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Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan [W:39] (1 Viewer)

Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Just FYI as well, he is a US citizen.

That's great, so not only is he Muslim, he broke his oath as a US citizen. Your attempt to give him credit for being a citizen is a total fail. It only makes it worse.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Perhaps it is time to evaluate the problem from another angle.
What is the common denominator among all the attacks, Islam!
The people who attacked us were ether Islamic immigrants , or were converted to Islam.
People can split the hairs and say it is radicalized Islam, but at it's heart
Islam is not a only a religion, but a complete political ideology, that governs
practically every aspect of human interaction.
The acts are committed by people who place Sharia law above US law.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Thank god for New York's strong gun laws - can you imagine this person armed with an assault rifle and several hundred rounds of ammo.

No kidding. It's a good thing that criminals and terrorists are very particular about obeying gun laws, or that could have turned ugly.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Lol....... So he's a terrorist bomb maker who just so happens to follow gun control laws ?

:lol: "Police state that Kahn was easy to catch, because he refused to drive above the speed limit during the car chase, and was punctual about obeying all traffic signs."
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

May be, yet he is a US citizen. Trump's dumbass policy wouldn't have changed that.

Do we need more like him coming in? No!

This isn't about wishing for time-travel, this is about not repeating the mistakes of the past.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Hence why we don't ask those questions to begin with because it is silly. They break the law, we arrest them. You guys want to be the thought police.

I'm sorry - but the word "police" is painful to me, and thus violates my safe space. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Thank god for New York's strong gun laws - can you imagine this person armed with an assault rifle and several hundred rounds of ammo. Also thank god that he is a ****ty bomb maker/placer.

Strong gun laws will get people killed... Cops cannot protect everyone, and when seconds matter... Cops are often there in minutes.

Guns are also the best friend of women.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

The guy has been here for over 30 years. so please tell me how asking a person if they are Muslim is going to stop that? I can see it now:

Immigration: Are you Muslim?
Immigrant: No.
Immigration: Ok, welcome to the US.

How exactly are you going to stop that from happening?

I thought he was 28-years old. Well, we know that's the extent of Obama's vetting of Muslim immigrants and illegals...

If you can't get truth, if you can't figure out who these folks are... NO ENTRY... Sorry. Try Germany or Saudi Arabia.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Strong gun laws will get people killed... Cops cannot protect everyone, and when seconds matter... Cops are often there in minutes.

Guns are also the best friend of women.

If you want to get married I suggest you propose with a diamond rather than a Glock............
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Thank god for New York's strong gun laws - can you imagine this person armed with an assault rifle and several hundred rounds of ammo. Also thank god that he is a ****ty bomb maker/placer.

With an armed and trained populace, he would have gotten off one or two shots be fore being brought down. IMO, everyone in this country should be required to complete a firearms training course in order to graduate from High School and for certain positions maintain that training. With this and a policy of armed citizens being the norm, there would be no mass shootings, since no one with more than three connected neurons would ever consider attempting a mass shooting.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

30 Years? The first line in the second paragraph says,

Details. You're confusing liberals with obvious details.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

No kidding. It's a good thing that criminals and terrorists are very particular about obeying gun laws, or that could have turned ugly.

Yup could have been another Pulse night club situation
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Moderator's Warning:
This thread has ZERO to do with guns. Stop the trolling and get on topic
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Hence why we don't ask those questions to begin with because it is silly. They break the law, we arrest them. You guys want to be the thought police.

That policy works for citizens,but not for immigrants. Immigration should seen as a privilege, not a right. If you want to immigrate to this country, it should be up to YOU to prove that we should allow you in, not up to us to prove that you shouldn't be allowed in. I've also been a long time proponent of bonded immigration.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Thank god for New York's strong gun laws - can you imagine this person armed with an assault rifle and several hundred rounds of ammo. Also thank god that he is a ****ty bomb maker/placer.

And since when have criminals been halted by gun laws? Strong gun laws only increases the likelihood of becoming a target.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

With an armed and trained populace, he would have gotten off one or two shots be fore being brought down. IMO, everyone in this country should be required to complete a firearms training course in order to graduate from High School and for certain positions maintain that training. With this and a policy of armed citizens being the norm, there would be no mass shootings, since no one with more than three connected neurons would ever consider attempting a mass shooting.

No armed citizen has EVER stopped a mass shooter because they are either running away or sheltering in place.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

And since when have criminals been halted by gun laws? Strong gun laws only increases the likelihood of becoming a target.

Pulse night club victims beg to differ...................
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

:lol: "Police state that Kahn was easy to catch, because he refused to drive above the speed limit during the car chase, and was punctual about obeying all traffic signs."

Don't forget that everything he used to make the bomb was purchased legally.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

If you want to get married I suggest you propose with a diamond rather than a Glock............

That's funny!! My wife's nephew did almost EXACTLY that. he proposed to his wife with a new hunting rifle instead of an engagement ring. She's a much better shot than he is and when hunting season rolls around, she's the first one to tag her kill. Which makes it nice for them because then she can watch their three kids in camp, while waiting for her husband to fill his tag.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

With an armed and trained populace, he would have gotten off one or two shots be fore being brought down. IMO, everyone in this country should be required to complete a firearms training course in order to graduate from High School and for certain positions maintain that training. With this and a policy of armed citizens being the norm, there would be no mass shootings, since no one with more than three connected neurons would ever consider attempting a mass shooting.

Agreed. They have a system similar to this in Switzerland, combined with compulsory military service. High gun ownership combined with a highly trained populace = a low homicide rate! (0.5 in 2014, the lowest of any European country with a >1million population)
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

Lol....... So he's a terrorist bomb maker who just so happens to follow gun control laws ?

Indiscriminate killings in the name of Allah ? No problem but with a gun ? Thats where our Muslim terrorists friends draw the line.

I've said this before, but terrorists wanting to do maximum damage do not use guns. Too inefficient. For the price of half a box of bad ammo you can buy a handful of box cutters and take out 3000, or roll a gallon can of gasoline into a crowded night club and you get a few hundred.
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

If you want to get married I suggest you propose with a diamond rather than a Glock............
I think most weddings involving guns, the preferred choice is a shotgun.:mrgreen:
Re: Breaking News: Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bom

The guy has been here for over 30 years. so please tell me how asking a person if they are Muslim is going to stop that? I can see it now:

Immigration: Are you Muslim?
Immigrant: No.
Immigration: Ok, welcome to the US.

How exactly are you going to stop that from happening?

Of course there'll be screening. Trump wants to improve the screening you've got now. Just look how that terrorist bride managed to come in despite some red flags. The system is broken - it needs to get fixed.

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