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Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:39] (2 Viewers)

Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

When it's O's responsibility to clean up the mess made his brain-dead predecessor made, let us know.

Meanwhile, we're wondering when the red-state idiots who voted for his predecessor are gonna suit up, hop on a C-130, and start pitching in.

I'm all for it.....recruit me to pop a cap in the ass of a terrorist ....and I'd be happy to do it ....again. :lol:

btw...it is O's responsibility...and he has failed miserably!
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Sorry, the Iraqi govt. told the US to get out--remember Status of Forces Agreement ?

When it's O's responsibility to clean up the mess made his brain-dead predecessor made, let us know.

Meanwhile, we're wondering when the red-state idiots who voted for his predecessor are gonna suit up, hop on a C-130, and start pitching in.

Obama never had any intention of leaving troops behind. ...
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

reasonable people would want him alive for obvious reasons.

What reasons?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

reasonable people would want him alive for obvious reasons.

They really weren't trying very hard to take him alive.....I sure wouldn't be. Get Real .......you have no experience in this stuff. I tell all kinds of people that if they are a keyboard warrior, it really doesn't count.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

If Rahami had no involvement in the incident why doesn't he just turn himself in? He should help the police clear him as a person of interest. Heck, maybe he has the key to solving the crime. As some has stated he is a US citizen. Seems he should be willing to help law enforcement out.
That is one of the biggest problems we are facing, the unwillingness, in this instance, of the Muslim community, lack of cooperation. Yes they are quick to make proclamations and condemnations which is a good first step, but like all other criminals none of them operate in a vacuum. Simply put, some people know and or suspect but say nothing.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

“The suspect pulled out a gun and fired at the officer and striking him in the abdomen,” Sarnicki

-- eh, sorry, cop statements have zero credibility (given the no. of times in recent shooting incidents when their accounts were proven false by independent cell phone videos).

When there's independent cell video of the shooting, i. e. real evidence , let us know.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Don't know probably a lot these pressure cookers are under high pressure.
Is your kitchen a public place? Was the one found full of food?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Obama never had any intention of leaving troops behind. ...

Good for him. He was protecting our soldiers from prosecution and death in Iraq.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

That is one of the biggest problems we are facing, the unwillingness, in this instance, of the Muslim community, lack of cooperation. Yes they are quick to make proclamations and condemnations which is a good first step, but like all other criminals none of them operate in a vacuum. Simply put, some people know and or suspect but say nothing.

There is the big problem!

So many on here tell us not to blame all muslims, but most of them know what is going on in their communities ahead of time, and say nothing. To me............That makes them all guilty.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Obama never had any intention of leaving troops behind. ...

Of course not--when a sovereign regime tells foreign forces to get the f-- out, the appropriate thing is to do so :rolleyes:
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

That's RIGHTTTTT! :2razz:

It was not correct. Go with English.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

They really weren't trying very hard to take him alive.....I sure wouldn't be. Get Real .......you have no experience in this stuff. I tell all kinds of people that if they are a keyboard warrior, it really doesn't count.

People with small brains would try to shoot him dead for sure. Thankfully for the post part NYPD cops do not have very small brains.

edit wait what? Are you calling them incompetent?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

These guys aren't rocket scientists....just low life, low intelligence...bombers. Some on here seem to idolize them.

Who on here is idolizing them?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

-- eh, sorry, cop statements have zero credibility (given the no. of times in recent shooting incidents when their accounts were proven false by independent cell phone videos).

When there's independent cell video of the shooting, i. e. real evidence , let us know.

Sheeesh....what an apologist for.... and a proponent for .......aiding and abetting the enemy.

The cops have 100% credibility, unless proven otherwise. The wounded officer is good enough for me.

Let us know when you decide to back the authorities instead of glad handing terrorists!
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Good for him. He was protecting our soldiers from prosecution and death in Iraq.

Good for him, he facilitied ISIS spread through once liberated Iraqi cities so they could gain weapons, land and followers and eventually destabilize the ME.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Of course not--when a sovereign regime tells foreign forces to get the f-- out, the appropriate thing is to do so :rolleyes:

Iraqi Govt told us to GTFO ??
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

When it's O's responsibility to clean up the mess made his brain-dead predecessor made, let us know.
At any given time it is the responsibility of the sitting president to address any problems facing the nation, regardless when they were created or by whom.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

These Americans who want to kill other Americans in the name of Allah or some perverse reason are a real problem. Two bad neither of the idiots running at the tops of the major party tickets have any idea how to solve the problem.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Good for him, he facilitied ISIS spread through once liberated Iraqi cities so they could gain weapons, land and followers and eventually destabilize the ME.

People who destabilized the ME

GWB and his cabal
Corrupt and evil ME leaders
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

These Americans who want to kill other Americans in the name of Allah or some perverse reason are a real problem. Two bad neither of the idiots running at the tops of the major party tickets have any idea how to solve the problem.

Three of the four want to bring more of them into the country and make them citizens.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Iraqi Govt told us to GTFO ??

Yup they were signatories to a document that told us to GTHO. The Iranian govt was very clear on that point.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Pretty safe to say Obama will order the DOJ to go light on this guy.

Pretty safe to say he's a Marxist liar whose heart is more with Islamists than it is with the country whose interests he is sworn to defend.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Yeah, if only we could round them up and put them all in camps!
The U.S. has done something like that before. Internment of people who might aid those waging war against this country has never been out of the question.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

They could be work camps with really cool signs like "abandon all hope yr who enter" Could be a real boost to the economy!

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