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Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do! (1 Viewer)

And your point is.....what, exactly?
AmericanPatriot29 said:

Did you read the whole article, or are you trying to troll a bit?
from the article:
E!Online said:
The only possible significance of whether Hollywood is run by Jews or not must have to do with whether or not the product comes out "Jewish," or in some way different from the way it would if it were made solely by gentiles.

Really, the point is even a little uglier than that. The only real reason why the question of whether Jews "run" Hollywood is at all interesting is because there is some residual thought--apparently as was in the mind of Marlon Brando--that Jews are sinister and alien.

Kike is a low Polish word meaning the nastiest, most alien connotation of Jew. That would mean that the Jewish product of Jewish Hollywood would be somehow subversive in some way. This would be akin to Wagner's notion that Jews had polluted and ruined German music with their innately subversive sensibility.

This is a thought so bizarre and even comical to anyone familiar with Hollywood that it merits laughter more than fear. Yes, of course, the Hollywood product is made mostly by Jews. But these Jews are in love with America.

E!Online said:
It's fear and racism at that level that motivates the issue of Hollywood as sinister and alien. Maybe it's so basic when it comes to Jews that it just will never go away. Or maybe it will take so long to go away that Hollywood will be Korean by then.

For now, Hollywood, in many ways the most successful cultural enterprise of all time and the most potent messenger of American values of all time, is changing, but it is still largely Jewish. And a very angry voice in my curly head makes me add, "What the hell of it?"
Do antisemites and other bigots hate others because they recognize their own lack of worth?

You bet they do.
Gardener said:
Do antisemites and other bigots hate others because they recognize their own lack of worth?

You bet they do.
What I dont understand is someone taking a name "American Patriot", and at the same time, spouting anti-American hate like this. Anti-Semitism is certainly not patriotic.

By the way - my favorite Hollywood Jews - The 3 Stooges.

Coitently............. :)
It's American because he's allowed to say it in the first place without retribution.

Whether you agree with the message or not, well....
that is an entirely different story.
They created the Hollywood we know today, so of course they still run it, why wouldn't they?:confused:

It's an extremely profitable business, and one that has been used to inspire, and most importantly, it has promoted change where it was needed most. Certainly, I do not agree with everything that comes out of Hollywood, but one can hardly blame one race for those problems. I don't know why people continue to be so interested in this topic, it's just so silly, and as someone else said, shows a great deal of envy IMHO.
Stace said:
And your point is.....what, exactly?

Yes as Stace said please tell us....
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Anybody catch the Colbert Report last night?

"And as we all know Jews have no place in the Comedy business." :lol:

Hubby and I watched that, we started cracking up since his show is basically a spin off of The Daily Show and Jon Stewart is Jewish and all.....and one of the funniest people I've had the pleasure of viewing.
Stace said:
Hubby and I watched that, we started cracking up since his show is basically a spin off of The Daily Show and Jon Stewart is Jewish and all.....and one of the funniest people I've had the pleasure of viewing.

Ya it's by far one of the funniest shows on t.v.

"George Bush. . . great president, or greatest president?"

"Steven Colbert . . . it's French... bitch!"
Jews founded hollywood,thats a fact.Jews and liberals run hollywood thats also a fact. The Jews run so much of hollywood out of ability.They are good at making movies.
Stace said:
And your point is.....what, exactly?

Well voting trends clearly indicate a radical liberal bias. Therefore I feel that it is necessary to notify the public of the dangers of having our motion picture industry dominated by Jewish Marxists. When liberal radicals own networks which have a tremendous amount of influence they are going to chose programming which reflect their personal views; views which are contrary to the principles of our democracy. These viewpoints are being filtered down to the unsuspecting general public which therefore influence: public policy, opinion, culture, and redefine our society and lower cultural and religious standards. Promoting communist propaganda is not in our best interest. Our movies are broadcast to the world and it reflects on America. When you have someone like Steven Speilberg show terrorists as loving individuals, or Howard Stern show his autiobiography it doesn’t look good for America world wide. Unfortunately people are very brainwash worthy and these movies will dramatically have an effect on ones thinking. Therefore I feel that we should take appropriate action to address this problem.



Even do a search on the net for the last three consecutive elections Jews have voted 80 percent for democratic candidates. This is not to mention the Jews who vote further left. People are entiteled to their beliefs but unlike any other group Jews try to impose their radical views on everyone else. They are a much bigger threat then regular marxists because Jews accomplish what they set out to do and they wont stop untill they acheive victory. This is not to mention how there were literally thousands of communists in the government and hollywood in the 40's and 50's proven by the VENONA files. Unfortunately McCarthy just couldnt prove it at the time and was discredited. Its clear when looking at movies today that communism is prevalent in hollywood.

black wolf said:
Did you read the whole article, or are you trying to troll a bit?
from the article:

The Jews clearly admit that they own hollywood and it's stated several times. But do you honestly think they are going to bash themselves? Ofcourse they are going to try to cover their rears. The admit they own hollywood, and hollywood is notoriously liberal. One can draw their own conclusions.

danarhea said:
What I dont understand is someone taking a name "American Patriot", and at the same time, spouting anti-American hate like this. Anti-Semitism is certainly not patriotic.

By the way - my favorite Hollywood Jews - The 3 Stooges.

Coitently............. :)

I consider myself a patriot. I hate to break it to you but anti semetism was a conventional viewpoint in history among democrats and republicans alike. It was a common among the general public and influenced public policy. I can assure you that regular Americans didn’t just dislike Jews because they are Jewish.

Read about FDR and go to the part about “Civil rights and refugees”


I think it summed up the information about Jews pretty well. Also read about Breckinridge Long in your search engine. Also read about “Charles Coughlin” -one of the nations most prominent pastors from that time. If you read about the history about anti Semitism it says that one major reason why Jews are disliked is for their quote “left wing politics”. Voting trends clearly show that this is true as I have showed above. This is why Jews are disliked but anti Semetism is not as prevalent today because they control Hollywood and the press so you never see something that shows them in a negative light. I think Marlon Brando sums it up pretty well here:

"You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an unfavorable image of the Kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that. They never allowed it to be shown on screen."

Naturally such influence of powerful means of communication is going to smear peoples attitudes. But when people were free to think for themselves they acknowledged that the Jews were a threat. I am not racist towards Jews nor do I have any hard feelings towards them, i just strongly disagree with their actions. Jews follow a radical ideology and attain postions of power and influence and use these positions to attack the very institution of our democracy. Therefore it is absolutely imperative that we address this communist subversion or we cant expect our democracy to last. :(

Deegan said:
They created the Hollywood we know today, so of course they still run it, why wouldn't they?:confused:

It's an extremely profitable business, and one that has been used to inspire, and most importantly, it has promoted change where it was needed most. Certainly, I do not agree with everything that comes out of Hollywood, but one can hardly blame one race for those problems. I don't know why people continue to be so interested in this topic, it's just so silly, and as someone else said, shows a great deal of envy IMHO.

I despise hollywood. If white Christians resided in the most powerful hollywood positions you can guarantee I would hold them accountable for possible anti American programming if there was any. I dont necessarily blame the whole Jewish race considering there are Jews who are innocent. But interestingly Jews are known to work together as a cohesive unit unlike any other ethnic group. Whites, blacks, Asians, Mexicans, etc all are disorganized and do not have a unified goal that they strive to accomplish unlike Jews. That is one of the primary reasons why the Jews are so dangerous; mainly because they accomplish what they set out to do which is contrary to the principles of our democracy. They operate in their interests and their interests alone that is why this unhealthy influence should be taken very seriously.
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JOHNYJ said:
Jews founded hollywood,thats a fact.Jews and liberals run hollywood thats also a fact. The Jews run so much of hollywood out of ability.They are good at making movies.

But not because they are Jewish, but because they have learned this craft. I betcha the Tel Aviv busdriver will have great difficulty making a decent movie - even with the help of his farming friend from the Kibbuz.;)
AmericanPatriot29 said:
Well voting trends clearly indicate a radical liberal bias. Therefore I feel that it is necessary to notify the public of the dangers of having our motion picture industry dominated by Jewish Marxists. When liberal radicals own networks which have a tremendous amount of influence they are going to chose programming which reflect their personal views; views which are contrary to the principles of our democracy. These viewpoints are being filtered down to the unsuspecting general public which therefore influence: public policy, opinion, culture, and redefine our society and lower cultural and religious standards. Promoting communist propaganda is not in our best interest. Our movies are broadcast to the world and it reflects on America. When you have someone like Steven Speilberg show terrorists as loving individuals, or Howard Stern show his autiobiography it doesn’t look good for America world wide. Unfortunately people are very brainwash worthy and these movies will dramatically have an effect on ones thinking. Therefore I feel that we should take appropriate action to address this problem.



Even do a search on the net for the last three consecutive elections Jews have voted 80 percent for democratic candidates. This is not to mention the Jews who vote further left. People are entiteled to their beliefs but unlike any other group Jews try to impose their radical views on everyone else. They are a much bigger threat then regular marxists because Jews accomplish what they set out to do and they wont stop untill they acheive victory. This is not to mention how there were literally thousands of communists in the government and hollywood in the 40's and 50's proven by the VENONA files. Unfortunately McCarthy just couldnt prove it at the time and was discredited. Its clear when looking at movies today that communism is prevalent in hollywood.

The Jews clearly admit that they own hollywood and it's stated several times. But do you honestly think they are going to bash themselves? Ofcourse they are going to try to cover their rears. The admit they own hollywood, and hollywood is notoriously liberal. One can draw their own conclusions.

I consider myself a patriot. I hate to break it to you but anti semetism was a conventional viewpoint in history among democrats and republicans alike. It was a common among the general public and influenced public policy. I can assure you that regular Americans didn’t just dislike Jews because they are Jewish.

Read about FDR and go to the part about “Civil rights and refugees”


I think it summed up the information about Jews pretty well. Also read about Breckinridge Long in your search engine. Also read about “Charles Coughlin” -one of the nations most prominent pastors from that time. If you read about the history about anti Semitism it says that one major reason why Jews are disliked is for their quote “left wing politics”. Voting trends clearly show that this is true as I have showed above. This is why Jews are disliked but anti Semetism is not as prevalent today because they control Hollywood and the press so you never see something that shows them in a negative light. I think Marlon Brando sums it up pretty well here:

"You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an unfavorable image of the Kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that. They never allowed it to be shown on screen."

Naturally such influence of powerful means of communication is going to smear peoples attitudes. But when people were free to think for themselves they acknowledged that the Jews were a threat. I am not racist towards Jews nor do I have any hard feelings towards them, i just strongly disagree with their actions. Jews follow a radical ideology and attain postions of power and influence and use these positions to attack the very institution of our democracy. Therefore it is absolutely imperative that we address this communist subversion or we cant expect our democracy to last. :(

I despise hollywood. If white Christians resided in the most powerful hollywood positions you can guarantee I would hold them accountable for possible anti American programming if there was any. I dont necessarily blame the whole Jewish race considering there are Jews who are innocent. But interestingly Jews are known to work together as a cohesive unit unlike any other ethnic group. Whites, blacks, Asians, Mexicans, etc all are disorganized and do not have a unified goal that they strive to accomplish unlike Jews. That is one of the primary reasons why the Jews are so dangerous; mainly because they accomplish what they set out to do which is contrary to the principles of our democracy. They operate in their interests and their interests alone that is why this unhealthy influence should be taken very seriously.

I don't agree with any of that, it sounds very paranoid my friend, and almost as ridiculous as the comments from the Arab world. So what if they are organized, more minorities should be, i.e, African Americans should only be as lucky to have such an organized group behind them. I also disagree that they don't show themselves in a bad, honest light, look at the movie Shindlers List, and the many others like it, these show the Jews who tricked the others in to their demise, only to save themselves, or swallowing their diamonds and silver, this could not have been easy to examine. Spielberg has another movie out, it's about the revenge Israel sought for the killing of the Olympic athletes, this hardly shows them in a good light.

Jews are not the only minority making influential films, Brokeback Mountain was made by a Chinese director for instance. The Jews may hold the purse strings, but they don't make all the movies, and they are certainly not trying to control what we see. I would suspect that if they were, a movie like Syriana would never be made!:shock:
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Deegan said:
I also disagree that they don't show themselves in a bad, honest light, look at the movie Shindlers List, and the many others like it, these show the Jews who tricked the others in to their demise, only to save themselves, or swallowing their diamonds and silver, this could not have been easy to examine.

Let me direct you once again to this quote:

"You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an unfavorable image of the Kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that. They never allowed it to be shown on screen." -Marlon Brando

Do you honestly think they are going to put out a movie that bashes themselves? Ofcourse they are going to portray themselves as loving individuals. I am telling you that the Jews are doing exactly the same thing here in America what got them thrown in concentration camps. If anything I want to prevent it from happening again but they dont learn from history. They only put out propaganda that shows that they were completely innocent and they were put in concentration camps for no apparent reason other that they were Jewish. I can assure you that there were reasons behind it which the Jews dont want the public to know. It doesnt just apply to Jews but to Gypsies, homosexuals, etc. These surely arent the most desirable people to have in countries. Should they have been killed? Definitely not but I dont blame the Nazis for disliking them.

If I was a white Christian and went to Israel and we became 2.5 percent of the population, and we tried to impose Christian values on the public, remove any Jewish reference in public, took over a great deal of teaching positions and indoctrinated Jewish kids and the public with our movies to our own personal agenda, portrayed the Jews as the most evil people in the world, starting radical left organizations with a sole purpose to undermine Jewish values, lobbyed heavily to get Jews to accept a multiculturalism agenda and open the floodgates to Israel to allow non Jews in a Jewish state, if someone said to me have a happy hanuaka and I said that I was "offended" and got one of the radical Christian organizations to cause a fit and replay how offended I was on the networks and one day Jews got pissed and put us in concentration camps or expelled us from Israel I cant say that I would blame them. We would probably deserve it and it would be long overdue. I definitely shouldnt be surprised that they did it. They shouldnt murder us but if they put me in a concentration camp and did I cant say that I would be completely innocent and blame them 100 percent. I would be at fault. How could we have the audacity to go to a Jewish state and do this? I would acknowledge my place and work towards the best interest of Israel and not my own. This is what pissed the German people off and they are doing exactly the same thing in America. I can assure you people in America didnt share the conventional anti Semetic viewpoint without a reason that Jews would lead you to believe.

Its not just Nazi Germany which didnt like these peoples all white countries didnt like them because many of the things the Nazis said about them are true. Just because you acknowledge unfavorable information about different groups it doesnt automatically qualify someone as a Nazi. As for Gypsies they are really terrible. Anyone who has experience with them will tell you that they lie, cheat, steal, and have 9 kids and sit on welfare. But as for gays I strongly disagree with doing even expelling them from a country. They have a different orientation but they are still nice people. Sure they try to impose their viewpoints on others but other then that they are ok.

Spielberg has another movie out, it's about the revenge Israel sought for the killing of the Olympic athletes, this hardly shows them in a good light.

Jews are not the only minority making influential films, Brokeback Mountain was made by a Chinese director for instance. The Jews may hold the purse strings, but they don't make all the movies, and they are certainly not trying to control what we see. I would suspect that if they were, a movie like Syriana would never be made!:shock:

Cant comment on Syriana. Isnt that the movie where he puts the terrorists on the same level as the Israelies?
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AmericanPatriot29 said:
Let me direct you once again to this quote:

"You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an unfavorable image of the Kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that. They never allowed it to be shown on screen." -Marlon Brando

Do you honestly think they are going to put out a movie that bashes themselves? Ofcourse they are going to portray themselves as loving individuals. I am telling you that the Jews are doing exactly the same thing here in America what got them thrown in concentration camps. If anything I want to prevent it from happening again but they dont learn from history. They only put out propaganda that shows that they were completely innocent and they were put in concentration camps for no apparent reason other that they were Jewish. I can assure you that there were reasons behind it which the Jews dont want the public to know. It doesnt just apply to Jews but to Gypsies, homosexuals, etc. These surely arent the most desirable people to have in countries. Should they have been killed? Definitely not but I dont blame the Nazis for disliking them.

If I was a white Christian and went to Israel and we became 2.5 percent of the population, and we tried to impose Christian values on the public, remove any Jewish reference in public, took over a great deal of teaching positions and indoctrinated Jewish kids and the public with our movies to our own personal agenda, portrayed the Jews as the most evil people in the world, starting radical left organizations with a sole purpose to undermine Jewish values, lobbyed heavily to get Jews to accept a multiculturalism agenda and open the floodgates to Israel to allow non Jews in a Jewish state, if someone said to me have a happy hanuaka and I said that I was "offended" and got one of the radical Christian organizations to cause a fit and replay how offended I was on the networks and one day Jews got pissed and put us in concentration camps or expelled us from Israel I cant say that I would blame them. We would probably deserve it and it would be long overdue. I definitely shouldnt be surprised that they did it. They shouldnt murder us but if they put me in a concentration camp and did I cant say that I would be completely innocent and blame them 100 percent. I would be at fault. How could we have the audacity to go to a Jewish state and do this? I would acknowledge my place and work towards the best interest of Israel and not my own. This is what pissed the German people off and they are doing exactly the same thing in America. I can assure you people in America didnt share the conventional anti Semetic viewpoint without a reason that Jews would lead you to believe.

Its not just Nazi Germany which didnt like these peoples all white countries didnt like them because many of the things the Nazis said about them are true. Just because you acknowledge unfavorable information about different groups it doesnt automatically qualify someone as a Nazi. As for Gypsies they are really terrible. Anyone who has experience with them will tell you that they lie, cheat, steal, and have 9 kids and sit on welfare. But as for gays I strongly disagree with doing even expelling them from a country. They have a different orientation but they are still nice people. Sure they try to impose their viewpoints on others but other then that they are ok.

Cant comment on Syriana. Isnt that the movie where he puts the terrorists on the same level as the Israelies?

I wouldn't put too much emphasis on what Marlon Brando has to say, just look at his kids, and his life, it's not a pretty picture. He was also speaking at a time when it would not be very smart for Jews to encourage more anti-semitic feelings, having just gone through a genocide! I just don't agree with your thoughts on this, this really seems paranoid, and teeters on hateful. To each his own though, we will just have to agree to disagree, but this post is not going to be very flattering for you my friend!:shock:
AmericanPatriot29 said:


You're Joking.... RIGHT?

I mean I can accept the fact that Jesus Christ was known to consider their leaders hypocrites and oppose their state...... but you are taking this even beyond the zealous beliefs of moderate religion.

Authored by by Ben Stein

Obviously a joke that flew over the cranium.
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AmericanPatriot29 said:
Let me direct you once again to this quote:

"You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an unfavorable image of the Kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that. They never allowed it to be shown on screen." -Marlon Brando

Do you honestly think they are going to put out a movie that bashes themselves? Ofcourse they are going to portray themselves as loving individuals. I am telling you that the Jews are doing exactly the same thing here in America what got them thrown in concentration camps. If anything I want to prevent it from happening again but they dont learn from history. They only put out propaganda that shows that they were completely innocent and they were put in concentration camps for no apparent reason other that they were Jewish. I can assure you that there were reasons behind it which the Jews dont want the public to know. It doesnt just apply to Jews but to Gypsies, homosexuals, etc. These surely arent the most desirable people to have in countries. Should they have been killed? Definitely not but I dont blame the Nazis for disliking them.

If I was a white Christian and went to Israel and we became 2.5 percent of the population, and we tried to impose Christian values on the public, remove any Jewish reference in public, took over a great deal of teaching positions and indoctrinated Jewish kids and the public with our movies to our own personal agenda, portrayed the Jews as the most evil people in the world, starting radical left organizations with a sole purpose to undermine Jewish values, lobbyed heavily to get Jews to accept a multiculturalism agenda and open the floodgates to Israel to allow non Jews in a Jewish state, if someone said to me have a happy hanuaka and I said that I was "offended" and got one of the radical Christian organizations to cause a fit and replay how offended I was on the networks and one day Jews got pissed and put us in concentration camps or expelled us from Israel I cant say that I would blame them. We would probably deserve it and it would be long overdue. I definitely shouldnt be surprised that they did it. They shouldnt murder us but if they put me in a concentration camp and did I cant say that I would be completely innocent and blame them 100 percent. I would be at fault. How could we have the audacity to go to a Jewish state and do this? I would acknowledge my place and work towards the best interest of Israel and not my own. This is what pissed the German people off and they are doing exactly the same thing in America. I can assure you people in America didnt share the conventional anti Semetic viewpoint without a reason that Jews would lead you to believe.

Its not just Nazi Germany which didnt like these peoples all white countries didnt like them because many of the things the Nazis said about them are true. Just because you acknowledge unfavorable information about different groups it doesnt automatically qualify someone as a Nazi. As for Gypsies they are really terrible. Anyone who has experience with them will tell you that they lie, cheat, steal, and have 9 kids and sit on welfare. But as for gays I strongly disagree with doing even expelling them from a country. They have a different orientation but they are still nice people. Sure they try to impose their viewpoints on others but other then that they are ok.

Cant comment on Syriana. Isnt that the movie where he puts the terrorists on the same level as the Israelies?

Looks like you never heard of Mel Brooks.
:shock: Dude, AP29, people who've been diagnosed with serious mental conditions need to remember to take their pills each and every day.
Jewish Marxists? :? Forgive me for not being up to speed on these stereotypes, but aren't jews supposed to hoard money? and I know Marx had something to say about money...what was it now? Oh yeah, that's right, wasn't he in favor of redistrubiting it equitably?
I haven't suffered any brain contusions recently, so it's kinda difficult to follow your train of thought on this one, :confused: but.....you're afraid they're out to collect a shitload of money with the ultimate goal of redistributing it to the poor? :screwy
On a side note, you wouldn't happen to have a long family history of mental illness, would you?
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Befuddled_Stoner said:
:shock: Dude, AP29, people who've been diagnosed with serious mental conditions need to remember to take their pills each and every day.
Jewish Marxists? :? Forgive me for not being up to speed on these stereotypes, but aren't jews supposed to hoard money? and I know Marx had something to say about money...what was it now? Oh yeah, that's right, wasn't he in favor of redistrubiting it equitably?
I haven't suffered any brain contusions recently, so it's kinda difficult to follow your train of thought on this one, :confused: but.....you're afraid they're out to collect a shitload of money with the ultimate goal of redistributing it to the poor? :screwy
On a side note, you wouldn't happen to have a long family history of mental illness, would you?

"If he made ten thousand dollars a day, he'd spend ten thousand dollars a day. I don't mind that. What I do mind is that he still sleeps better than I do"

- Groucho Marx
AmericanPatriot29 said:

Finally the Jews admit it!

Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do!
Jews do not run Hollywood.Atheist leftist rat liberals run HollyWood.A movie about gay sheep rachers perpatrating themselves as cowboys and a movie about a tranny won oscar nominations.No self-respecting jew or christian would make such horse **** movies.
jamesrage said:
Jews do not run Hollywood.Atheist leftist rat liberals run HollyWood.A movie about gay sheep rachers perpatrating themselves as cowboys and a movie about a tranny won oscar nominations.No self-respecting jew or christian would make such horse **** movies.

lol Jews founded hollywood and own it. You can draw the lines. Every single director and writer is Jewish. Just look around. If you dont believe me just start typing names of the scum directors and writers of the shows you dont like and the truth will come out. Go to wikipedia and go to the list of Jews in hollywood. You will be in for quite a surprise. Christian no, but Jew yes. Jews are the most anti Christian people on the face of the planet. Even the religious ones are anti Christian anti God. Rabbis are some of the biggest liberals. Its something that baffles me. You wouldnt think so considering that Judaism is closely related to Christianity as well.
danarhea said:
What I dont understand is someone taking a name "American Patriot", and at the same time, spouting anti-American hate like this. Anti-Semitism is certainly not patriotic.

Same Here.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
lol Jews founded hollywood and own it. You can draw the lines. Every single director and writer is Jewish.

Do you have links(Preferably something not from kkk.org or racist-bastards.com)?

Just look around. If you dont believe me just start typing names of the scum directors and writers of the shows you dont like and the truth will come out.
Names do not mean **** in this country.Just bacause someone's grandfatehr is a jewish does not make them jewish.

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