's support was never based on facts or achievements though, it was all emotion. Largely even his sucesses, what few there are have to be exaggerated to even seem marginally impressive, and none of it could have been done easier without Trump. It's a cult.
Warren. I like her, but she waded into that BS about her being part Native American. There are going to be ****ing "Pocahontas" posters pasted over everything from now until 2020 when she loses.

Pick someone cool and without baggage Dems! One of the San Antonio twins, Gavin Newsom, Tulsi Gabbard, ANYONE BUT SOMEONE WITH TONS OF EASY PICKINGS LIKE ELIZABETH WARREN. Sure, whoever runs the GOP dirty tricksters will find something, but it won't be as easy as it will be with Warren.

When they tilted the scales for HRC against Bernie they totally ****ed themselves. They're about to do it again.

I feel powerless to stop it. So depressing.

Dems need to stop crawling into a ball and crying on the floor. If we can't beat Trump then Democrats should fold up shop.
Warren. I like her, but she waded into that BS about her being part Native American. There are going to be ****ing "Pocahontas" posters pasted over everything from now until 2020 when she loses.

Pick someone cool and without baggage Dems! One of the San Antonio twins, Gavin Newsom, Tulsi Gabbard, ANYONE BUT SOMEONE WITH TONS OF EASY PICKINGS LIKE ELIZABETH WARREN. Sure, whoever runs the GOP dirty tricksters will find something, but it won't be as easy as it will be with Warren.

When they tilted the scales for HRC against Bernie they totally ****ed themselves. They're about to do it again.

I feel powerless to stop it. So depressing.

Sorry, I don't see a link.
Dems need to stop crawling into a ball and crying on the floor. If we can't beat Trump then Democrats should fold up shop.

Helpful. Thanks. Come by anytime!
Warren. I like her, but she waded into that BS about her being part Native American. There are going to be ****ing "Pocahontas" posters pasted over everything from now until 2020 when she loses.

Pick someone cool and without baggage Dems! One of the San Antonio twins, Gavin Newsom, Tulsi Gabbard, ANYONE BUT SOMEONE WITH TONS OF EASY PICKINGS LIKE ELIZABETH WARREN. Sure, whoever runs the GOP dirty tricksters will find something, but it won't be as easy as it will be with Warren.

When they tilted the scales for HRC against Bernie they totally ****ed themselves. They're about to do it again.

I feel powerless to stop it. So depressing.

Funny but there are no "scales" in the nominating process, Hilary beat Bernie by getting millions more primary votes. Like she did against Trump in the general. Too bad we don't have democracy in our Presidential selection like we had in the Democrats primary.
Republicans should vote for warren just so it would make reelection easy lol
No thanks to going down that road. I dont vote for the lesser of evils. I vote for the best candidate

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I'll say it again. Part of the "brainwashed" as you call them were rust belt dems and true independants who could not stomach Hillary. Unfortunately we need to waive something pretty in front of the brainwashed if we're going to win them over and win the election in 2020 and Warren just ain't it, IMO.

Someone with a spine will do. You are right, independents couldn't stomach Ms Clinton, and rightfully so. That also left a stain on Ms Warren, who seemed to be someone with a good head on her shoulders until she started drooling on Hillary's.
Sanders, a man of integrity, held steadfast, but lost out because the favors were rigged against him. It if hadn't been so, we wouldn't have to deal with Trump. Sanders, with much less name recognition than Clinton, got people so much more excited.
Funny but there are no "scales" in the nominating process, Hilary beat Bernie by getting millions more primary votes. Like she did against Trump in the general. Too bad we don't have democracy in our Presidential selection like we had in the Democrats primary.

Too bad you can run for president without showing tax returns. Even if just to a Congressional Committee.
Someone with a spine will do. You are right, independents couldn't stomach Ms Clinton, and rightfully so. That also left a stain on Ms Warren, who seemed to be someone with a good head on her shoulders until she started drooling on Hillary's.
Sanders, a man of integrity, held steadfast, but lost out because the favors were rigged against him. It if hadn't been so, we wouldn't have to deal with Trump. Sanders, with much less name recognition than Clinton, got people so much more excited.

That's what I'm sayin', LoveB. We can find someone both qualified and with charisma. Perhaps Warren's got charisma and many just haven't yet noticed. I know a Gavin Newsom or a Tulsi Gabbard, or even... (someone was bashing on Beto in this thread - the guy who almost unseated a GOP in Texas! He'd do just fine.

But like I say, perhaps Warren will surprise all of us!
Thanks. Been having problems lately. Just wondered about context.

Nope the OP was just my rant. I was having a bad night last night and it felt good to get it all out.
That's what I'm sayin', LoveB. We can find someone both qualified and with charisma. Perhaps Warren's got charisma and many just haven't yet noticed. I know a Gavin Newsom or a Tulsi Gabbard, or even... (someone was bashing on Beto in this thread - the guy who almost unseated a GOP in Texas! He'd do just fine.

But like I say, perhaps Warren will surprise all of us!

Not sure about Beto and a few others. They come across as someone with an agenda that is more personal, like they have to prove something. We need to look for someone with deep rooted conviction.
Not sure about Beto and a few others. They come across as someone with an agenda that is more personal, like they have to prove something. We need to look for someone with deep rooted conviction.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... you are so adorable :) The objective is to beat trump and try to repair the damage. A piece of fossilized dung would be better in the Oval Office than trump. It's really nice to say things like, "he's got such great character", or "her moral compass is superior to all". That and the same DNC will get us another 4 years with trump. I'm not saying get someone immoral - lets just not get a lightning rod. trump's not going to be touting his superior morals over anyone!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... you are so adorable :) The objective is to beat trump and try to repair the damage. A piece of fossilized dung would be better in the Oval Office than trump. It's really nice to say things like, "he's got such great character", or "her moral compass is superior to all". That and the same DNC will get us another 4 years with trump. I'm not saying get someone immoral - lets just not get a lightning rod. trump's not going to be touting his superior morals over anyone!

To what avail? So another Trump comes around? That is just the problem with our 2 party system. One trying to trump the other...no pun intended.
Warren. I like her, but she waded into that BS about her being part Native American. There are going to be ****ing "Pocahontas" posters pasted over everything from now until 2020 when she loses.

Pick someone cool and without baggage Dems! One of the San Antonio twins, Gavin Newsom, Tulsi Gabbard, ANYONE BUT SOMEONE WITH TONS OF EASY PICKINGS LIKE ELIZABETH WARREN. Sure, whoever runs the GOP dirty tricksters will find something, but it won't be as easy as it will be with Warren.

When they tilted the scales for HRC against Bernie they totally ****ed themselves. They're about to do it again.

I feel powerless to stop it. So depressing.

Stop letting republicans fabricate baggage to determine how you vote. You are being manipulated.
Stop letting republicans fabricate baggage to determine how you vote. You are being manipulated.

Exactly. Trump and his supporters are referring to Warren as "pocohantas." A term Natives consider to be insulting when used by Trump.
Exactly. Trump and his supporters are referring to Warren as "pocohantas." A term Natives consider to be insulting when used by Trump.

She started it.
Stop letting republicans fabricate baggage to determine how you vote. You are being manipulated.

Everyone keeps missing my point. I can't be manipulated. I don't believe bull****. But I'm just one guy. The problem is too many people can be manipulated which is why we're dealing with a trump presidency right now. I'm saying the Dems are partially responsible for that with the DNC tilting the scales in Bernies favor and running HRC instead of Bernie. The whole purpose of my creating this OP was to sound a warning bell that history is about to repeat itself.
Everyone keeps missing my point. I can't be manipulated. I don't believe bull****. But I'm just one guy. The problem is too many people can be manipulated which is why we're dealing with a trump presidency right now. I'm saying the Dems are partially responsible for that with the DNC tilting the scales in Bernies favor and running HRC instead of Bernie. The whole purpose of my creating this OP was to sound a warning bell that history is about to repeat itself.

Democrats need to stop cowering before Trump.

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