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Aaron Hernandez: Murderer (1 Viewer)

The Man

DP Veteran
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
York, Pennsylvania
Political Leaning
Looks like Aaron Hernandez, Tight End for the New England Patriots is under the microscope in a murder case right now. One thing we already know for certain: Even if he is 100% innocent and isn't even charged with anything, he will be called a murderer for the rest of his career and life by most people who dislike the Patriots. That is a guarantee.
Re: Aaron Hernandez: Murederer!

I thought only the British and loyalists disliked the Patriots?
Aaron Hernandez: Murederer!

I thought only the British and loyalists disliked the Patriots?

Actually I think the Brits love them. Those of them who watch/follow American football anyway. The rest wouldn't even know what I'm talking about.
Re: Aaron Hernandez: Murederer!

Actually I think the Brits love them. Those of them who watch/follow American football anyway.
Perhaps he's not actually a tight end, but a loose end. What if the murder was actually a hit gone awry?
Aaron Hernandez: Murederer!

Perhaps he's not actually a tight end, but a loose end. What if the murder was actually a hit gone awry?

Could be. The reports are that the dead guy was an "associate" of Hernandez. I'm not sure the meaning of associate in this case. Friend? Acquaintance? Drug supplier? Who knows?
Re: Aaron Hernandez: Murederer!

What's a murederer? And what's a Patriot? Apart from a brain-dead Mel Gibson movie.
Re: Aaron Hernandez: Murederer!

What's a murederer? And what's a Patriot? Apart from a brain-dead Mel Gibson movie.

You heathen must repent for not knowing the best NFL team evar!!!!1!!!111!
So the Patriots now have both The Holy One Tim Tebow and Aaron 'Murderin' Hernandez on their team at the same time. That has to be some kind of record, right?
Not looking good for the Pats! Time for Jake Ballard to step up!
So the Patriots now have both The Holy One Tim Tebow and Aaron 'Murderin' Hernandez on their team at the same time. That has to be some kind of record, right?

Told ya Belichick is a genious.

Bring in the Holy one to counteract the Murdering one!!:mrgreen:
Looks like Aaron Hernandez, Tight End for the New England Patriots is under the microscope in a murder case right now. One thing we already know for certain: Even if he is 100% innocent and isn't even charged with anything, he will be called a murderer for the rest of his career and life by most people who dislike the Patriots. That is a guarantee.


Wil lbe interesting to see how this plays out. I definitely got some nostalgic 90's vibes by the helicopters following after a white SUV.

Reports are that he handed over a his home survellience system and cell phone, but they were crushed up. Silly Hernandez, don't you know the potential evidence is supposed to magically disappear, never to be seen again. You don't break it and hand it to the police. Best bet for him...say the other two guys in the car must've did it and you were just there, but you couldn't tell what actually happened, and say you love jesus and then cry a whole bunch.
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I definitely got some nostalgic 90's vibes by the helicopters following after a white SUV.

Yeah that and the movie Goodfellas when Ray Liotta is being followed by a chopper while he's driving his car. It can't be good news when you're being followed by a freaking helicopter when you're driving your car! That's like 5 star wanted level in Grand Theft Auto video games.
Yeah that and the movie Goodfellas when Ray Liotta is being followed by a chopper while he's driving his car. It can't be good news when you're being followed by a freaking helicopter when you're driving your car! That's like 5 star wanted level in Grand Theft Auto video games.

Wonderful GTA reference.
As a big Patriots fan... I want to say innocent unitl proven guilty, but right now it looks like guilty until proven innocent.

I don't really know what to think, but he has had associations with gangs... it's too bad because he's done a lot of great charity work in the Boston area.
So gutted if he is guilty he was by far my fav pats player and we will struggle without him next year unless of course Ballard works out and our new WR's step up. What is it with these guys why can't they stay at home and count their millions whilst banging a super model?
The news said he went to Gillette Stadium to work out. Who goes to work out while they're being investigated for murder? And who smashes their security system and cell phone, and gets their McMansion professionally "scrubbed" if they're not guilty of something?

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