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Cortez wants to turn United States into another Sweden (1 Viewer)

The happiest seem to me to be the Norwegians....Of course they get made fun by their neighbors...But they just laugh it off and count their Oil subsidies....

Yes Norway is good. Any country that does not have rampant income inequality is generally a happy country.
Sweden is over 90% white. Does Cortez want The United States to be 90%+ white?

She was referring to their political and, economic system not the racial makeup.
If you watch her interview on 60 Minutes it's not just Sweden but Norway Canada Etc similar to the political philosophy of Bernie Sanders.
It's been a while since an all out communist has been in Congress.

But we will never see the end of red baiting in the peanut gallery
Like most conservatives, you have a simplistic understanding of what socialism and capitalism are. Sweden and Venezuela are very different.

Sweden, like most countries, is a mixed economy. The U.S. is a mixed economy. Sweden has more social institutions than the U.S. overall so it's considered more "socialist" than the U.S. but far far less "socialist" than Venezuela. Economies don't neatly fall into two categories or even dozens of categories.

I hope you learned something. Educating confused conservatives is what we do here.

You think American Leftists want to privatize social security and issue school vouchers?
Socialization of private industries is communism. So far, Cortez has stated she wants a central planning committee, a centralized banking system, the socializtion of the transportation industrie and the energy industry, and she wants laws passed mandating that private homeowners transition to renewable energy usage.

Sounds pretty ****ing communist, to me.

Communism is totalitarianism, nowhere in her platform is totalitarianism recommended

Every serious democrat cringes whenever this ****ing ditz opens her mouth. Sadly...she has plenty of bubble headed sycophants that are stupid enough to support her.

If you replace her with Trump you would make perfect sense.

Cortez is amused that you have underestimated her. She is green yes she's naive and young yes but she will flower into something quite remarkable in time. I watched her on 60 Minutes and was impressed with her intellect and her responses to her detractors. I would say she's much more intelligent than you. In the coming years she will become a force to be reckoned with. She reminds me of a wirey fawn. She will find her footing in the months and years to come
What’s the difference between Swedish socialism and Soviet socialism?

You do know that the soviets had communism/extreme socialism and the Swedes have Social democracy? Those are 2 entirely different movements.

Social democrats are fully supportive of capitalism with protections for the most vulnerable. They do not support state takeovers of businesses or whole sectors of the economy.

Socialist/communists disagree with capitalism as they see this as a form of oppression of the worker and love to have no capitalism in their country and most sectors of the economy will by owned and lead by the state/"the people".

That is just one of the many differences between the 2 political movements.
You think American Leftists want to privatize social security and issue school vouchers?

No. You're the one claiming that Sweden is socialist. I hope you've learned something.

Almost all countries are mixed economies trying to find a balance between private and public. Once you accept this there is not need to argue about socialism anymore. There are very very few real socialists who want a government like Venezuela and Cuba.
Gallup World Poll ranks Sweden #5 in happiness. US is 18. We can and should do better.

From the Wikipedia link you provided

. The government has tried to avoid having agencies doing commercial activities, by separating out areas that compete with private companies into government-owned companies, for example within road construction. The reason is both to avoid unfair competition (because it could mean using tax money to beat private companies), and a wish to have market economy instead of plan economy as much as possible.

if you're really take a close look at Sweden it's not a totalitarian regime which is what communism is.

But of course the red baiters can't see the difference and they will continue to Red bait as long is there are countries like Sweden to conflate with Communism

This is why most red baiting conservatives/libertarians/Republicans etc are stupid
Communism is totalitarianism, nowhere in her platform is totalitarianism recommended

Just to clarify Communism is not totalitarianism. Communism is a stateless, classless, and moneyless society. There's no ruling class. It's a kind of utopian society.

The Soviets were frauds who claimed they were using totalitarianism to force society into communism.
Stossal????...is that curmudgeon still alive?.....He was always worth a laugh

I posted Stossel only to point out that even he doesn't believe that Sweden is "socialist." It's a mixed economy. Nothing scary about Cortez trying to turn the U.S. into Sweden.

But, I doubt there would be much support for privatizing social security as Sweden did.
Socialization of private industries is communism. So far, Cortez has stated she wants a central planning committee, a centralized banking system, the socializtion of the transportation industrie and the energy industry, and she wants laws passed mandating that private homeowners transition to renewable energy usage.

Sounds pretty ****ing communist, to me.

You're still on the committee thing? You know you're the one who added the word "central," right?
Stossal????...is that curmudgeon still alive?.....He was always worth a laugh

I always get him and Geraldo Rivera mixed up. Both are these middle-aged white guys with a mustache spouting nonsense.
They are mostly irrelevant
Agree completely. Which makes it all that more curious why CNN continues to prop her up like she is relevant when in fact all she is doing is giving her an opportunity to show just how ridiculous she is. And frankly...there are several democrats that have been turned off by her childish and not ready for prime time antics. Democratic Rep. Lacy Clay, Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell, Sen Claire McCaskell...she rubs rhubarb.

The comical part is that it is always the same schtick. She does or says something stupid, people respond to her stupidity and then there is this notion that the masses are upset with her. The dance video...SOMEONE may have gave a damn about it...but its reported that REPUBLICANS are upset and she threw a hissy fit. Come on. The 'booing' at the Pelosi vote...1 person boo'd...could have been a joke...but its reported that REPUBLICANS boo'd her and she threw a hissy fit.
Agree completely. Which makes it all that more curious why CNN continues to prop her up like she is relevant when in fact all she is doing is giving her an opportunity to show just how ridiculous she is. And frankly...there are several democrats that have been turned off by her childish and not ready for prime time antics. Democratic Rep. Lacy Clay, Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell, Sen Claire McCaskell...she rubs rhubarb.

The comical part is that it is always the same schtick. She does or says something stupid, people respond to her stupidity and then there is this notion that the masses are upset with her. The dance video...SOMEONE may have gave a damn about it...but its reported that REPUBLICANS are upset and she threw a hissy fit. Come on. The 'booing' at the Pelosi vote...1 person boo'd...could have been a joke...but its reported that REPUBLICANS boo'd her and she threw a hissy fit.

What has she done that has been stupid?
Socialization of private industries is communism. So far, Cortez has stated she wants a central planning committee, a centralized banking system, the socializtion of the transportation industrie and the energy industry, and she wants laws passed mandating that private homeowners transition to renewable energy usage.

Sounds pretty ****ing communist, to me.

Socialization of private industries in not communism. You don't seem to understand what socialism or communism means.

Here is a very basic one minute explanation. I hope you try and learn more about these economic ideologies.

Spent time in Sweden this year...Most Swedes just laugh at present day America....In private of course, they are very polite people
I certainly hope so. I should think they would love their country. I know I do...even the leftist controlled ****holes that suffer under decades of democrat leadership.
Socialization of private industries in not communism. You don't seem to understand what socialism or communism means.

Here is a very basic one minute explanation. I hope you try and learn more about these economic ideologies.

There's only a dime's worth of difference. But, they're both equally ****ty.

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