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Abbott is a ****ing Nazi (1 Viewer)

Right-wingers in Texas when people try to teach kids about race and sex in schools: PARENTS RIGHTS!!!

Right-wingers in Texas when parents try to stand by their trans kids: ROUND EM UP!!

Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to think this isn't about parental rights at all, but rather anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry.

For the record, 0.3% of U.S. adults identify as transgender. This is yet another manufactured battle in the culture war that DOES NOT AFFECT ANYONE other than the trans kids and their families themselves.
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Yea, because letting minors get irreversibly harmed through medical intervention is a terrible idea? What's the data say? Something like 95% of kids grow out of the gender dysphoria views?

Not anymore!
Yea, because letting minors get irreversibly harmed through medical intervention is a terrible idea? What's the data say? Something like 95% of kids grow out of the gender dysphoria views?

Not anymore!

"Major medical associations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, have supported the use of gender-affirming care for transgender children, although doctors generally recommend waiting until a child reaches puberty to begin medications such as puberty blockers or hormone treatments, The Post has reported."


Yet another example of Republikans bringing the power of the state between doctors and their patients.
"Major medical associations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, have supported the use of gender-affirming care for transgender children, although doctors generally recommend waiting until a child reaches puberty to begin medications such as puberty blockers or hormone treatments, The Post has reported."


Yet another example of Republikans bringing the power of the state between doctors and their patients.
Considering how homosexual identity was riddled out of the DSM for politically correct purposes and how transgenderism and homosexual identity are political allies, there's no good reason to believe medical professionals are unbiased experts on the issue.
The governors are trying to out extreme each other so they will have a leg up in the primary if the orange precious doesn't run.
Considering how homosexual identity was riddled out of the DSM for politically correct purposes and how transgenderism and homosexual identity are political allies, there's no good reason to believe medical professionals are unbiased experts on the issue.

Homosexuality was removed from the DSM because there was no science supporting its inclusion to begin with. Homosexuality was made a mental disorder due to bigotry, not science.
Homosexuality was removed from the DSM because there was no science supporting its inclusion to begin with. Homosexuality was made a mental disorder due to bigotry, not science.
If that's your argument, then the DSM in general isn't scientific. It's just a bunch of opinions on what qualifies as a functional mental state.
If that's your argument, then the DSM in general isn't scientific. It's just a bunch of opinions on what qualifies as a functional mental state.

“Female hysteria” was once in the DSM too. It took actual scientists to force out the bigotry of previous generations.

But it’s good to know that if the Right has its way, gays will be locked up to be tortured again. Gives great reasons to never let the Right win anything.
So what you're saying is the DSM is only scientific if it agrees with your bigotry?
I'm saying the DSM should acknowledge how love is not love. Agape, eros, pragma, storge, ludus, philia, mania, and philautia are all different ways of loving people. Confusing those forms of love results in getting wires crossed among other forms of love.
I'm saying the DSM should acknowledge how love is not love. Agape, eros, pragma, storge, ludus, philia, mania, and philautia are all different ways of loving people. Confusing those forms of love results in getting wires crossed among other forms of love.

Which has exactly what to do with the fact the homosexuality is not a mental disorder?
I'm saying the DSM should acknowledge how love is not love. Agape, eros, pragma, storge, ludus, philia, mania, and philautia are all different ways of loving people. Confusing those forms of love results in getting wires crossed among other forms of love.

So you're saying, "yes, it must agree with your bigotry".

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