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Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:39] (1 Viewer)

Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

And since we are pointing out facts: Born in Afghanistan

And? Does being born Afghanistan make you a terrorist or something? I guess brown people are only good if they come from Mexico huh?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

And? Does being born Afghanistan make you a terrorist or something? I guess brown people are only good if they come from Mexico huh?

Haha! Your stupid gambit fell apart at one challenge. You were trying to make a stupid point about him being an American citizen as a poorly veiled political comment about the immigration debate, ignoring that regardless of his citizenship he was still an immigrant from a country with a history of harboring terrorists.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

How is stating the fact he was a U.S. citizen giving him credit?

So you weren't making a point, you were stating that the sky is blue. Awesome post, carry on.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Haha! Your stupid gambit fell apart at one challenge. You were trying to make a stupid point about him being an American citizen as a poorly veiled political comment about the immigration debate, ignoring that regardless of his citizenship he was still an immigrant from a country with a history of harboring terrorists.

I ignored nothing and I pointed out the facts. The xenophobic right likes to talk about how they are going to stop Muslims from entering which is the most idiotic thing I've heard of yet.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

So you weren't making a point, you were stating that the sky is blue. Awesome post, carry on.

Saying he is a U.S. citizen isn't giving him credit. Protest as loud as you want, it doesn't change that fact. Trump's idiotic immigration policy won't stop them. I am however confident that the xenophobe Trump will lose and the alt-right will slither back into the shadows where they belong and be mocked like the idiots they are.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Saying he is a U.S. citizen isn't giving him credit. Protest as loud as you want, it doesn't change that fact. Trump's idiotic immigration policy won't stop them. I am however confident that the xenophobe Trump will lose and the alt-right will slither back into the shadows where they belong and be mocked like the idiots they are.

And the Pro-corruption Democrats will be mocked for the next four years as gullible dolts.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

I ignored nothing and I pointed out the facts. The xenophobic right likes to talk about how they are going to stop Muslims from entering which is the most idiotic thing I've heard of yet.

Nope, it's funny that you pretend that you are a champion of the facts, but when I add another fact to yours you start shouting "xenophobia!"... seems you have a problem dealing with facts.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

And the Pro-corruption Democrats will be mocked for the next four years as gullible dolts.

Sure thing, just like you guys said in 2008 and 2012. Don't worry I'll be here to mock you all when Trump is sent packing and crying back to mommy because he lost to Hillary.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Nope, it's funny that you pretend that you are a champion of the facts, but when I add another fact to yours you start shouting "xenophobia!"... seems you have a problem dealing with facts.

Here's a hint, I didn't call Trump a xenophobe because of your comment. That is simply fact he is against brown people. Much like many on this board. Seems you are the one that has a problem dealing with facts when I insulted the alt-right's god Trump.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Here's a hint, I didn't call Trump a xenophobe because of your comment. That is simply fact he is against brown people. Much like many on this board. Seems you are the one that has a problem dealing with facts when I insulted the alt-right's god Trump.

You don't understand the meaning of the word "xenophobia", apparently. And no, he isn't "against brown people". Why can't you manage to actually oppose Trump on his proposed policies rather than dig deep into the leftist bulls*** bucket? It is your brand of inept opposition and baseless lies rather than sound policy challenges that fuels Trump's campaign. The more you do that the more people see Trump as the reasonable alternative to you and yours.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

You don't understand the meaning of the word "xenophobia", apparently. And no, he isn't "against brown people". Why can't you manage to actually oppose Trump on his proposed policies rather than dig deep into the leftist bulls*** bucket? It is your brand of inept opposition and baseless lies rather than sound policy challenges that fuels Trump's campaign.

Oh you mean like you guys do trying to link Hillary with Parkinson's disease, save your fake outrage for someone on the alt-right to buy that BS.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

I don't have a problem with "brown people" or people of any color. I do have a problem with people who enter this country illegally from Mexico (and Guatemala and El Salvador and elsewhere) and commit crimes against American citizens and who then either escape back over the border or who are caught and released.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Oh you mean like you guys do trying to link Hillary with Parkinson's disease, save your fake outrage for someone on the alt-right to buy that BS.

No outrage here, I found your brand of race baiting disinformation tired and repetitive decades ago. I've come full circle and am now trying to help you and those like you to be better opposition. You suck at it right now.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

No outrage here, I found your brand of race baiting disinformation tired and repetitive decades ago. I've come full circle and am now trying to help you and those like you to be better opposition. You suck at it right now.

Don't need or want your fake help, when you guys can stop making idiotic connections of Hillary and Parkinson's then maybe we can talk. Until then, have fun with the xenophobe Trump and don't get too sad when he loses.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

I don't have a problem with "brown people" or people of any color. I do have a problem with people who enter this country illegally from Mexico (and Guatemala and El Salvador and elsewhere) and commit crimes against American citizens and who then either escape back over the border or who are caught and released.

It's amazing that some people refuse to grasp this simple concept, isn't it?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Don't need or want your fake help, when you guys can stop making idiotic connections of Hillary and Parkinson's then maybe we can talk. Until then, have fun with the xenophobe Trump and don't get too sad when he loses.

You definitely need my actual help, but I understand that you are not prepared to accept it.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

There is the big problem!

So many on here tell us not to blame all muslims, but most of them know what is going on in their communities ahead of time, and say nothing. To me............That makes them all guilty.

This sort of thinking, blaming an entire group for the actions of another individual or individuals, assuming the worst about a person just because of their identity, is the very definition of bigotry Mickey.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

You definitely need my actual help, but I understand that you are not prepared to accept it.

Again, save it for the alt-right that might believe in the BS you are spouting. They're gonna need all your help when Trump is sent packing and crying back to mommy.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Again, save it for the alt-right that might believe in the BS you are spouting. They're gonna need all your help when Trump is sent packing and crying back to mommy.

I understand that your insistence on labels is a defense mechanism that allows you to disregard good advice using hapless fallacy. You'll figure it out someday.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

I understand that your insistence on labels is a defense mechanism that allows you to disregard good advice using hapless fallacy. You'll figure it out someday.

Whatever you say bub, more psyco babble but whatever floats your boat. Still nothing but BS you're spouting regardless.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Sure thing, just like you guys said in 2008 and 2012. Don't worry I'll be here to mock you all when Trump is sent packing and crying back to mommy because he lost to Hillary.

Terribly silly post, Romney never went crying. In fact he has more class than Hillary has shown in the last 30 years. Your post is a ****ing joke, and shows you don't know the first thing about how successful people handle failure.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Terribly silly post, Romney never went crying. In fact he has more class than Hillary has shown in the last 30 years. Your post is a ****ing joke, and shows you don't know the first thing about how successful people handle failure.

Trump isn't Romney and will cry like a whiny baby blaming everyone else besides himself.

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