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Did Aaron “Jay” Danielson‘s Life Matter? (1 Viewer)

Did Aaron “Jay” Danielson‘s Life Matter?

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X Factor

Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2010
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That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.
:popcorn2: (Waiting for someone to click no and explain it.)
That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.

We know the answer. White lives don't matter to BLM. In fact Black lives don't matter either unless they are criminal Black lives. I didn't see too many BLM a-holes at the funeral for Black retired police officer David Dorn in St. Louis. Black thugs murdered him, but apparently a Black man working hard to support his family isn't as important as the angry BLM thugs who want to burn down America.
That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.

i vote, yes ... i hope the killers´thugs will be find and prosecuted
i vote, yes ... i hope the killers´thugs will be find and prosecuted

Thank you. You might be the first I’ve seen that from.
That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.

It mattered as much as the lives of those murdered by Kyle Rittenhouse did.
That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.

Oh look. X Factor is raping another tragic death in a stupidly dishonest attempt to attack his perceived political enemies.

Trumpism: the ugliness is the point.
Oh look. X Factor is raping another tragic death in a stupidly dishonest attempt to attack his perceived political enemies.

Trumpism: the ugliness is the point.

Lol, your side called him trash and a Nazi.
And I’m guessing you had no problem condemning that killing. ;)

I certainly remember you defending Rittenhouse’s killings

Which makes your sudden outrage rather hypocritical.
Yet another BS poll about which lives matter.

Geezus I'm so sick of these 'gotcha' game polls.
I certainly remember you defending Rittenhouse’s killings

Which makes your sudden outrage rather hypocritical.

Actually, before I knew anything about the shooting, I assumed the victim’s hands weren’t clean....then I saw the video. Besides, hypocrisy always cuts both ways. If you don’t really have much of a problem with this killing, what could possibly account for that?
Actually, before I knew anything about the shooting, I assumed the victim’s hands weren’t clean....then I saw the video. Besides, hypocrisy always cuts both ways. If you don’t really have much of a problem with this killing, what could possibly account for that?

Actually, you defended the murders committed by Rittenhouse......as I said before. What you supposedly “assumed” doesn’t change the fact that you did, in fact, defend the murderer.

I have a problem with people who defend Rittenhouse suddenly hysterically falling all over themselves to cry about others not caring about such similar events. Trump supporters have repeatedly defended and celebrated violence against others based on their political views in the past several years. When the shoe pinches when it’s on the other foot.....that’s just the way it goes.
I can't give two ****s about the dead. Mostly because I've only known them as dead people, never alive.
Actually, you defended the murders committed by Rittenhouse......as I said before. What you supposedly “assumed” doesn’t change the fact that you did, in fact, defend the murderer.

I have a problem with people who defend Rittenhouse suddenly hysterically falling all over themselves to cry about others not caring about such similar events. Trump supporters have repeatedly defended and celebrated violence against others based on their political views in the past several years. When the shoe pinches when it’s on the other foot.....that’s just the way it goes.

Well things have escalated quite a bit, and I don't know where it can go from here but I really don't want to see where it goes. Seems that we've given up on just running people over or pulling them from cars and assaulting them to just straight up shooting them. I hope they catch the people at fault here, and they can share a prison cell with Rittenhouse.
Actually, you defended the murders committed by Rittenhouse......as I said before. What you supposedly “assumed” doesn’t change the fact that you did, in fact, defend the murderer.

I have a problem with people who defend Rittenhouse suddenly hysterically falling all over themselves to cry about others not caring about such similar events. Trump supporters have repeatedly defended and celebrated violence against others based on their political views in the past several years. When the shoe pinches when it’s on the other foot.....that’s just the way it goes.

The deets matter, tho. Rittenhouse was being pursued and that’s not the case here. Hypocrisy always cuts both ways. Anyway, I totally understand what your view is of this particular shooting. Thanks.
That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.

Actually, according to conservatives, we would need a “maybe” option because we don’t know what kind of person this was.

My understanding is that if you are reaching for an unknown weapon, slowly, you need to be shot 7 times because you’re a bad person. If you are approached by a 17 year old Trump supporter white nationalist with a weapon, you may deserve to be murdered.

Your poll is forcing an impossible choice on us and asking us to make a determination when we dont’ have all the facts yet.

I’m gonna add in my own answer and go with “Possibly.”
Bait rejected. Typical of OP.
Actually, according to conservatives, we would need a “maybe” option because we don’t know what kind of person this was.

My understanding is that if you are reaching for an unknown weapon, slowly, you need to be shot 7 times because you’re a bad person. If you are approached by a 17 year old Trump supporter white nationalist with a weapon, you may deserve to be murdered.

Your poll is forcing an impossible choice on us and asking us to make a determination when we dont’ have all the facts yet.

I’m gonna add in my own answer and go with “Possibly.”

Bait rejected. Typical of OP.

Too tough of a call, huh? Wrong color, wrong beliefs. I see your problem. Go now and preach about the importance of decency.
Too tough of a call, huh? Wrong color, wrong beliefs. I see your problem.

No idea about their color nor beliefs.

Could be a white sack of **** racist who had it coming. Could be a saintly Black person offering up a flower to someone.

Not enough info as of yet.

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That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.

Of course his life mattered.

People are so casual about death when it's way the hell over there, and not right in front of them.
That’s the Trump supporter killed in Portland. It’ll be a simple yes or no poll.

Will we have a similar opportunity to opine when Rush dies?
Actually, according to conservatives, we would need a “maybe” option because we don’t know what kind of person this was.

Yeah, I automatically downgrade my opinion of people who look for something wrong with the victim, as if it somehow absolves the murderer of their crime.

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