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Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:39] (1 Viewer)

Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Great news that they apprehended the guy. Guess it was a fingerprint on the cellphone of the presser cooker bomb that didn't go off identified Rahami.

But as details come out about him a familiar story is told once again. Rahami had recently gone to Afghanistan and those who know him said when he came back he had changed.

The Boston bombers went to Afghanistan too and came back and got into the bomb making business.

The San Bernardino shooter went on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia found a radicalized wife and came back to the states and they had a bomb making setup in their garage even planning on using remote controlled toy cars to deliver them.

The Orlando shooter whose crazy father is from Afghanistan previously went on a trip to Saudi Arabia before he shot up a nightclub slaughtering many.

Same story different day.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Sorry, the Iraqi govt. told the US to get out--remember Status of Forces Agreement ?

When it's O's responsibility to clean up the mess made his brain-dead predecessor made, let us know.

Meanwhile, we're wondering when the red-state idiots who voted for his predecessor are gonna suit up, hop on a C-130, and start pitching in.


Obama made am improving situation worse. Much worse. Period.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

I have studied President Roosevelt's internment pretty thoroughly, and I believe it was entirely justified. It worked out just fine.

Really? So tell me, then, why didn't they intern any of the Japanese Americans in Hawaii?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Be careful! There are Obama apologists here who will attack you for remarks just like that one.

I've been attacked before. Here and elsewhere. It's the liberals 3rd line of defense.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

I've been attacked before. Here and elsewhere. It's the liberals 3rd line of defense.

Roger that! Sadly, it's all they've got.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Great news that they apprehended the guy. Guess it was a fingerprint on the cellphone of the presser cooker bomb that didn't go off identified Rahami.

But as details come out about him a familiar story is told once again. Rahami had recently gone to Afghanistan and those who know him said when he came back he had changed.

The Boston bombers went to Afghanistan too and came back and got into the bomb making business.

The San Bernardino shooter went on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia found a radicalized wife and came back to the states and they had a bomb making setup in their garage even planning on using remote controlled toy cars to deliver them.

The Orlando shooter whose crazy father is from Afghanistan previously went on a trip to Saudi Arabia before he shot up a nightclub slaughtering many.

Same story different day.

not true
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

OK, let me put it this way, in that case: "Incarceration was applied unequally due to differing population concentrations and, more importantly, state and regional politics: more than 110,000 Japanese Americans, nearly all who lived on the West Coast, were forced into interior camps, but in Hawaii, where the 150,000-plus Japanese Americans comprised over one-third of the population, 1,200 to 1,800 were interned"


Why were hardly any of them interned in camps?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

OK, let me put it this way, in that case: "Incarceration was applied unequally due to differing population concentrations and, more importantly, state and regional politics: more than 110,000 Japanese Americans, nearly all who lived on the West Coast, were forced into interior camps, but in Hawaii, where the 150,000-plus Japanese Americans comprised over one-third of the population, 1,200 to 1,800 were interned"


Why were hardly any of them interned in camps?

You were wrong. Admit it.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

The police are searching for a 28-year-old man, described as a naturalized citizen of Afghan descent, Ahmad Khan Rahami, in connection with the bombing in Manhattan on Saturday night, sending an unprecedented cellphone alert to millions of residents.


I don’t have all the answers or maybe non at all but Its clear to me that Islam as a religion is at the root of way to much death and terrorism across this planet. It’s clear to me Islam never moved out or the 17th century, Theocracy with Sharia law and other obscure writings and calls for action are ripe for the fanatical. In fact, this left over dusty ancient thinking is all to prevalent even with modern moderate Muslims in my opinion, and studies show this to be true.

Personally, I don’t think there is a solution, the Sunnis and Shi’as have been slaughtering each other for thousands of years. Our modern western democracies and republics will never intertwine with the Islamic Theocracy model. This frustration for some brings them to radicalism and for the few unbalanced they take action and gain the illiterate and naive following. These unbalanced few absolutely have a core belief and are acting for Islam regardless of how they twist it or ignore that it is 2016.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Actually that happened the day the US illegally and ill advisedly displaced Sadam and disbanded the army.

No, ISIS didn't exist until the US withdrew. And Bush invaded under the authority of UN resolutions and two votes of Congress authorizing military action. Hillary Clinton was one of the Democrats who voted in favor of that.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

You are correct I got my stans mixed up. It was Dagestan where Tsarnaev made a trip in 2012 and was known to frequent a radical Mosque in the capital. Makhachkala.

Less than a year later he was back in Boston making presser cooker bombs.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

No, ISIS didn't exist until the US withdrew. And Bush invaded under the authority of UN resolutions and two votes of Congress authorizing military action. Hillary Clinton was one of the Democrats who voted in favor of that.

sure they did - they just called themselves something else - Sunni deplorables who had just been booted from power by the US and were now being brutalized by a pro Iranian govt. in payback for there years of being brutalized.

History. Read up on it....
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

No, ISIS didn't exist until the US withdrew. And Bush invaded under the authority of UN resolutions and two votes of Congress authorizing military action. Hillary Clinton was one of the Democrats who voted in favor of that.

To her credit she apologized.

GWB on the other hand cant leave the country for fear of arrest
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

why do you hate the NYPD???


I hate no one, least of all the NYPD...nor have I ever stated anything remotely close to that silly statement. Grow up and stop making asinine, nonsensical statements !

Be careful! There are Obama apologists here who will attack you for remarks just like that one.

Yes there are......way too many for my liking!
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

sure they did - they just called themselves something else - Sunni deplorables who had just been booted from power by the US and were now being brutalized by a pro Iranian govt. in payback for there years of being brutalized.

History. Read up on it....


So using your logic, every group, from Nazi's to Stalinist's existed before, they just called themselves something else.

So before Hitler, the Germans were Nazi's, they just called themselves something else.

Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

I don’t have all the answers or maybe non at all but Its clear to me that Islam as a religion is at the root of way to much death and terrorism across this planet. It’s clear to me Islam never moved out or the 17th century, Theocracy with Sharia law and other obscure writings and calls for action are ripe for the fanatical. In fact, this left over dusty ancient thinking is all to prevalent even with modern moderate Muslims in my opinion, and studies show this to be true.

Personally, I don’t think there is a solution, the Sunnis and Shi’as have been slaughtering each other for thousands of years. Our modern western democracies and republics will never intertwine with the Islamic Theocracy model. This frustration for some brings them to radicalism and for the few unbalanced they take action and gain the illiterate and naive following. These unbalanced few absolutely have a core belief and are acting for Islam regardless of how they twist it or ignore that it is 2016.

Well stated! :thumbs::thumbs:

No, ISIS didn't exist until the US withdrew. And Bush invaded under the authority of UN resolutions and two votes of Congress authorizing military action. Hillary Clinton was one of the Democrats who voted in favor of that.


reasonable people

You know some?

You are correct I got my stans mixed up. It was Dagestan where Tsarnaev made a trip in 2012 and was known to frequent a radical Mosque in the capital. Makhachkala.

Less than a year later he was back in Boston making presser cooker bombs.


To her credit she apologized.

Only because she is campaigning...otherwise, she could give a rip!

GWB on the other hand cant leave the country for fear of arrest

So you say.............which in reality has no weight.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom


So using your logic, every group, from Nazi's to Stalinist's existed before, they just called themselves something else.

So before Hitler, the Germans were Nazi's, they just called themselves something else.


:lol: It's so great when you can expose a fool ....
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

So you can't answer a simple question. Got it. Thanks.

And you can't ever respond with any degree of civility and rarely post anything of substance...it's just throw dem rotten eggs.....?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom


So using your logic, every group, from Nazi's to Stalinist's existed before, they just called themselves something else.

So before Hitler, the Germans were Nazi's, they just called themselves something else.


Most german's weren't Nazi's. They were fooled into voting for National Socialsts (similar to trump supporters) who decided to call them selves Nazi's (for short)

History read it. It's brilliant.
Last edited:
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Yes, the dumbya admin was a total fail.

Obama made am improving situation worse. Much worse.

There apparently is a place on Earth where invading a stable regime in 2003, wrecking its govt. and turning it into a jihadist free-for-all counts as an "improving situation."

It's called anus-land *.

(* - rated top 10 Neocon tourist getaway, 2001 - 2016)
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Yes, the dumbya admin was a total fail.

There apparently is a place on Earth where invading a stable regime in 2003, wrecking its govt. and turning it into a jihadist free-for-all counts as an "improving situation."

It's called anus-land *.

(* - rated top 10 Neocon tourist getaway, 2001 - 2016)

What utter crapola!

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