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David Hogg accepted to Harvard (1 Viewer)


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Mar 31, 2013
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Remember the eloquent survivor of that Florida school mass shooting?

(I know.. it’s been a year ago and we have had so many mass shootings it’s hard to keep track)

His name is David Hogg, and he’s just indicated he will be attending Harvard next year.


This is the kid Laura Ingraham mocked for getting rejected to a few colleges in California that he applied to, because her love of school shooting freedoms temporarily blinded her from normal adult decorum.

I’m guessing he got into Yale, too, but he’s not that much of an ass to accept, and he will enter Harvard under the hat of a political science major.

His SAT and GPA were certainly not of the caliber to get him consideration via the usual channels. Usually to get accepted at an Ivy with scores like that, you need to be a legacy or like Jared Kushner, you need a criminal parent to donate lots of money.

Link to a more official news source:

Parkland survivor David Hogg going to Harvard after mocked by Fox host
Remember the eloquent survivor of that Florida school mass shooting?

(I know.. it’s been a year ago and we have had so many mass shootings it’s hard to keep track)

His name is David Hogg, and he’s just indicated he will be attending Harvard next year.


This is the kid Laura Ingraham mocked for getting rejected to a few colleges in California that he applied to, because her love of school shooting freedoms temporarily blinded her from normal adult decorum.

I’m guessing he got into Yale, too, but he’s not that much of an ass to accept, and he will enter Harvard under the hat of a political science major.

His SAT and GPA were certainly not of the caliber to get him consideration via the usual channels. Usually to get accepted at an Ivy with scores like that, you need to be a legacy or like Jared Kushner, you need a criminal parent to donate lots of money.

Link to a more official news source:

Parkland survivor David Hogg going to Harvard after mocked by Fox host

I see what you did there................
Getting into Ivy is a good use of one's 15 minutes. I hope he makes something of it.
Remember the eloquent survivor of that Florida school mass shooting?

(I know.. it’s been a year ago and we have had so many mass shootings it’s hard to keep track)

His name is David Hogg, and he’s just indicated he will be attending Harvard next year.


This is the kid Laura Ingraham mocked for getting rejected to a few colleges in California that he applied to, because her love of school shooting freedoms temporarily blinded her from normal adult decorum.

I’m guessing he got into Yale, too, but he’s not that much of an ass to accept, and he will enter Harvard under the hat of a political science major.

His SAT and GPA were certainly not of the caliber to get him consideration via the usual channels. Usually to get accepted at an Ivy with scores like that, you need to be a legacy or like Jared Kushner, you need a criminal parent to donate lots of money.

Link to a more official news source:

Parkland survivor David Hogg going to Harvard after mocked by Fox host

He's an upstanding young man. I wish him all the best. Ingraham is a piece of ****.
Getting into Ivy is a good use of one's 15 minutes. I hope he makes something of it.

It's been about so much more than 15 minutes when it comes to some of the Parkland survivors. Soooo much more.
It's been about so much more than 15 minutes when it comes to some of the Parkland survivors. Soooo much more.

I hope he's grown and not just basked. I didn't get into the aftermath.
I hope he's grown and not just basked. I didn't get into the aftermath.

We sometimes need to experience bad things to find something passionate to believe in. They are part--if not leaders--of the new generation.
We sometimes need to experience bad things to find something passionate to believe in. They are part--if not leaders--of the new generation.

I'm not sure passion and talking points is enough. We'll see.
David Hogg Says He's Accepted To Harvard


In mid-December, Harvard’s early-entry candidates began logging on to the application status portal to learn whether they’d been accepted to one of the world’s most prestigious universities. But for one particularly famous member of the class of 2023, entry into Harvard brought a bit more than congratulations.

For David Hogg, it was the last laugh.

“Thank you all for the well wishes,” Hogg tweeted Saturday morning. “I’ll be attending Harvard in the fall with a planned major in Political Science.”

Hogg and Harvard didn’t immediately return messages Saturday.

Surprising, if true.
Re: David Hogg Says He's Accepted To Harvard

Sorry, I did not see this topic already started.
More power to him. I don't think his chances of matriculating are very good, but IF he attends, I hope he focuses on his course work.

I can't find anything confirming this news, fyi.
I'm not sure passion and talking points is enough. We'll see.

Helping to create a organization with millions of supporters and helping to get laws passed across the nation is more leadership than most people accomplish in their entire lives
Helping to create a organization with millions of supporters and helping to get laws passed across the nation is more leadership than most people accomplish in their entire lives

As Obama would say, "He didn't do that". Deep pockets did, and Hogg is a mere puppet. A "useful idiot".
More power to him. I don't think his chances of matriculating are very good, but IF he attends, I hope he focuses on his course work.

I can't find anything confirming this news, fyi.

Good for him no matter how he got into Harvard. I wish him much success.

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More power to him. I don't think his chances of matriculating are very good, but IF he attends, I hope he focuses on his course work.

I can't find anything confirming this news, fyi.


You think the curriculum is too hard for him?

Harvard is competitive to get into, but if you’re in, you’ll graduate if you put in normal effort.
Remember the eloquent survivor of that Florida school mass shooting?

(I know.. it’s been a year ago and we have had so many mass shootings it’s hard to keep track)

His name is David Hogg, and he’s just indicated he will be attending Harvard next year.


This is the kid Laura Ingraham mocked for getting rejected to a few colleges in California that he applied to, because her love of school shooting freedoms temporarily blinded her from normal adult decorum.

I’m guessing he got into Yale, too, but he’s not that much of an ass to accept, and he will enter Harvard under the hat of a political science major.

His SAT and GPA were certainly not of the caliber to get him consideration via the usual channels. Usually to get accepted at an Ivy with scores like that, you need to be a legacy or like Jared Kushner, you need a criminal parent to donate lots of money.

Link to a more official news source:

Parkland survivor David Hogg going to Harvard after mocked by Fox host

I don't see the big deal. Harvard is prone to include up and comers who make news, as long as they aren't Asian or conservative. I will be interesting to see if he graduates. He's anti-gun so that is a boost.

I'm glad the "closet Fox watchers" here watch Ingraham enough to hate her.
And why was he accepted into Harvard? Because of politics and his attacks and hate of the NRA!
But that's OK we all understand what is going on here. :peace

Enter David Hogg, the 18-year-old Parkland, Fla., shooting survivor who has become a fixture in the mainstream media for his willingness to attack the National Rifle Association, politicians who support the Second Amendment, and responsible gun owners across America. He recently took time out of his crusade for gun control to highlight the fact that he got rejected from four University of California schools, including UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, and UC Irvine.

"It's been kind of annoying having to deal with that and everything else that's been going on but at this point, you know, we're changing the world,” Hogg said. "I am not surprised at all in all honesty.”

Following this revelation, Hogg was venerated by CNN host Alisyn Camerota as she breathlessly asked him, “What kind of dumbass colleges don’t want you?”

Re: David Hogg Says He's Accepted To Harvard

Moderator's Warning:
Threads Merged.

You think the curriculum is too hard for him?

Harvard is competitive to get into, but if you’re in, you’ll graduate if you put in normal effort.
With honors, lol.

You think the curriculum is too hard for him?

Harvard is competitive to get into, but if you’re in, you’ll graduate if you put in normal effort.

I think college is hard, yes. Harvard or not, and I would expect Harvard to challenge students instead of setting the bar so low.
We sometimes need to experience bad things to find something passionate to believe in. They are part--if not leaders--of the new generation.
God help you all. I left and went to a more stable country.
Anyone else think that this was only done to spite Laura Ingraham? Like, this guy, with low SAT scores, beats out countless more qualified candidates because a fox news personality criticized him.
Remember the eloquent survivor of that Florida school mass shooting?

(I know.. it’s been a year ago and we have had so many mass shootings it’s hard to keep track)

His name is David Hogg, and he’s just indicated he will be attending Harvard next year.


This is the kid Laura Ingraham mocked for getting rejected to a few colleges in California that he applied to, because her love of school shooting freedoms temporarily blinded her from normal adult decorum.

I’m guessing he got into Yale, too, but he’s not that much of an ass to accept, and he will enter Harvard under the hat of a political science major.

His SAT and GPA were certainly not of the caliber to get him consideration via the usual channels. Usually to get accepted at an Ivy with scores like that, you need to be a legacy or like Jared Kushner, you need a criminal parent to donate lots of money.

Link to a more official news source:

Parkland survivor David Hogg going to Harvard after mocked by Fox host

This is a PR move by Harvard.

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