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Asian boys beaten by BNP candidate Bob Bailey (1 Viewer)

1. I have never said a person does not have the right to defend themselves from attack.

2. I watched the video at least 3 times.

3. I have never said anything about it being 5 against 3.

4. I have only been speaking about the man punching and kicking a man when down. I have not made reference to what other people did as I did not see them.

Right, clearly you believe in activity which is criminal. That is such crap. Rationalising thugery.

I have never said the spitting was all right. I have simply said that it did not require a response of being punched and then kicked about the body as the person lay on the ground. You have made clear this is the sort of action you support and I have made clear that I do not.

He is sick. He needs to be convicted and possibly given psychological help. Now it might have been possibly to say it was just a reaction if he had just punched him, but the fact that he then went on to deliver serval kicks to the man lying on the ground shows that this man has done this kind of activity before. He is a thug and was caught on camera. That you applaud such activity concerns your own conscience.

and the only person I have been talking about is the thug who was beating up the guy. I have said, now three times, that once the man was being kicked on the ground it was impossible for me to make out what was happening. That is why I watched the video several times.

At the beginning the other BNP's made a half hearted gesture to stop him getting started but I certainly was unable to see what was going on after the man was getting the hell kicked out of him on the ground.

This is physical violence. You are becoming ridiculous.

No, I am afraid you are wrong. By law in self defence you can only use the amount of force needed for self protection. You are talking about vigilante revenge. The law does not allow that. You had better learn.

Ok your obviously way way off course. No point in debating the issue.
Right, it doesn't matter that the BNP are a white supremacist vote. It doesn't matter that on a recent tv program I saw newer members were denying the holocaust. It doesn't matter that they want voluntarily at first then forced 'repatriation' of all immigrants since 48. Right people who join the BNP are just concerned about Islamists. hmmmmmn.

Good grief, Alexa, you penchant for quoting articles from antisemitic hate sites is almost without parallel here. Jews have nothing to do with this discussion, anyway, so please dispense with the idiotic Red Herrings.

You could learn to read English while you are at it, because I never said BNP MEMBERS were concerned about Islamists, but that the BNP was exploiting the current situation in order to gain support. If you really have no clue as to how demagogues work, perhaps it is high time you learned. Every Time Ken Livingstone hobnobs with some Islamist, the more the BNP can exploit the situation to gain appeal. Every time some new policy is enacted to aid Islamists, the greater the appeal of the B.N.P. When an unelected Muslim MP throws a hissy fit in order to intimidate parliament into undermining free speech, the more people are going to be willing to listen to the B.N.P.

Get a clue, will you.
Ok your obviously way way off course. No point in debating the issue.

That has to be the most pathetic excuse to avoid admitting you have been beaten that I have seen.
Good grief, Alexa, you penchant for quoting articles from antisemitic hate sites is almost without parallel here. Jews have nothing to do with this discussion, anyway, so please dispense with the idiotic Red Herrings.

You could learn to read English while you are at it, because I never said BNP MEMBERS were concerned about Islamists, but that the BNP was exploiting the current situation in order to gain support. If you really have no clue as to how demagogues work, perhaps it is high time you learned. Every Time Ken Livingstone hobnobs with some Islamist, the more the BNP can exploit the situation to gain appeal. Every time some new policy is enacted to aid Islamists, the greater the appeal of the B.N.P. When an unelected Muslim MP throws a hissy fit in order to intimidate parliament into undermining free speech, the more people are going to be willing to listen to the B.N.P.

Get a clue, will you.

I am reporting you for liable.
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I'd hit someone who spat at me too, don't blame the candidate. BNP or not. It wasn't him that was the aggressor.

First words in the video.
"How many of you are robbers"? - or somesuch.
So that's why you support Islamism. Good to hear.

I am not some ex-soldier turned pacifist and have probably forgotten 'more than you,ve ever known' about Islamism. I support doing all we can to stop the Muslim community turning to radical interpretations of Islam. That requires understanding of the problems perceived, or otherwise, faced in the UK as a whole. And, here's the part you cannot grasp- keep the problem in 'context'. contextualization is very important when tackling such a problem. The best laid plans are useless if we isolate and marginalise the majority of non-radical Muslims....
You may want to venture outside that 'insular' box once in a while and may notice things are not so apocalyptic as your perception.

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I am not some ex-soldier turned pacifist and have probably forgotten 'more than you,ve ever known' about Islamism. I support doing all we can to stop the Muslim community turning to radical interpretations of Islam. That requires understanding of the problems perceived, or otherwise, faced in the UK as a whole. And, here's the part you cannot grasp- keep the problem in 'context'. contextualization is very important when tackling such a problem. The best laid plans are useless if we isolate and marginalise the majority of non-radical Muslims....
You may want to venture outside that 'insular' box once in a while and may notice things are not so apocalyptic as your perception.


Yet despite all this sputtering protest, when faced with statistics that show the very real degree of radicalization, you attempt to obfuscate by painting these statistics as if they were some sort of evidence of an "ism"

As far as "problems" are concerned, Britain's are obvious. Your dogmatism when it comes to multiculturalism has created a sacred cow, and you refuse to budge from preconceptions so overwhelming that they might as well be a new religion. With an immigrant community that sees its own culture as superior to yours and a host community that sees its own culture as so inferior that it must grovel before the immigrant community lest it be deemed "Islamophobic", no wonder your Muslim population is the most radical in Europe.
Yet despite all this sputtering protest, when faced with statistics that show the very real degree of radicalization, you attempt to obfuscate by painting these statistics as if they were some sort of evidence of an "ism"

As far as "problems" are concerned, Britain's are obvious. Your dogmatism when it comes to multiculturalism has created a sacred cow, and you refuse to budge from preconceptions so overwhelming that they might as well be a new religion. With an immigrant community that sees its own culture as superior to yours and a host community that sees its own culture as so inferior that it must grovel before the immigrant community lest it be deemed "Islamophobic", no wonder your Muslim population is the most radical in Europe.

Dogmatism? pot kettle springs to mind!

Unlike you i accept the extent, not exaggerate the extent, of the problem within the Muslim community. Once again the preconception should be placed firmly at your door, commenting on a country you obviously know little about. A pluralistic society accommodates the many communities living under its umbrella very much like a conglomerate.
In saying that i accept, as do most of the UK, we have problems. But these problems are with a small minority of 'one' community. So, it seems we simply differ ONLY on the extent of the problem with the compatibility of Islam within the UK?

Dogmatism? pot kettle springs to mind!

Unlike you i accept the extent, not exaggerate the extent, of the problem within the Muslim community. Once again the preconception should be placed firmly at your door, commenting on a country you obviously know little about. A pluralistic society accommodates the many communities living under its umbrella very much like a conglomerate.
In saying that i accept, as do most of the UK, we have problems. But these problems are with a small minority of 'one' community. So, it seems we simply differ ONLY on the extent of the problem with the compatibility of Islam within the UK?


Please stop lying.

When I listed the statistics, I was listing the extent.
Please stop lying.

When I listed the statistics, I was listing the extent.

Lying??? i take that as an invection.

Statistics you offered with NO link, those stats?

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Meh, punch someone in the face and you should expect the electorate to reject you as a serious political option... as they did.

Well that's up to the voters. I don't keep up with current UK politics. But sometimes people deserve a punch in the face. I ain't gonna fault a man for punching another in the face who deserved it.
First words in the video.
"How many of you are robbers"? - or somesuch.

I hear him ask "how many is there of us?"

Sort of saying "there's more of us than there are of you" - which he actually says before the spit happens.
I hear him ask "how many is there of us?"

Sort of saying "there's more of us than there are of you" - which he actually says before the spit happens.

At the beginning when the young men are coming up the road the BNP candidate appears to say 'How many of you is robbers' which he repeats when they get irritated and come up to him. He then tells them to be on their way and says something like 'there is more of us than you'.

Further before the guy spits, it looks like the BNP canditate does a little spit at the guy who spits friend. Not sure if it was a deliberate one, but given the circumstances could appear as that.
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That has to be the most pathetic excuse to avoid admitting you have been beaten that I have seen.

Seriously? I thought it was called maturity, then again i didn't expect you to be able to tell the difference since you can't even tell the difference between attacking somebody and defending yourself, right?
and you never, for even a second considered that the comment was not aimed at whether or not they were Asian, but rather, whether or not they were boys? :roll:

WTF? what comment am i supossed to be refering to here?
I dont think that is hilarious at all, I find it rather sad and extremely scary to be honest.

I would certainly not want these types of thuggish politicians to be in charge of any atomic bomb:shock:

"The comments of the French foreign minister are a spit in the face for the people of Britain..."
"The comments of the French foreign minister are a spit in the face for the people of Britain..."

What do you mean by that? Pray tell.

Just googled it. Im not sure what is it you are referring to, but it seems the French EUROPE minister, Pierre Lellouche said a few words about the UK's foreign policy in 2009. Big deal. I already got punched in the face as a teen in England for no particular reason. Let's call it even.
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Seriously? I thought it was called maturity, then again i didn't expect you to be able to tell the difference since you can't even tell the difference between attacking somebody and defending yourself, right?

Given that your interest seems just to be to bait, there is nothing more to say to you.
"The comments of the French foreign minister are a spit in the face for the people of Britain..."

Was this against the Conservatives? I am not offended by criticism of the conservatives. :)
At the beginning when the young men are coming up the road the BNP candidate appears to say 'How many of you is robbers' which he repeats when they get irritated and come up to him --

I have read elsewhere on the web that before the cameras start running, Bailey asks how many of the Asians are robbers but there is no conclusive proof.

He certainly is in mid verbal conflict when the cameras do start but he doesn't say "how many of you are robbers" at the start of the video.
I have read elsewhere on the web that before the cameras start running, Bailey asks how many of the Asians are robbers but there is no conclusive proof.

He certainly is in mid verbal conflict when the cameras do start but he doesn't say "how many of you are robbers" at the start of the video.

He does in the link that is given at the beginning of this thread. It may be his accent but he says 'How many is robbers'. Not very good English but that is it.
He does in the link that is given at the beginning of this thread. It may be his accent but he says 'How many is robbers'. Not very good English but that is it.

I listened again and I'm less sure than before - it's not clear and all I'm certain is both bunches are thugs.
What do you mean by that? Pray tell.

Just googled it. Im not sure what is it you are referring to, but it seems the French EUROPE minister, Pierre Lellouche said a few words about the UK's foreign policy in 2009. Big deal. I already got punched in the face as a teen in England for no particular reason. Let's call it even.

It was a bad joke, overreacting to a spit in the face, BNP with nuclear weapons......Nevermind

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