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Your favorite commercial?? (1 Viewer)

Talking babies are cute:


ALsmost forgot about this one:

and this one:

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It's an older one, but I always found it funny...

I absolute adore this one!!! :lol:

I absolute adore this one!!! :lol:

Did you know that General Mills got slammed with bull**** complaints about this commercial on their Facebook page? They were deleting them as fast as they posted; but I checked it out and it sure was true. (I didn't play it -- this is the one with the bi-racial parents, yes?)
Did you know that General Mills got slammed with bull**** complaints about this commercial on their Facebook page? They were deleting them as fast as they posted; but I checked it out and it sure was true. (I didn't play it -- this is the one with the bi-racial parents, yes?)

Yes, the parents are bi-racial. I just heard about the uproar a couple of days ago, and I could not believe it. Every time I see this commercial I just grin. I mean, how cute is it when a little girl, worried about her daddy's heart, pours a box of Cheerios on his chest!!! Un-****ing-believable that there are so damned many racists left in this country to leap on something so sweet as a little girl's love for her daddy. Makes me sick. :(
Here are a couple of my favorites.

I get a Kick out of the Allstate Mayhem Commericals.
Snickers parody with Donkey and Elephant representing Bush v. Gore and Gore says "I invented pants."
Here is another Mayhem one.....I like. This guy is hilarious. :lol:

Trunk monkey!!!!!!!!! (After the first 14 seconds of intro)


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