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Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:39] (1 Viewer)

Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Most german's weren't Nazi's. They were fooled into voting for National Socialsts (similar to trump supporters) who decided to call them selves Nazi's (for short)

History read it. It's brilliant.


You're explanation doesn't follow the logic you laid out before.

Nice try, but your logic, and history, are struggling to coexist in the same place.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

To her credit she apologized.

GWB on the other hand cant leave the country for fear of arrest

In 2002 she said Sadaam Hussien was giving aode and comfort to Al Qaeda

Did she apologize for saying that ?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

In 2002 she said Sadaam Hussien was giving aode and comfort to Al Qaeda

Did she apologize for saying that ?

No why should she?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

No why should she?

So she apologized for voting to go to war but not for giving her reasons?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Yes, the dumbya admin was a total fail.

There apparently is a place on Earth where invading a stable regime in 2003, wrecking its govt. and turning it into a jihadist free-for-all counts as an "improving situation."

It's called anus-land *.

(* - rated top 10 Neocon tourist getaway, 2001 - 2016)

Obama didn't think Iraq was a jihadist free for all in 2011

He bragged about it being a " stable, sovereign and democratic " country

then he destabilized it
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Heard on the news they got the guy, but not before he shot two cops.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

There is the big problem!

So many on here tell us not to blame all muslims, but most of them know what is going on in their communities ahead of time, and say nothing. To me............That makes them all guilty.

Let's take that example and expand on it.

Say we're in a small town in.....Idaho.

Say there's a couple of dumbasses who live in this community who hate the government. Sovereign citizen types.

Now, some people obviously know that Billy, Ray, and Cooper hate the Feds.

And then one day word comes in that there was a bombing of a federal building, conducted by these individuals. The police hunt down the three dimwits and capture them.

Does that mean that everybody in that entire town is just as guilty?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Sorry, the Iraqi govt. told the US to get out--remember Status of Forces Agreement ?

That's a lame excuse. He could have impressed on the Iraqis the importance of remaining if he'd wished.

When it's O's responsibility to clean up the mess made his brain-dead predecessor made, let us know.

Alright, it's his responsibility. He's the President. And he's not supposed to make things worse.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Let's take that example and expand on it.

Say we're in a small town in.....Idaho.

Say there's a couple of dumbasses who live in this community who hate the government. Sovereign citizen types.

Now, some people obviously know that Billy, Ray, and Cooper hate the Feds.

And then one day word comes in that there was a bombing of a federal building, conducted by these individuals. The police hunt down the three dimwits and capture them.

Does that mean that everybody in that entire town is just as guilty?

Only if they knew about it. Many in the US mind their own business. Muslims, for obvious reasons, are a tight knit bunch, I'm sure most of them know what the score is on any given day.
See something, say something. As for Billy, Ray and Cooper....they are already on the Feds and local cops, radar

That's a lame excuse. He could have impressed on the Iraqis the importance of remaining if he'd wished.

Alright, it's his responsibility. He's the President. And he's not supposed to make things worse.

But he has and continues to do so. obama is the lamest of Presidents and even makes Jimmy Carter look good. and I never thought I'd be saying that.

Do you have a link please?

Really? It's all over the news, radio, TV, internet....are you wanting us to find something so obvious?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Ahmed Khan Ramani and not "John Smith". Hmmm makes me wonder of this has to do with Muslims...
It seems to be some religious thing for persons becoming part of a radical Islamic terrorist group, that they change their name to something with some kind of meaning in Arabic.

I wonder if this is the name he was born with, or if he changed it at some point.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Too bad they didn't shoot the POS dead anyway! They probably tried, but missed.

Why are you such an apologist for criminal swine?
Much better to have him alive, we can get more info that way.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Much better to have him alive, we can get more info that way.

True...BUT..............................When a POS is shooting at you, it's all about staying alive........and politics and intel.... takes second chair.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Much better to have him alive, we can get more info that way.

Most beat cops outside of major cities are not capable of thinking strategicly. Along with Paris and London perhaps the NYPD has the best police force in the world especially with the demise of stop and frisk.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

True...BUT..............................When a POS is shooting at you, it's all about staying alive........and politics and intel.... takes second chair.

Unless your orders are to capture him alive.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Unless your orders are to capture him alive.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Obviously......................................you have no clue what you are talking about. This ain't the movies and no one "intentionally" shoots to wound.

No commander expects a line officer to risk his life when under fire from a scumbag with a gun.

I think you have been watching way too much Law and Order.

There is so much liberal PC and phony bull**** in that show and others, it's laughable.
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Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Most beat cops outside of major cities are not capable of thinking strategicly. Along with Paris and London perhaps the NYPD has the best police force in the world especially with the demise of stop and frisk.

And you know this how .........and have this on what authority? You need to sign up as a comedian. :lamo

Paris and London? Give me a ****ing Break......I'm laughing so hard now, my sides hurt.

Seriously, Stand Up Comedy is an area you are missing out on..
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Love Trump, or hate him.

He had the best one liner today since the two have been head to head.

Hillary talks tougher about my supporters than jihadists!
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Obviously......................................you have no clue what you are talking about. This ain't the movies and no one "intentionally" shoots to wound.

No commander expects a line officer to risk his life when under fire from a scumbag with a gun.

I think you have been watching way too much Law and Order.

There is so much liberal PC and phony bull**** in that show and others, it's laughable.

Well if you have no choice but to kill them, then sure. That's why they say capture "Alive if possible".

And sorry, but I don't watch Law & Order.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Most small time cops don't even have a college degree. They are looking at career alternatives like military, security guard or mechanic. Firefighting is out those guys are typically very smart.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

Well if you have no choice but to kill them, then sure. That's why they say capture "Alive if possible".

And sorry, but I don't watch Law & Order.

Alive if possible....and that is a BIG "if", when faced with a terrorist.

Most small time cops don't even have a college degree. They are looking at career alternatives like military, security guard or mechanic. Firefighting is out those guys are typically very smart.

First off, you don't need a college degree to be a good, first rate cop. College degrees may be important for some jobs, but many self made men and women are very wealthy, and successful, w/o a degree. Most good police work is learned on the streets....not in a book.
For those who want to advance to the top, in the police ranks, college is often needed....but few want to do that.

Many small town cops these days, do have college degrees, and all cops, have to attend the same training academy for the same length of time. Most are 16 weeks of rigorous training.
I had my degree before applying for police work.

I've been a firearms instructor at the Oregon Academy for 35 years now. Even thou I'm retired from active police duties, I still get invited, since I was one of the original founding members of the academy's firearms training unit.

It seems to me that what you don't know, could fill a shopping mall.
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Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Only if they knew about it. Many in the US mind their own business. Muslims, for obvious reasons, are a tight knit bunch, I'm sure most of them know what the score is on any given day.
See something, say something. As for Billy, Ray and Cooper....they are already on the Feds and local cops, radar

But he has and continues to do so. obama is the lamest of Presidents and even makes Jimmy Carter look good. and I never thought I'd be saying that.

Really? It's all over the news, radio, TV, internet....are you wanting us to find something so obvious?

Ok, chill out. I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:

And you can't ever respond with any degree of civility and rarely post anything of substance...it's just throw dem rotten eggs.....?

You get the civility you deserve. But then, when someone is as emotional as so often are, that's not something I'd expect you to understand.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

That's great, so not only is he Muslim, he broke his oath as a US citizen. Your attempt to give him credit for being a citizen is a total fail. It only makes it worse.

How is stating the fact he was a U.S. citizen giving him credit?
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Do we need more like him coming in? No!

This isn't about wishing for time-travel, this is about not repeating the mistakes of the past.

Just pointing out the fact that asking people if they are Muslim isn't going to stop people from entering.

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