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2020 Presidential Election night discussion (1 Viewer)

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Officials are reporting that GA will likely not have the results from Atlanta in tonight due to a burst pipe (no ballots were harmed).

Not harmed, but ..... might be harmed. . .

It'd be a shame if anything happened to those ballots.
Last updated 7:44. with 77% of the expected vote in, Biden is head slightly (for Florida)

Joe Biden
Donald Trump*
I can't believe they believed Trump shtick about Biden being a socialist.
They seemed all-in. But stil, it's Biden's job tp be down there and due a GOTV. If he loses FL, which I believe is likely, it will be due to lack of GOTV.

I think he should have hammered FL, and end it right at the beiginning.
fox just called the race for Turtleman. Amy McGraff spent Seventy million dollars

If Graham can pull it off too that would be a huge blow to outside spending. I don’t get why people think Russia influencing the US is bad but are ok with Cali and NY influencing South Carolina
They seemed all-in. But stil, it's Biden's job tp be down there and due a GOTV. If he loses FL, which I believe is likely, it will be due to lack of GOTV.

I think he should have hammered FL, and end it right at the beiginning.

What's a GOTV?
@Daqueef if you're looking at changes from 2016, look at Delaware County, Ohio!
Take a drink every time FL changes leads.... shew
remember 2000: MSM called it for Gore while the panhandle was still voting. Depressed lots of Bush votes in the Central time zone. Eight more minutes of voting in that part of Florida
Mitch McConnell won so that’s good.

FNC shows Trump taking the lead in Ga, NC and SC.
Take a drink every time FL changes leads.... shew
That's just asking for a nasty bout of alcohol poisoning.
It's like taking a drink for every post AtlantisAdonis makes that includes the phrase "jim bobs".
Mitch McConnell won so that’s good.
It was pretty decisive. Its hard to vote against losing a guy that several have called the most effective floor leader in decades. His success with Justice Barrett helped him to
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